Anatomy MCQs Part -3

Anatomy MCQs Part -3

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1. Infrahyoid group of muscles of the neck includes:


2. Deep group of muscles of the neck includes:


3. Main respiratory muscles include:


4. «Weak» point of the diaphragm is:


5. The following aponeurosis doesn’t take part in the formation of the linea alba:


6. Superior wall of the inguinal canal is formed by:


7. Anterior wall of the inguinal canal is:


8. Dentoalveolar connection is


9. Duct of the parotid salivary gland opens:


10. Amount of permanent  molar teeth  on one half of the jaw:


11. Formula of the deciduous teeth:


12. Formula of the deciduous teeth:


13. Not included in the composition of the layers of the wall of the pharynx:


14. Is not anatomical constriction of the esophagus:


15. Stomach is covered by the peritoneum:


16. Part of the duodenum is:


17. Pancreas is covered by the peritoneum:


18. A ligament of diaphragmatic surface of the liver is:


19. Liver is covered by the peritoneum:


20. In the formation of the lesser omentum is involved:


21. Hepatoduodenal ligament includes :


22. Bile duct is formed by the connection of:


23. Jejunum is covered by the peritoneum:


24. Department of the colon is:


25. Part of the colon with a mesentery:


26. Rectum has no:


Question 1 of 26




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