All Dental Multiple Choice Questions

Topic 1: – Methods of examination of dental patients. Dental diseases: caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

The cause of dental caries is:

a) radiation damage to enamel

b) enamel demineralization

C) mechanical damage to enamel

d) temperature damage to enamel


Classification of dental caries by the depth of the lesion:

a) acute, chronic

b) fissure, neck, circular

C) enamel, dentin, cement

d) in the spot stage, superficial, medium, deep


When dental caries occurs short term pain from irritants:

a) from all named

b) temperature

C) mechanical

d) chemical


The most common way of infection of the pulp:

a) through one of the apical openings in the presence of a periodontal pocket

b) by lymphatic vessels (lymphogenic infection)

C) arterioles (hematogenic infection)

d) along the dentine tubules from the carious cavity


Acute pulpitis is characterized by pain:

a) paroxysmal, spontaneous, nocturnal

b) constant aching

C) long-term constants

d) short-term from irritants


First aid for pulpitis consists of:

a) removing food residues, applying a tampon with painkillers

b) conducting infiltration anesthesia

C) removal of food residues from the carious cavity

d) rinsing with soda solution


The main cause of otitis media is:

a) impact of a sudden impact

b) allergic reaction

C) bad habits

d) infection coming from an inflamed pulp


The presence of a feeling of “grown tooth” is typical for:

a) acute periodontitis

b) periodontitis

C) acute pulpitis

d) chronic pulpitis

e) chronic periodontitis


The outflow of exudate in acute or exacerbation of chronic periodontitis is most favorable through:

a) the resulting fistula

b) periodontitis with the formation of a periodontal pocket

C) the system gaversovyh channels spread under the periosteum

d) root canal


If it is impossible to create an outflow of exudate from the periodontium through the root canal in the case of acute purulent periodontitis, it is shown:

a) prescribing massive doses of antibiotics

b) the removal of a tooth

C) periostotomy

d) physiotherapy procedures


Demineralization of enamel during the development of caries occurs as a result of:

a) actions of organic acids

b) chronic trauma to the tooth

C) actions of cold and hot food

d) actions of alkalis

e) actions of mineral acids


The conglomerate of microorganisms, polysaccharides, proteins and lipids fixed on the enamel surface is:

a) solid dental deposits

b) the cuticle of the tooth

C) tooth pellicle

d) food plaque

e) microbial plaque


Classification of dental caries by the depth of the lesion:

a) enamel, dentin, cement

b) in the spot stage, superficial, medium, deep

C) fissure, neck, circular.

d) acute, chronic


Chemical, thermal, and mechanical stimuli cause short-term pain in caries:

a) in the spot stage

b) average

c)in deep         

d) surface


First aid for dental caries:

a) dental preparation and filling

b) removal of food residues and a tampon with an anesthetic

C) prescription of analgesics

d) removing food residues and rinsing


To necrotize the pulp as a stage of treatment of pulpitis, a drug is used:

a) arsenic paste

b) camphor

C) iodine

d) camporota


First aid for pulpitis consists of:

a) removal of food residues from the carious cavity

b) removing food residues, applying a tampon with painkillers

C) conducting infiltration anesthesia

d) rinsing with soda solution


In the purulent stage of acute periodontal inflammation in the oral cavity, it is determined:

a) hyperemia, swelling of the gums in the area of the affected tooth

b) no changes

C) cyanotic gums

d) pale gums


If it is impossible to create an outflow of exudate from the periodontium through the root canal in the case of acute purulent periodontitis, it is shown:

a) periostotomy

b) prescribing massive doses of antibiotics

c) the removal of a tooth

d) physiotherapy procedures


Acute pulpitis may be:

a) focal

b) fibrous

C) hypertrophic

d) gangrenous

e) diffuse


The cause of dental caries is:

a) demineralization of enamel

b) radiation damage to enamel

C) temperature damage to enamel

d) mechanical damage to enamel


The tooth brush is removed from the tooth surface

a) smoker’s RAID

b) supragingival Tartar

C) soft plaque

d) pellicle


When using carbohydrates, the most significant factor that causes the creation of a caries-induced situation in the oral cavity is:

a) type of sugar taken

b) frequency of sugar intake

C) the amount of sugar taken

d) form of sugar intake


The prevalence of dental caries is expressed

a) as a percentage

b) in absolute units

C) in relative units


The following forms of caries are treated in several sessions:

a) deep caries

b) medium caries

b) in the stage of spot

d) superficial caries


The system of active dental care for the population aimed at identifying, treating and preventing complications of dental diseases is:

a) medical examination

b) prevention

c) rehabilitation of the oral cavity


Acute pulpitis is characterized by pain:

a) persistent aching

b) short-term from irritants

C) long-term constants

d) paroxysmal, spontaneous, nocturnal


The main cause of periodontitis is:

a) impact of a sudden impact

b) bad habits

C) infection

d) allergic reaction


The presence of a fistula is characteristic of exacerbation of chronic:

a) granulating periodontitis

b) fibrotic periodontitis

C) gangrenous pulpitis

d) granulomatous periodontitis


If it is impossible to create an outflow of exudate from the periodontium through the root canal in the case of acute purulent periodontitis, it is shown:

a) prescribing massive doses of antibiotics

b) periostotomy

c) the removal of a tooth

d) physiotherapy procedures


Topic 4 Inflammatory diseases of soft tissues and bones

The most typical clinical sign of periostitis is:

a) difficulty opening the mouth

b) facial asymmetry

C) hyperemia and edema of the transitional fold in the projection of the “causal” tooth

d) mobility of all teeth

e) bulging of sublingual rollers


On the day of treatment for periostitis of the jaws, it is necessary:

a) to enter intramuscular respiratory analeptics

b) prescribe physiotherapy treatment

C) open the purulent focus

d) start acupuncture

e) make a novocaine blockade


The cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws is:

a) fracture of the jaw

b) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

C) acute lymphadenitis

d) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis against the background of reduced reactivity of the body

e) acute mumps


The clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw is manifested:

a) in sharp pulsating pain in the tooth, headache, positive symptom load

b) chills, fever up to 40°C, Vincent’s symptom, tooth mobility

C) in pain in the teeth, malaise, fistulas on the skin

d) in the mobility of all teeth on the jaw


Surgical treatment for acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw.:

a) removal of the causal tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides, drainage

b) removal of the causal tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on one side, drainage

C) in a wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides

d) in removing the causal tooth

e) in periostotomy in the area of the causal tooth, drainage


Treatment of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw with formed sequestration.:

a) in the rehabilitation of the oral cavity

b) in sequestrectomy

C) antibiotic therapy, excision of the

d) in antibacterial therapy

e) in periostotomy in the area of the causal tooth


The most common cause of phlegmon and abscesses of the maxillofacial region is:

a) damage to the skin of the maxillofacial area

b) pustular disease of the skin

C) flu and other infectious diseases

d) introduction of infection on the needle when performing

e) odontogenic foci of infection


The most severe complication of phlegmon of the lower parts of the face is:

a) soft tissue hematoma

b) the mumps

C) sinus thrombosis of the brain

d) mediastinit

e) facial nerve paresis


The need to perform a tracheostomy due to respiratory disorders often occurs with phlegmon:

a) buccal area

b) podvodburstroy region

C) submandibular region

d) parotid-chewing area

e) the bottom of the mouth


For abscesses and phlegmon, the main therapeutic measure is:

a) treatment with sulfonamides

b) opening of a purulent focus

C) the removal of a tooth

d) treatment with antibiotics


The main reason for the development of the abscess is:

a) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

b) fracture of the lower jaw

C) bruising of the soft tissues of the face

d) tumors of the alveolar process

e) exacerbation of chronic sinusitis


The most frequent way of spreading inflammatory exudate from the periodontium to the periosteum:

a) along the nerve fibers

b) by blood vessels

C) gafarovym and folkmanis channels

d) by lymphatic vessels


On the day of treatment for periostitis of the jaws, it is necessary:

