Anatomy MCQs Part -9

Anatomy MCQs Part -9

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1. Thoracic duct enters to:


2. Right lymphatic duct enters to:


3. Thoracic duct consists of:


4. Right lymphatic duct collects lymph from:


5. Thoracic duct passes through the diaphragm:


6. Thoracic duct passes through the diaphragm:


7. Thoracic duct is formed at the level of:


8. Cisterna chyli is:


9. Lymphatic vessels are absent in the:


10. Afferent vessels come to the following part of lymph node:


11. Anatomical structure without lymphatic vessels:


12. Organs that have no lymphatic vessels:


13. Endocrine glands of bronchiogenic group are:


14. Endocrine glands of neurogenic group are:


15. Endocrine gland of mesodermal group are:


16.  Endocrine gland of adrenal group is:


17. Endocrine glands of entodermal group are:


18. Thyroid and parathyroid glands are supplied by:


19. Topography of the parathyroid glands


20. Topography of the pituitary gland


21. In which part of the pancreas is observed maximum concentration of the islets of Langerhans?


22. Central organ of the lymphoid system is:


23. Central organ of the lymphoid system is:


24. Topography of the thymus gland:


25. Peripheral organ of the lymphoid system is:


26. Topography of the spleen:


27. Tonsils around choans include:


28. Tonsils around fauces include:


Question 1 of 28


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