Anatomy MCQs Part -5

Anatomy MCQs Part -5

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1. Autonomic nucleus is located:


2. Cortical end of analyzer of proprioceptive sense is:


3. Cortical end of the visual analyzer of the first signal system is:


4. Basal nuclei are in:


5. Morphological basis of the gray matter of the brain are:


6. Pseudounipolar neurons on function are:


7. Bipolar neurons on function are:


8. Last efferent neuron of somatic reflex arc lies:


9. Dorsal root of the spinal cord on function is:


10. Spinal cord ends at the level of:


11. Cervical spinal cord has:


12. Roland’s substance is located:


13. Motor nuclei are located:


14. Thoracic nucleus (Clarke-Stilling’s) is located:


15. Tectospinal pathway is:


16. Rubrospinal pathway is:


17.  Inferior cerebellar peduncles connect the cerebellum with:


18. Middle cerebellar peduncles connect the cerebellum with


19. Superior cerebellar peduncles connect the cerebellum with:


20. Hypothalamus is part of:


21. Cavity of telencephalon is:


22. Cavity of diencephalon is:


23. Cavity of midbrain is:


24. Cavity of rhombencephalon is:


25. Calcarine sulcus is in:


26. Anterior central gyrus is part of:


27. Posterior central gyrus is part of:


28. Angular gyrus is part of:


29. Cortical end of the motor analyzer is located in:


Question 1 of 29




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