a) start acupuncture

b) make a novocaine blockade

C) prescribe physical therapy

d) enter intramuscularly respiratory analeptics

e) open the purulent focus


In the course of osteomyelitis is classified into:

a) subacute, chronic

b) acute, subacute, chronic

C) acute, chronic

d) limited, diffuse


The clinical picture of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw is as follows

a) chills, fever up to 40°C, Vincent’s symptom, tooth mobility

b) in sharp pulsating pain in the tooth, headache, positive symptom load

C) the mobility of all teeth in the jaw

d) in pain in the teeth, malaise, fistulas on the skin


Causal tooth with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis should:

a) to remove the pulp

b) replant

C) to disclose

d) seal

e) Extract


For the treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaw, drugs with an osteotropic effect are used:

a) erythromycin, oxacillin

b) kanamycin, Biseptol

c) lincomycin, sodium fusidine

d) penicillin, methyluracil

d) ampicillin, securin


Sequestrectomy for chronic osteomyelitis is indicated in the period:

a) formed of sequestration

b) after a course of antibacterial therapy

C) after a course of physical therapy

d) formation of sequestration


Abscess and cellulitis is an inflammation:

a) glands

b) fiber

c) in muscles

d) mucous membrane

e) bones


A typical clinical sign of submandibular phlegmon is

a) edema of the wing-jaw fold

b) trism

C) hyperemia of the skin in the lower lip area

d) swelling and hyperemia of the buccal areas

e) infiltration and hyperemia of tissues in the submandibular region


The most typical clinical sign of periostitis is:

a) bulging of sublingual rollers

b) facial asymmetry

C) hyperemia and edema of the transitional fold

d) mobility of all teeth

e) difficulty opening the mouth


A typical surgical approach in the treatment of periostitis consists of a section:

a) in the submandibular region along the edge of the lower jaw

b) mucosa and periosteum on the transition fold

C) podvodburstroy region in the midline

d) bordering the angle of the lower jaw

e) the mucosa of the wing-jaw fold


The cause of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws is:

a) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis against the background of reduced reactivity of the body

b) acute mumps

C) acute lymphadenitis

d) fracture of the jaw

e) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis


Local signs of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw are:

a) inflammatory infiltration without clear boundaries, positive symptom of load

b) mobility of all teeth on the jaw

C) inflammatory infiltrate with clear borders, a negative symptom of the load

d) Muff-like infiltrate without clear boundaries, Vincent’s symptom, tooth mobility


Surgical treatment for acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw.:

a) removal of the causal tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides, drainage

b) in removing the causal tooth

C) in periostotomy in the area of the causal tooth, drainage

d) in a wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides

e) removal of the causal tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on one side, drainage


In chronic osteomyelitis, sequesters are removed from the beginning of the disease through:

a) 1 week

b) 5-8 weeks

C) 3-4 weeks

d) 2-3 weeks


The most common cause of phlegmon and abscesses of the maxillofacial region is:

a) introduction of infection on the needle when performing local anesthesia

b) damage to the skin of the maxillofacial area

C) pustular diseases of the skin of the face

d) flu and other infectious diseases

e) odontogenic foci of infection


The development of phlegmon in the maxillofacial region leads to impaired function:

a) swallowing

b) breathing

C) violation of all specified functions is possible

d) speech

e) chewing


For abscesses and phlegmon, the main therapeutic measure is:

a) opening of a purulent focus

b) treatment with antibiotics

C) treatment with sulfonamides

d) the removal of a tooth


The most common reason for the development of periodontitis are: (choose the right answers)

a) bruising of the soft tissues of the face

b) pericoronitis

C) alveolitis

d) fracture of the lower jaw

e) exacerbation of chronic sinusitis

f) acute periodontitis


Topic 5 Traumatic injuries of soft tissues and bones of the face. Diagnostics, first aid to victims, transport immobilization for fractures. Fractures of the zygomatic bone and arch.

Surgical and conservative treatment of fractures of the upper and lower jaw, zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch. Complications. Care and nutrition of patients.


Therapeutic measures for dislocation asphyxia:

a) introduction of the air duct

b) the stretching and fixing of the language

C) removal of a foreign body

d) tracheotomy


Prevention of aspiration asphyxia in the wounded in the maxillofacial area on the battlefield.:

a) in the removal of a foreign body

b) in tracheotomy

C) in cleaning the oral cavity, giving the injured person a position that provides free breathing

d) in the introduction of the air duct

e) in restoring the anatomical position of the organ


Features of primary surgical treatment of maxillofacial wounds:

a) economical excision of tissues in the wound area, suturing, using primary plastic surgery, wound sheathing (suturing the mucous membrane to the skin)

b) antiseptic treatment, sutures and bandages

C) antiseptic treatment, excision of necrotically altered tissues, tight tampon-ing of the wound

d) stopping bleeding, antiseptic treatment, sutures and bandages

e) excision of necrotically altered tissues, removal of blood clots, drainage of the wound


The main symptom of a jaw fracture is:

a) nasal bleeding

b) ruptures of the mucous membrane of the alveolar processes

C) headache

d) pathological mobility of the jaw


An improvised bandage for fractures of the jaws for transport immobilization:

a) compression and distraction apparatus

b) circular parietal-chin bandage

C) Hippocratic cap

g) the apparatus Sbarge

e) circular frontal-occipital bandage


Orthopedic methods for final immobilization of mandibular fractures:

a) imposition of double-jawed tires with an inter-jawed rubber traction

b) the apparatus Sbarge

C) inter-maxillary ligature binding

d) the osteosynthesis


Operative methods of final immobilization of mandibular fractures:

a) imposition of double-jawed tires with an inter-jawed rubber traction

b) inter-jaw ligature binding

c) the apparatus Sbarge

d) osteosynthesis


Transportation of wounded with damage to the maxillofacial area is carried out.:

a) lying on your back with your head turned sideways

b) sitting

C) lying on your stomach

d) lying on your back


Temporary stop of bleeding in the maxillofacial area of the wounded.:

a) ligation of the vessel throughout

b) in the tight tamponade of the wound

C) finger pressure of the vessel

d) in applying a tourniquet


The immediate complication of an injury to the maxillofacial area is:

a) shock

b) pneumonia

C) bleeding

d) periodontitis of damaged teeth

d) asphyxia

e) facial nerve paresis




Asphyxia from foreign body blockage of the respiratory tube:

a) dislocation

b) valve

C) stenotic

d) aspiration

e) obturation


Facial injuries are different from wounds in other areas:

a) discrepancy between the appearance of the wound and the General condition of the injured person

b) the timing of epithelization of the wound

C) the course of the wound process

d) rapid development of complications


Secondary wounding projectiles are called:

a) zone of necrotic changes in bone tissue

b) explosive bullets

C) teeth, fragments of teeth and bones of the facial skeleton

g) an arrow-shaped elements

d) the fragments of the projectile


To prevent dislocation asphyxia, the tongue is stitched:

a) in the middle line

b) on the border of the front and middle third

C) in the front third

d) at the root


Features of primary surgical treatment of maxillofacial wounds:

a) antiseptic treatment, excision of necrotically altered tissues, tight plugging of the wound

b) excision of necrotically altered tissues, removal of blood clots, drainage of the wound

C) stopping bleeding, antiseptic treatment, sutures and bandages

d) economical excision of tissues in the wound area, suturing, using primary plastic surgery, wound sheathing (suturing the mucous membrane to the skin)

e) antiseptic treatment, sutures and bandages


The nature of the displacement of fragments in fractures of the lower jaw is decisive:

a) the force of the blow

b) the direction of traction of the muscles attached to the fragments of the jaw

C) the weight of the fragments due to their size


Transport immobilization of jaw fragments is performed:

a) a standard rigid chin sling with a supporting headband

b) tape notched tires

C) wire notched tires

d) notched tires and fast-hardening plastics


The main complaints with a broken jaw:

a) severe photophobia, pain, hearing loss

b) pain, dry mouth, bruising

C) malocclusion, pain, swelling, bruising


Orthopedic methods for final immobilization of mandibular fractures:

a) the apparatus Sbarge

b) the imposition of double-jawed tires with inter-jawed rubber traction

C) osteosynthesis

d) maxillary ligature tying


Temporary stop of bleeding in the maxillofacial area of the wounded.:

a) in the tight tamponade of the wound

b) ligation of the vessel throughout

C) in applying a tourniquet

d) finger pressure of the vessel


The symptom of glasses with fractures of the upper jaw occurs:

a) 2 days after the injury

b) a day after the injury

C) immediately after injury

d) in terms of more than 2 days after the injury


Asphyxia from violation of airway patency by displaced organs of the oral cavity (tongue) when they are damaged:

a) aspiration

b) valve

C) stenotic

d) dislocation

e) obturation


Prevention of aspiration asphyxia in the wounded in the maxillofacial area on the battlefield.:

a) in cleaning the oral cavity, giving the injured person a position that provides free breathing

b) in the removal of a foreign body

C) in tracheotomy

d) in the introduction of the air duct

e) in restoring the anatomical position of the organ


Facial injuries are different from wounds in other areas:

a) rapid development of complications

b) the timing of epithelization of the wound

C) the presence of secondary injuring projectiles in the wound

d) the course of the wound process


Sequence of stages of primary surgical treatment of maxillofacial wounds:

a) first, the soft tissue wound is treated

b) first, the bone wound is treated


Improvised bandages for fractures of jaw immobilization for transport:

a) compression and distraction apparatus

b) the apparatus Sbarge

C) Hippocratic cap

d) circular frontal-occipital bandage

e) sling-like bandage


Operative methods of final immobilization of mandibular fractures:

a) osteosynthesis

b) the imposition of double-jawed tires with inter-jawed rubber traction

C) inter-maxillary ligature binding

d) the apparatus Sbarge


A tooth located in the fracture line:

a) leave

b) fix with ligature wire

C) remove and replant

d) extracted


The most significant risk factors for the development of traumatic osteomyelitis of the jaws are:

a) injury with a poorly made prosthesis

b) the tooth or root of the tooth in the fracture line

C) acute lymphadenitis

d) unsatisfactory reposition and immobilization of fragments

e) age of the patient

e) the strength and direction of the damaging factor


The final stop of bleeding in the injured in the maxillofacial region is

a) in the dressing of the vessel throughout

b) in a tight tamponade

C) in dressing or stitching the vessel in the wound

d) in the finger pressure of the vessel


Topic 7 soft tissue Tumors of the face and mouth. Tumors of the jaws. Tumors of the salivary glands.


The main method of treatment of fibroids and papillomas of the oral and maxillofacial region is:

a) excision within healthy tissues

b) cauterization

C) chemotherapy

d) radiation therapy


The clinical picture of fibrous epulis is characterized by:

a) 2-3 erosions of gums, with no tendency to bleeding and epithelialization

b) restricted area of the keratinization of the gums

C) dense painless formation on a wide base

d) dense painful infiltration in the area of several teeth

e) loose painful bleeding gum formation


The clinical picture of ameloblastoma is characterized by:

a) dense painful infiltration in the area of several teeth

b) painful defect of the jaw bone tissue

c) 2-3 erosions of gums, with no tendency to bleeding and epithelialization

d) loose painful bleeding gum formation

e) painless deformity of the jaw in the form of swelling


The main method of treatment of small jaw cysts is:

a) partial resection of the jaw

b) cryodestruction

C) half resection of the jaw

d) cystectomy

e) sclerosis


For a cancerous ulcer on the lower lip and the oral mucosa, signs are characteristic:

a) the absence of pain, Velikobritanii crisp edges, grease the bottom with a yellowish scales

b) moderate soreness, inverted, raised edges, necrotic tissue at the bottom

C) sharp soreness, thinned edges, glassy granulations on the bottom

d) moderate pain, the edges are swollen, brightly hyperemic, at the bottom – purulent-fibrinous plaque


Early symptoms of malignant tumors of the jaws are:

a) tooth mobility, intermittent aching pain symptom Vincent, thickening of the jaw

b) hypersalivation, chills, Muff-like infiltration of the jaw

C) dry mouth, paroxysmal acute pain, difficulty swallowing


The main method of treatment for common cancer of the lower lip and oral mucosa is:

a) surgical

b) electrocoagulation of the tumor

C) radiation therapy

d) chemotherapy

e) combined method


One of the main surgical methods for treating jaw cancer is:

a) half resection of the jaw

b) electrocoagulation of the tumor

C) krail operation

d) Caldwell-Luke operation

d) the operation Billroth


Organ-specific tumors of the maxillofacial region include: (specify 2 correct answers)

a) osteoma

b) epulis

C) hemangioma

d) ameloblastoma

e) osteoblastoclastoma


The main etiological factors in the development of malignant tumors of the oral mucosa are: (specify 2 correct answers)

a) precancerous diseases

b) hypersalivation

C) prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane by mechanical, chemical, and temperature factors

d) partial agengy

e) massive dental deposits

f) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


The main clinical sign of cavernous hemangioma is:

a) the presence of phleboliths

b) pain during palpation of the neoplasm

C) the presence of erosions on the surface of the neoplasm without a tendency to bleeding

d) reduction in pressure and restoration of the previous volume of the tumor after the cessation of pressure

e) painful infiltration


Ameloblastoma belongs to the group:

a) inflammatory diseases

b) tumor-like formations

C) pre-cancers

d) malignant odontogenic tumors

f) benign odontogenic tumors


Papilloma is characterized by:

a) the presence of a seal; and the mucous membrane around its base

b) the rapid growth

C) lack of seal and mucous membrane around its base

d) pain


Causes of dermoid cyst:

a) injury

b) transferred inflammatory process in soft tissues

C) complication of chronic periodontitis

d) violation of the embryonic development of the maxillofacial region


Osteoma on the x-ray shows up:

a) a reduced fee area

b) an area of high density with clear contours

C) the site of osteoporosis

d) an area of high density without clear contours


Causes of follicular cysts:

a) violation of the development of the rudiment of the tooth

b) transferred osteomyelitis of the jaw

C) trauma to the jaw

d) complication of chronic periodontitis


The main method of treatment for common cancer of the lower lip and oral mucosa is:

a) surgical

b) radiation therapy

C) electrocoagulation of the tumor

d) chemotherapy

e) combined method


Select several correct answers:

Additional research methods used to clarify the diagnosis of “malignancy of the maxillofacial region” include: (specify 2 correct answers)

a) physical

b) biochemical

C) histological

d) angiographic

e) immunological

f) cytological


The main etiological factors in the development of malignant tumors of the oral mucosa are: (specify 2 correct answers)

a) prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane by mechanical, chemical, and temperature factors

b) hypersalivation

C) partial adentia

d) precancerous diseases

e) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

f) massive dental deposits


Organ-specific tumors of the maxillofacial region include: (specify 2 correct answers)

a) osteoma

b) epulis

C) angioma

d) ameloblastoma

f) osteoblastoclastoma


Fibroma is characterized by:

a) ulceration of the mucous membrane covering it

b) slow growth

C) pain

d) rapid growth


Clarifying the diagnosis of a dermoid cyst helps:

a) cytological examination of punctate

b) x-ray

C) electromyography

d) the study of blood


The method of treatment of cavernous hemangioma is:

a) radiation exposure

b) physiotherapy

C) electrocoagulation

d) cauterization

f) sclerosing therapy


The clinical picture of ameloblastoma is characterized by:

a) loose painful bleeding gum formation

b) painful defect of the jaw bone tissue

C) dense painful infiltration in the area of several teeth

d) painless deformation of the jaw in the form of swelling

f) 2-3 erosions of gums, with no tendency to bleeding and epithelialization


Causes of radicular cyst:

a) complication of chronic periodontitis

b) transferred osteomyelitis of the jaw

C) trauma to the jaw

d) violation of the development of the tooth Deposit


The lateral cyst of the neck is localized:

a) along the anterior edge of the trapezoid muscle

b) in podvodburstroy region

C) in the middle third of the neck, along the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

d) in the submandibular region

e) along the midline of the neck


The stage of malignant neoplasm is established on the basis of clinical signs:

a) the size of the tumor, the presence of nearby metastases

b) the size of the tumor, the presence of distant and nearby metastases

C) the size of the tumor

d) patient complaints

e) complaints of the patient, the size of the tumor


For a cancerous ulcer on the lower lip and the oral mucosa, signs are characteristic:

a) moderate soreness, inverted, raised edges, necrotic tissue at the bottom

b) the absence of pain, Velikobritanii crisp edges, grease the bottom with a yellowish scales

C) sharp soreness, thinned edges, glassy granulations on the bottom

d) severe pain, the edges are swollen, brightly hyperemic, at the bottom – purulent fibrinous plaque


Early symptoms of malignant tumors of the jaws are:

a) dry mouth, paroxysmal acute pain, difficulty swallowing

b) tooth mobility, intermittent aching pain symptom Vincent, thickening of the jaw

C) hypersalivation, chills, Muff-like infiltration of the jaw


In case of metastases of cancer of the maxillofacial region to regional lymph nodes, an operation is performed:

a) Vincent

b) Caldwell-Luca

C) redona

d) krila


The cause of tooth decay is:

a) radiation damage to the enamel

b) demineralization of enamel

c) mechanical damage to the enamel

d) temperature damage to the enamel


Classification of dental caries by depth of lesion:

a) acute, chronic

b) fissure, cervical, circular

c) enamel, dentin, cement

d) in the spot stage, superficial, medium, deep


With dental caries, short-term pain from irritants occurs:

a) from all named

b) temperature

c) mechanical

g) chemical


The most common pulp infection route:

a) through one of the apical holes in the presence of a periodontal pocket

b) in the lymphatic vessels (lymphogenous infection)

c) arterioles (hematogenous infection)

d) along the dentinal tubules from the carious cavity


Acute pulpitis is characterized by pain:

a) paroxysmal, spontaneous, night

b) constant aching

c) long standing

d) short-term from irritants


First aid for pulpitis consists of:

a) removing food debris, applying a tampon with painkillers

b) carrying out infiltration anesthesia

c) removal of food debris from the cavity

g) rinsing with soda solution


The main cause of the period of otitis is:

a) the impact of a sudden blow

b) an allergic reaction

c) bad habits

d) infection penetrating from inflamed pulp


The sensation of a “grown tooth” is characteristic of:

a) acute periodontitis

b) periodontitis

c) acute pulpitis

g) chronic pulpitis

e) chronic periodontitis


The outflow of exudate in acute or exacerbation of chronic periodontitis is most favorable through:

a) the resulting fistulous course

b) periodontal with the formation of periodontal pocket

c) the Haversian canal system with distribution under the periosteum

d) root canal


If it is impossible to create an outflow of exudate from periodontium through the root canal in case of acute purulent periodontitis, it is shown:

a) the appointment of massive doses of antibiotics

b) tooth extraction

c) periostotomy

d) physiotherapeutic procedures


Enamel demineralization during the development of caries occurs due to:

a) the action of organic acids

b) chronic tooth injury

c) the effects of cold and hot food

d) the action of alkalis

e) the action of mineral acids


A conglomerate of microorganisms, polysaccharides, proteins and lipids fixed on the enamel surface is:

a) hard dental deposits

b) tooth cuticle

c) tooth pellicle

g) food plaque

d) microbial plaque


Classification of dental caries by depth of lesion:

a) enamel, dentin, cement

b) in the spot stage, superficial, medium, deep

c) fissure, cervical, circular.

g) acute, chronic


Chemical, thermal, mechanical irritants cause short-term pain during caries:

a) in the spot stage

b) average

c) deep

g) surface


First aid for dental caries:

a) tooth preparation and filling

b) removal of food debris and an anesthetic swab

c) the appointment of analgesics

g) removing food debris and rinsing

For necrotization of the pulp as a stage of treatment of pulpitis use the drug:

a) arsenic paste

b) camphor

c) iodine

g) camphorophenol


First aid for pulpitis consists of:

a) removing food debris from the cavity

b) removing food debris, applying a tampon with painkillers

c) carrying out infiltration anesthesia

g) rinsing with soda solution


In the purulent stage of acute inflammation of the periodontal in the oral cavity is determined:

a) hyperemia, swelling of the gums in the affected tooth

b) lack of change

c) cyanotic gums

g) pallor of the gums


If it is impossible to create an outflow of exudate from periodontium through the root canal in case of acute purulent periodontitis, it is shown:

a) periostotomy

b) the appointment of massive doses of antibiotics

c) tooth extraction

d) physiotherapeutic procedures


Select some correct answers:

Acute pulpitis can be:

a) focal

b) fibrous

c) hypertrophic

g) gangrenous

e) diffuse

Option 3


The cause of tooth decay is:

a) demineralization of enamel

b) radiation damage to the enamel

c) temperature damage to enamel

d) mechanical damage to the enamel


The toothbrush is removed from the tooth surface

a) smoker’s raid

b) supragingival tartar

c) soft plaque

g) pellicle


When consuming carbohydrates, the most significant factor determining the creation of a cariogenic situation in the oral cavity is:

a) type of sugar taken

b) sugar intake frequency

c) the amount of sugar taken

g) form of sugar intake


The prevalence of dental caries is expressed

a) in percent

b) in absolute units

c) in relative units


Treatment in several sessions carry out the following forms of caries:

a) deep caries

b) secondary caries

c) in the spot stage

g) superficial caries


The system of active dental care for the population, aimed at identifying, treating and preventing complications of dental diseases is:

a) medical examination

b) prevention

c) oral sanitation


For acute pulpitis, pain is characteristic:

a) constant aching

b) short-term from irritants

c) long standing

d) paroxysmal, spontaneous, nightly


The main cause of periodontitis is:

a) the impact of a sudden blow

b) bad habits

c) infection

d) allergic reaction


The presence of fistulous passage is characteristic of exacerbation of chronic:

a) granulating periodontitis

b) fibrous periodontitis

c) gangrenous pulpitis

g) granulomatous periodontitis


If it is impossible to create an outflow of exudate from periodontium through the root canal in case of acute purulent periodontitis, it is shown:

a) the appointment of massive doses of antibiotics

b) periostotomy

c) tooth extraction

d) physiotherapeutic procedures


Theme 4 Inflammatory diseases of soft tissues and bones


The most typical clinical sign of periostitis is:

a) difficulty opening the mouth

b) facial asymmetry

c) hyperemia and edema of the transitional fold in the projection of the “causal” tooth

d) mobility of all teeth

e) swelling of the hyoid rollers


On the day of treatment for periostitis of the jaw, you must:

a) inject intramuscularly respiratory analeptics

b) prescribe physiotherapeutic treatment

c) open the purulent focus

d) start acupuncture

d) make novocaine blockade


The reason for the development of acute odontogenic jaw osteomyelitis is:

a) fracture of the jaw

b) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

c) acute lymphadenitis

g) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis amid a decrease in the reactivity of the body

e) acute mumps


The clinical picture of acute odontogenic jaw osteomyelitis is manifested:

a) in acute pulsating pains in the tooth, headache, positive symptom of the load

b) in chills, fever up to 40 ° C, Vincent’s symptom, tooth mobility

c) in pain in the teeth, malaise, fistulous passages on the skin

d) in the mobility of all; teeth on the jaw


Surgical treatment for acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw consists of:

a) in the removal of the causative tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides, drainage

b) in the removal of the causative tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on one side, drainage

c) in a wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides

g) in the removal of the causative tooth

e) in a periostotomy in the area of ​​the causative tooth, drainage


The treatment of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw with the formed sequestration is:

a) in the rehabilitation of the oral cavity

b) in sequestrectomy

c) in antibiotic therapy, excision

g) in antibiotic therapy

e) in a periostotomy in the area of ​​the causative tooth


The most common cause of phlegmon and abscesses in the maxillofacial region is:

a) damage to the skin of the maxillofacial region

b) pustular skin diseases

c) flu and other infectious diseases

g) the introduction of infection on the needle when performing

e) odontogenic foci of infection


The most serious complication of phlegmon of the lower parts of the face is:

a) soft tissue hematoma

b) mumps

c) thrombosis of the sinuses of the brain

g) mediastinitis

e) paresis of the facial nerve


The need to perform a tracheostomy due to respiratory failure often occurs with phlegmon:

a) buccal region

b) the submental area

c) the submandibular region

d) parotid chewing area

e) the bottom of the oral cavity


With abscesses and phlegmon, the main treatment measure is:

a) treatment with sulfonamides

b) opening a purulent focus

c) tooth extraction

g) antibiotic treatment


The main reason for the development of periostitis is:

a) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

b) fracture of the lower jaw

c) contusion of soft tissues of the face

g) tumors of the alveolar process

e) exacerbation of chronic sinusitis


The most common route of inflammatory exudate from periodontal to periosteum:

a) along the nerve fibers

b) through the blood vessels

c) through Haversian and Folkman channels

g) in the lymphatic vessels


On the day of treatment for periostitis of the jaw, you must:

a) start acupuncture

b) make novocaine blockade

c) prescribe physiotherapeutic treatment

d) inject intramuscularly respiratory analeptics

e) open the purulent focus


The course of osteomyelitis is classified into:

a) subacute, chronic

b) acute, subacute, chronic

c) acute, chronic

d) limited, diffuse


The clinical picture of acute odontogenic jaw osteomyelitis is

a) in chills, fever up to 40 ° C, Vincent’s symptom, tooth mobility

b) in acute pulsating pains in the tooth, headache, positive symptom of the load

c) in the mobility of all teeth in the jaw

d) in pain in the teeth, malaise, fistulous passages on the skin


The causative tooth in acute odontotopic osteomyelitis is necessary:

a) to pulp

b) replant

c) reveal

d) fill

d) delete


For the treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaw, drugs with an osteotropic effect are used:

a) erythromycin, oxacillin

b) kanamycin, biseptol

c) lincomycin, fusidine sodium

g) penicillin, methyluracil

d) ampicillin, securapen


Sequestrectomy for chronic osteomyelitis is indicated in the period:

a) formed sequestration

b) after a course of antibacterial therapy

c) after a course of physiotherapeutic treatment

d) the formation of sequestration


An abscess and phlegmon is an inflammation:

a) glands

b) fiber

c) muscles

g) the mucous membrane

e) bones


A typical clinical sign of submandibular phlegmon is

a) swelling of the wing-jaw fold

b) trismus

c) hyperemia of the skin in the region of the lower lip

d) edema and hyperemia of the buccal areas

d) tissue infiltration and hyperemia in the submandibular region


The most typical clinical sign of periostitis is:

a) swelling of the hyoid rollers

b) facial asymmetry

c) hyperemia and edema of the transitional fold

d) mobility of all teeth

e) difficulty opening the mouth


Typical surgical access in the treatment of periostitis is in the context of:

a) in the submandibular region along the edge of the lower jaw

b) the mucosa and periosteum along the transitional fold

c) in the submental area along the midline

g) bordering the angle of the lower jaw

d) the mucous membrane along the wing-jaw fold


The reason for the development of acute odontogenic jaw osteomyelitis is:

a) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis with a decrease in the reactivity of the body

b) acute mumps

c) acute lymphadenitis

g) fracture of the jaw

e) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis


Local signs of acute odontogenic jaw osteomyelitis are:

a) inflammatory infiltrate without clear boundaries, a positive symptom of the load

b) the mobility of all teeth in the jaw

c) inflammatory infiltrate with clear boundaries, a negative symptom of the load

d) sleeve-like, without clear boundaries infiltrate, Vincent’s symptom, tooth mobility


Surgical treatment for acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw consists of:

a) in the removal of the causative tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides, drainage

b) in the removal of the causative tooth

c) in periostotomy in the area of ​​the causative tooth, drainage

d) in a wide periostotomy of the jaw on both sides

d) in the removal of the causative tooth, wide periostotomy of the jaw on one side, drainage


In chronic osteomyelitis, sequesters are removed from the onset of the disease through:

a) 1 week

b) 5-8 weeks

c) 3-4 weeks

d) 2-3 weeks


The most common cause of phlegmon and abscesses in the maxillofacial region is:

a) introducing infection on the needle when performing local anesthesia

b) damage to the skin of the maxillofacial region

c) pustular skin diseases

g) flu and other infectious diseases

e) odontogenic foci of infection


The development of phlegmon of the maxillofacial region leads to impaired function:

a) swallowing

b) breathing

c) violation of all specified functions is possible

d) speech

e) chewing


For abscesses and phlegmon, the main treatment measure is:

a) opening a purulent focus

b) antibiotic treatment

c) treatment with sulfonamides

g) tooth extraction


The most common cause of periostitis is: (indicate the correct answers)

a) bruise of soft tissues of the face

b) pericoronitis

c) alveolitis

d) fracture of the lower jaw

e) exacerbation of chronic sinusitis

e) acute periodontitis


Topic 5: Traumatic injuries of soft tissues and facial bones.  Diagnostics, first aid for victims, transport immobilization during fractures.  Fractures of the zygomatic bone and arch.

Surgical and conservative treatment of fractures of the upper and lower jaw, zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch.  Complications.  Care, nutrition of patients.


Therapeutic measures for dislocation asphyxia:

a) the introduction of the duct

b) pulling and fixing the tongue

c) removal of a foreign body

d) tracheotomy


Prevention of aspiration asphyxia in the wounded in the maxillofacial area on the battlefield is:

a) in the removal of a foreign body

b) in tracheotomy

c) in cleaning the oral cavity, giving a position to the wounded, ensuring free breathing

d) in the introduction of the duct

d) in restoring the anatomical position of the organ


Features of the primary surgical treatment of wounds of the maxillofacial region:

a) economical excision of tissues in the wound area, suturing, the use of primary plastic surgery, wound closure (suturing of the mucous membrane to the skin)

b) antiseptic treatment, suturing and dressings

c) antiseptic treatment, excision of necrotic tissue, tight wound plugging

d) stopping bleeding, antiseptic treatment, suturing and dressings

e) excision of necrotic tissue, removal of blood clots, drainage of the wound


The main symptom of a jaw fracture is:

a) nosebleeds

b) ruptures of the mucous membrane of the alveolar processes

c) headache

d) pathological mobility of the jaw


Improvised bandage for jaw fractures for transport immobilization:

a) compression distraction apparatus

b) circular parietal chin dressing

c) Hippocrates hat

d) Zbarga apparatus

d) circular fronto-occipital bandage


Orthopedic methods of the final immobilization of fractures of the lower jaw:

a) the application of double jaw tires with intermaxillary rubber traction

b) Zbarga apparatus

c) intermaxillary ligature binding

d) osteosynthesis


Operational methods for the final immobilization of fractures of the lower jaw:

a) the imposition of double-jaw tires with intermaxillary rubber traction

b) intermaxillary ligature binding

c) Zbarga apparatus

g) osteosynthesis


Select some correct answers:

Transportation of the wounded with damage to the maxillofacial region is carried out in the following position:

a) lying on his back with his head turned to one side

b) sitting

c) lying on his stomach

d) lying on your back


A temporary stop of bleeding in the wounded in the maxillofacial region is:

a) ligation of the vessel throughout

b) in a tight wound tamponade

c) finger pressing of a vessel

d) in the application of a tourniquet


An immediate complication of an injury to the maxillofacial region is:

a) shock

b) pneumonia

c) bleeding

g) periodontitis of damaged teeth

e) asphyxiation

e) paresis of the facial nerve


Asphyxia from blockage of the respiratory tube by a foreign body:

a) dislocation

b) valve

c) stenotic

g) aspiration

e) obstructive


Injuries to the face differ from wounds in other areas:

a) the mismatch of the appearance of the wound with the general condition of the wounded

b) the timing of wound epithelization

c) during the wound process

d) the rapid development of complications


Secondary wounding shells are called:

a) zone of necrotic changes in bone tissue

b) explosive bullets

c) teeth, fragments of teeth and bones of the facial skeleton

d) swept elements

e) shell fragments


For the prevention of dislocation asphyxia, the language is flashed:

a) in the midline

b) on the border of the anterior and middle third

c) in the front third

d) at the root


Features of the primary surgical treatment of wounds of the maxillofacial region:

a) antiseptic treatment, excision of necrotic tissue, tight plugging of the wound

b) excision of necrotic tissue, removal of blood clots, drainage of the wound

c) stopping bleeding, antiseptic treatment, suturing and dressings

d) economical excision of tissues in the wound area, suturing, the use of primary plastic surgery, wound suturing (suturing of the mucous membrane to the skin)

e) antiseptic treatment, suturing and dressings


The nature of the bias; fragments in fractures of the lower jaw have a decisive influence:

a) impact force

b) the direction of traction of muscles attached to fragments of the jaw

c) the weight of the fragments due to their size


Transport immobilization of jaw fragments is carried out:

a) standard rigid chin sling with a supporting head bandage

b) tape teeth

c) wire teeth

d) tooth tires and quickly hardening plastics


The main complaints of a broken jaw:

a) sharp photophobia, pain, hearing loss

b) pain, dry mouth, bruising

c) malocclusion, pain, swelling, bruising


Orthopedic methods for the final immobilization of fractures of the lower jaw:

a) Zbarga apparatus

b) application of double jaw tires with intermaxillary rubber traction

c) osteosynthesis

g) intermaxillary ligature binding


A temporary stop of bleeding in the wounded in the maxillofacial region is:

a) in a tight wound tamponade

b) ligation of the vessel for

c) in the application of a tourniquet

g) finger pressing the vessel


Symptom of points in fractures of the upper jaw occurs:

a) 2 days after injury

b) a day after the injury

c) immediately after injury

d) in terms of more than 2 days after injury


Asphyxia from impaired airway obstruction by displaced organs of the oral cavity (tongue) when they are damaged:

a) aspiration

b) valve

c) stenotic

g) dislocation

e) obstructive


Prevention of aspiration asphyxia in the wounded in the maxillofacial area on the battlefield is:

a) in cleaning the oral cavity, giving a position to the wounded, ensuring free breathing

b) in the removal of a foreign body

c) in tracheotomy

d) in the introduction of the duct

d) in restoring the anatomical position of the organ


Injuries to the face differ from wounds in other areas:

a) the rapid development of complications

b) the timing of wound epithelization

c) the presence of secondary wounding shells in the wound

g) the course of the wound process


The sequence of stages of the primary surgical treatment of wounds of the maxillofacial region:

a) the soft tissue wound is first treated

b) first, a bone wound is treated


Improvised dressings for jaw fractures for transport immobilization:

a) compression distraction apparatus

b) Zbarga apparatus

c) Hippocrates hat

d) circular fronto-occipital bandage

d) sling bandage


Operational methods for the final immobilization of fractures of the lower jaw:

a) osteosynthesis

b) the application of double jaw tires with intermaxillary rubber traction

c) intermaxillary ligature binding

d) Zbarga apparatus


Tooth in the fracture line:

a) leave

b) fixed with ligature wire

c) remove and replant

g) delete


Select some correct answers:

The most significant risk factors for developing traumatic jaw osteomyelitis are:

a) injury with a poorly made prosthesis

b) a tooth or tooth root in a fracture line

c) acute lymphadenitis

d) poor reposition and immobilization of fragments

d) age of the patient

e) the strength and direction of the damaging factor


The final stop of bleeding in the wounded in the maxillofacial region is

a) in the ligation of the vessel for

b) in a tight tamponade

c) in dressing or flashing a vessel in a wound

d) in the finger pressing of the vessel


Theme 7 Tumors of soft tissues of the face and oral cavity.  Tumors of the jaw.  Tumors of the salivary glands.


The main treatment for fibromas and papillomas of the maxillofacial region is:

a) excision within healthy tissues

b) cauterization

c) chemotherapy

g) radiation therapy


The clinical picture of fibrous epulis is characterized by:

a) 2-3 gum erosion, without a tendency to bleeding and epithelization

b) a limited area of ​​keratinization of the gums

c) a dense, painless formation on a wide base

g) a dense painful infiltrate in the area of ​​several teeth

e) loose painful bleeding gum formation


The clinical picture of ameloblastoma is characterized by:

a) a dense painful infiltrate in the area of ​​several teeth

b) a painful defect in the bone tissue of the jaw

c) 2-3 gum erosion, without a tendency to bleeding and epithelization

d) loose painful bleeding gum formation

e) painless deformation of the jaw in the form of swelling


The main method for treating small jaw cysts is:

a) partial resection of the jaw

b) cryodestruction

c) half jaw resection

d) cystectomy

d) sclerosis


For a cancerous ulcer on the lower lip and oral mucosa, the following symptoms are characteristic:

a) lack of pain, plump-shaped dense edges, sebaceous bottom with yellowish scales

b) moderate soreness, inverted, raised edges, necrotic tissue at the bottom

c) sharp pain, thinned edges, vitreous granulations at the bottom

d) moderate soreness, the edges are swollen, brightly hyperemic, at the bottom – purulent-fibrinous plaque


Early symptoms of malignant tumors of the jaw are:

a) tooth mobility, periodic aching pain, Vincent’s symptom, jaw thickening

b) hypersalivation, chills, clutch-like jaw infiltration

c) dry mouth, paroxysmal sharp pains, difficulty swallowing


The main treatment for common cancer of the lower lip and oral mucosa is:

a) surgical

b) tumor electrocoagulation

c) radiation therapy

d) chemotherapy

e) combined method


One of the main surgical methods for treating jaw cancer is:

a) half jaw resection

b) tumor electrocoagulation

c) Crail operation

d) Caldwell-Luc operation

e) Billroth operation


Select some correct answers:

Organospecific tumors of the maxillofacial region include: (indicate 2 correct answers)

a) osteoma

b) epulis

c) hemangioma

g) ameloblastoma

e) osteoblastoclastoma


The main etiological factors in the development of malignant tumors of the oral mucosa are: (indicate 2 correct answers)

a) precancerous diseases

b) hypersalivation

c) prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane by mechanical, chemical, temperature factors

d) partial adhesion

e) massive dental deposits

e) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


The main clinical sign of cavernous hemangioma is:

a) the presence of phleboliths

b) pain on palpation of the neoplasm

c) the presence of erosion on the surface of the neoplasm without a tendency to bleeding

g) a decrease in pressure and the restoration of the previous tumor volume after the cessation of pressure

e) painful infiltration


Ameloblastoma belongs to the group:

a) inflammatory diseases

b) tumor-like formations

c) precancer

g) malignant odontogenic tumors

e) benign odontogenic tumors


Papilloma is characterized by:

a) the presence of seals; and mucous membrane around its base

b) rapid growth

c) lack of compaction and mucous membrane around its base

d) pain


The causes of dermoid cysts:

a) injury

b) transferred inflammatory process in soft tissues

c) complication of chronic periodontitis

g) violation of the embryonic developed maxillofacial region


Osteoma on the radiograph is manifested:

a) low-paid area

b) high density area with clear contours

c) a site of osteoporosis

d) a site of increased density without clear contours


Causes of follicular cysts:

a) developmental disruption of the tooth germ

b) transferred osteomyelitis of the jaw

c) jaw injury

d) complication of chronic periodontitis


The main treatment for common cancer of the lower lip and mucous membrane of the cavity: the mouth is:

a) surgical

b) radiation therapy

c) tumor electrocoagulation

d) chemotherapy

e) combined method


Select some correct answers:

Additional research methods carried out to clarify the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm of the maxillofacial region include: (indicate 2 correct answers)

a) physical

b) biochemical

c) histological

g) angiographic

e) immunological

e) cytological


The main etiological factors in the development of malignant tumors of the oral mucosa are: (indicate 2 correct answers)

a) prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane by mechanical, chemical, temperature factors

b) hypersalivation

c) partial adentia

g) precancerous diseases

e) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

e) massive dental deposits


Organospecific tumors of the maxillofacial region include: (indicate 2 correct answers)

a) osteoma

b) epulis

c) angioma

g) ameloblastoma

e) osteoblastoclastoma


Fibroma is characterized by:

a) ulceration of the mucous membrane covering it

b) slow growth

c) pain

g) rapid growth


Clarification of the diagnosis of dermoid cyst helps:

a) cytological examination of punctate

b) radiography

c) electromyography

g) blood test


The method of treatment of cavernous hemangioma is:

a) radiation exposure

b) physiotherapy

c) electrocoagulation

d) cauterization

e) sclerotherapy


The clinical picture of ameloblastoma is characterized by:

a) loose painful bleeding gum formation

b) a painful defect in the bone tissue of the jaw

c) a dense painful infiltrate in the area of ​​several teeth

d) painless deformity of the jaw in the form of swelling

d) 2-3 gum erosion, without a tendency to bleeding and epithelization


Causes of a radicular cyst:

a) complication of chronic periodontitis

b) transferred osteomyelitis of the jaw

c) jaw injury

g) impaired development of the tooth


The lateral cyst of the neck is localized:

a) along the front edge of the trapezius muscle

b) in the submental area

c) in the middle third of the neck, along the front edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

d) in the submandibular region

d) in the midline of the neck


The stage of malignant neoplasms is established on the basis of clinical signs:

a) the size of the tumor, the presence of nearby metastases

b) the size of the tumor, the presence of distant and nearby metastases

c) the size of the tumor

g) patient complaints

d) patient complaints, tumor size


For a cancerous ulcer on the lower lip and oral mucosa, the following symptoms are characteristic:

a) moderate soreness, inverted, raised edges, necrotic tissue at the bottom

b) lack of pain, plump-shaped dense edges, sebaceous bottom with yellowish scales

c) sharp pain, thinned edges, vitreous granulations at the bottom

d) severe soreness, the edges are swollen, brightly hyperemic, at the bottom – purulent fibrinous plaque


The early symptoms of malignant tumors of the jaw are:

a) dry mouth, paroxysmal sharp pains, difficulty swallowing

b) tooth mobility, periodic aching pain, Vincent’s symptom, thickening of the jaw

c) hypersalivation, chills, clutch-like jaw infiltration


With metastases of cancer of the organs of the maxillofacial region in the regional lymph nodes, an operation is used:

a) Vincent

b) Caldwell-Luc

c) Redon

d) Crail


Tires that fix fragments of the jaw, in case of fractures, it is recommended to remove no earlier than through

1) two weeks

2) one week

 3) four weeks

4) three weeks

5) six weeks


The chronic traumatic factors of the oral mucosa include

1) acid exposure

2) accidental biting

3) injury with a sharp object

 4) prolonged irritation with sharp edges of the teeth

5) alkali exposure


Clinical sign of malignancy of precancer

1) edema

2) the appearance of fusobacteria

3) the appearance of fibrinous plaque

4) compaction of the edges and base of the lesion

5) discoloration of surrounding tissues


Verrucous form of leukoplakia is attributed to

1) candidiasis

2) optional precancer

3) dermatosis

 4) obligate precancer

5) prosopalgia


To clarify the diagnosis of cancer of the tongue is additionally carried out

1) iridology

2) angiography

3) laparoscopy

 4) cytological examination

5) tomography


If you suspect a malignant tumor of the maxillofacial region of the patient must be referred to

 1) to the dentist

2) to the regional oncologist to the dentist

3) radiologist

4) to the local therapist

5) general surgeon


The main clinical manifestation of cancer of the mucous membrane of the bottom of the oral cavity is

1) erosion without edge infiltration

2) inflammatory infiltrate

3) an ulcer without infiltration of the edges

4) ulcerative infiltrate fused to surrounding tissues

5) hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane


The main method of treating cancer of the mucous membrane of the bottom of the oral cavity is

1) radiological

2) physiotherapeutic

3) chemotherapeutic

4) surgical

 5) combined


The method of plastics according to A.A. Limberg called moving

1) flaps on the supply leg

2) oncoming triangular flaps

3) round stalk flap

4) flap on the vascular anastomosis

5) free skin flap


Secondary bone grafting after the main operation is performed through

1) 1-2 months

2) 10 days

 3) 6-8 months

4) 3-4 months

5) 1-1.5 years


The introduction of anesthetic into the transitional fold is called anesthesia

1) buccal

 2) infiltration

3) intraligamentary

4) oral

5) non-injection


When re-jaw is formed

1) abscess of the maxillary soft tissue

2) phlegmon

3) intraosseous abscess

 4) subperiosteal abscess

5) bilateral subperiosteal abscess


The length of the incision at the opening of the subperiosteal abscess

 1) for the entire length of the infiltrate

2) 0.5 -1.0 cm

3) 1.5-2.0 cm

4) 3.0-3.5 cm

5) 4.0 -5.0 cm


Surgical treatment of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis consists in

1) osteoperforation

2) removal of the causative tooth

3) removal of causal and adjacent teeth

4) surgical treatment of purulent foci

 5) sequestrectomy


In acute purulent periostitis of the jaw revealed on the radiograph

1) chronic periodontitis of the causative tooth

2) the shadow of the sequestration

3) foci of bone destruction

4) bulbous strata

5) the focus of osteosclerosis


The average timing of the formation of sequesters in the lower jaw

1) 1-2 weeks

 2) 6-8 week

3) 3-4 weeks

4) 4-5 weeks

5) 16-20 week


The main symptom of a fracture of the upper jaw is

1) headache

2) nosebleeds

3) pathological mobility of the lower jaw

 4) pathological mobility of the maxillary bones

5) ruptures of the mucous membrane of the alveolar processes


The main symptom of a fracture of the lower jaw is

1) headache

2) nosebleeds

 3) pathological mobility of the lower jaw

4) pathological mobility of the maxillary bones

5) ruptures of the mucous membrane of the alveolar processes


Asphyxia from blockage of the respiratory tube by a foreign body is called

1) valve

2) stenotic

3) obstructive

4) suction

5) dislocation


The indication for tooth extraction is:

1) acute pulpitis

2) deep caries

 3) acute periodontitis

4) chronic granulomatous periodontitis

5) mumps


With straight forceps remove:

1) molars

2) premolars

3) wisdom teeth

 4) maxillary incisors

5) incisors of the lower jaw


With bayonet forceps remove:

1) incisors of the lower jaw

2) molars of the upper jaw

3) premolars of the lower jaw

4) 3rd molars of the lower jaw

 5) the roots and premolars of the upper jaw


Complications arising during a tooth extraction operation:

1) maxillary sinusitis

2) periostitis

3) alveolitis

4) osteomyelitis

 5) fracture of the crown or root of the extracted tooth


Complications arising immediately after the tooth extraction operation:

1) mumps

 2) bleeding

3) trigeminal neuralgia

4) arthritis of the temporomandibular joint

5) ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint


A possible complication during surgery to remove the teeth of the upper jaw:

1) mumps

2) trigeminal neuralgia

 3) perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus +

4) arthritis of the temporomandibular joint

5) ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint


Somatic complications during tooth extraction include:

1) anuresis

2) sinusitis

3) alveolitis

4) osteomyelitis

 5) hypertensive crisis


Somatic complications during tooth extraction include:

1) anuresis

2) sinusitis

3) alveolitis

4) osteomyelitis

 5) anaphylactic shock


Somatic complications during tooth extraction include:

1) anuresis

2) sinusitis

 3) fainting

4) alveolitis

5) osteomyelitis


To distant local complications arising after the operation of tooth extraction include:

1) anuresis

2) myositis

3) collapse

4) neuralgia

 5) osteomyelitis


To remote local complications arising after the operation of tooth extraction include:

1) anuresis

2) myositis

3) collapse

4) neuralgia

 5) alveoloneuritis


Nippers for removal of maxillary incisors:

 1) direct root

2) straight radicular

3) coracoid root

4) curved in the plane

5) S-shaped with diverging cheeks


Injury of the tooth germ is most likely during tooth extraction:

1) 12.22

2) 14.24

 3) 74, 84

4) 35.45

5) 36.46


The tactics of a doctor when immobilizing a fracture of the lower jaw in the neck of the condylar process (teeth on the lower jaw are absent) include:

 *1) double-jaw wire rails with hook loops, intermaxillary fastening with rubber rings

2) smooth single jaw splint – bracket

3) Port tire, gypsum sling and hat

4) double-jaw wire rails with hook loops, rubber gasket up to 1 cm thick between molars on the affected side

5) Weber tires


The tactics of a doctor when immobilizing a fracture of the lower jaw in the corner (there are all teeth on the upper and lower jaws) includes the imposition of:

1) tire brackets

2) Port tires

3) Vankevich tires

 4) double-jaw wire rails with hook loops and intermaxillary traction with rubber rings

5) extraoral bone device


Smooth tire – the bracket is used for:

1) fractures of the coronoid process;

2) fractures of the condylar process

 3) linear fractures of the lower jaw within the central incisors

4) linear fractures of the lower jaw within the molars

5) fractures of the lower jaw in the region of the angle


The methods of temporary immobilization for fractures of the lower jaw include:

 *1) overlay wire bar

 *2) ligature binding of teeth

3) fixation with Kirschner spokes

4) fixation using mini plates

 *5) Weber bus overlay


Smooth splint bar is used to immobilize:

 1) the lower jaw during a fracture within the dentition without displacement of fragments

2) the lower jaw with a fracture outside the dentition

3) with subbasal fractures of the upper jaw

4) the lower jaw for fractures in the neck of the condylar process

5) with bilateral fractures of the lower jaw


The temporary immobilization of fragments of the lower jaw does not apply:

1) circular bandage parietal – chin bandage

2) standard transport dressing

3) chin sling Pomerantseva – Urban

 4) tooth tape of Vasiliev

5) intermaxillary ligature binding of teeth


What relates to the temporary immobilization of fragments of the lower jaw

1) Tigerstedt double tooth jaws

2) Vasiliev’s tooth tape

 3) intermaxillary ligature binding of teeth

4) smooth tire – bracket

5) tire with spacer bend


To create an outflow from the maxillary sinus in acute odontogenic sinusitis is carried out

1) radical maxillary sinusotomy

2) anemization of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity

 3) puncture w / h of the sinus from the side of the nasal cavity

4) puncture w / h of the sinus from the side of the oral cavity

5) removal of the causative tooth and the creation of a message through the hole according to vital indications


Perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus during tooth extraction of the upper jaw occurs most often in the area

 *1) molars

2) premolars

3) incisors

4) all teeth of the upper jaw

5) does not depend on the tooth


Doctor’s tactics when pushing the root into the maxillary sinus:

1) remove the root through perforation of the sinus fundus

*2) open the maxillary sinus and remove the root

3) “wash” the root with a jet of antiseptic solution from the sinus

4) in the absence of a purulent process in the sinus, eliminate perforation

5) prepare the patient for the operation of radical sinusotomy


The clinical signs of perforation of the bottom of the maxillary groove during tooth extraction are

1) bleeding from the hole

2) nosebleeds

3) the allocation of blood from a hole with air bubbles

4) deep immersion of the instrument in the sinus during the audit of the hole

*5) all answers are correct


Infiltration anesthesia is:

1) inhalation;

 *2) application;

3) intravenous;

4) indirect;

5) endotracheal.


In the surgical treatment of wounds penetrating the oral cavity, the sutures are primarily applied:

1) on the skin, then on the muscles and mucous membrane

2) the mucous membrane, then on the muscles and skin

 3) muscles, then on the skin and mucous membrane


​​The primary surgical treatment of facial wounds is considered early if it is carried out in time:

1) up to 24 hours after injury

 2) 48 hours after injury

3) 72 hours after injury


For drainage of purulent wounds of soft tissues should be used:

1) gauze swabs soaked in hypertonic solution

2) rubber strips

3) rubber tubes

 4) smooth-walled tubes made of synthetic material

5) tubes with gauze strips


The primary seam is:

1) a suture applied to a purulent wound during surgical treatment, but delayed after 24–72 hours when the clinical signs of inflammation subsided

 2) the suture applied to the wound immediately after opening the purulent focus

3) a suture applied on the 2–7th day after opening the purulent focus

4) a suture applied on the 8-14th day after opening the purulent focus


The secondary early seam is:

1) the suture applied on the 2-7th day after opening the purulent focus

 2) a suture applied on the 8-14th day after opening the purulent focus

3) a suture applied on the 15-30th day after opening the purulent focus


The primary delayed seam is:

1) a suture applied to a purulent wound during the opening of a purulent foci

 2) a suture applied to a purulent wound during surgical treatment (opening a purulent foci), but delayed after 24–72 h when the clinical signs of inflammation subsided, or a suture applied on the 2–7th day after (opening an abscess)

3) a suture applied on the 8-10th day after surgery


The secondary early seam is:

1) a suture applied on the 2–7th day after surgery

 2) a suture applied on the 8-14th day after surgery without preliminary excision of granulation

3) a suture applied on the 15-30th day after opening the abscess


The secondary late seam is:

1) a suture applied on the 8-14th day after surgery and preliminary excision of granulation

2) a suture applied on the 8-14th day after surgery, without preliminary excision of granulation

 3) a suture applied on the 15-30th day after surgery and preliminary excision of granulations, scars and mobilization of the edges of the wound


Secondary surgical treatment of a wound is:

1) the first treatment of a wound in a patient

2) surgical treatment of the wound in the first 24 hours after injury

3) surgical treatment of the wound 24–48 hours after injury

4) surgical treatment of the wound 48 hours after injury

 5) surgical treatment for changes associated with the development of infection


For fastening fragments of the lower jaw apply:

1) bone suture

*2) bone metal mini-plates and screws

3) Kirchner knitting needles

4) a combination of bone suture and knitting needles

5) all of the above


Mini-plates for osteosynthesis of jaw fractures are made:

1) steel

2) bronze

 3) titanium

4) aluminum


Suppuration of a bone wound with a fracture of the lower jaw occurs:

1) in the first hours after an injury

 *2) in the first 3-7 days after injury

3) 2 weeks after injury

4) not earlier than 3-4 weeks after injury


Is it correct that when a tooth root fractures in the lower third, it can be left in the jaw without trying to remove:

1) yes

2) No


To remove a broken tooth root 24, you must use:

1) chisel, hammer, elevator

 2) with a drill and elevator


Mini-plates to jaw fragments fix:

1) knitting needle

 2) with a screw

3) wire ligature

Osteosynthesis according to Makienko is carried out:

 1) knitting needle

2) mini plates

3) steel wire

4) bronze-aluminum alloy

5) compression and distraction apparatus


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