Disaster Medicine

  • The activities of the Unified State Emergency Prevention and Response System are defined
  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
  2. Federal Law “On Defense” dated 05.31.1996, No. 61 – FZ
  3. + Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2003 No. 794
  4. Orders of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia


  • The time of the creation of the Unified State System for Prevention and Response of Emergencies can be considered


  1. 1960 year
  2. +1990 year
  3. 19 91 g od
  4. 1992 od


  • The Russian rescue corps was created in
  • 1960 g odu
  • + 1 990 year
  • 1991 year
  • 1992 year


  • # State Committee for Civil Defense and Emergencies under the President of the Russian Federation formed in
  • 1960 g odu
  • 1990 year
  • +1991 year
  • 1992 year


  • # An emergency is considered ended
  • When exposure to hazards specific to a given situation ceases
  • When the immediate threat to the life and health of people is eliminated and medical assistance is provided to them
  • When does the recovery period begin
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Federal Law No. 68-ФЗ On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Emergencies of Natural and Technogenic Character was adopted
  • +12/21/1994 years
  • 03/28/1998
  • 04/26/2004
  • December 31, 2005


  • # The natural disasters are not
  • Meteorological
  • Tectonic
  • + Environmental
  • Space


  • # Do not belong to technological disasters
  • Transport
  • Production
  • + Topological
  • Environmental


  • # The social disasters are not
  • Military clashes
  • Terrorism
  • + Fires
  • Social explosions


  • # The tasks of the federal authorities to prevent emergencies are not included
  • Prediction and impact assessment
  • Population training
  • + Social protection of the population, humanitarian actions
  • Collection and exchange of information


  • # The Russian system of warning and action in emergencies (RSChS) was created in
  • 1960 year
  • 1990 g odu
  • 1991 ode
  • + 1992 g odu


  • # In reg ionic emergency
  • lichestvo affected to 10 pers ovek affected person 100 ovek , distribution area within the territory Ob EKTA mat erialny damage to one thousand Yachi SMIC
  • The number of affected 50 – 500 people of sheep , injured 300 – 500 people of sheep , the distribution zone within the subject of the Russian Federation, material damage 5 – 500 thousand cells of the minimum wage
  • + Units ETS affected 50 – 500 people ovek affected 500 – 1000 people ovek , distribution area within 2 subjects in the Russian Federation, mat erialny damage 500 – 5,000 times the minimum wage
  • The number of affected x 500 people of sheep , injured 1000 people of sheep , the distribution zone within 3 subjects of the Russian Federation and more , material damage 5000 thousand cells minimum wage


  • # In a territorial emergency
  • By lichestvo affected up to 10 people ovek affected 100 people ovek , Prevalence area Anenii within the territory of the object mat erialny damage to 1 thousand Yachi SMIC
  • + Units ETS infected 50 – 500 persons ovek, injured 300 – 500 people ovek , distribution zone within sube KTA RF mat erialny damage 5 – 500 thousand Cell


  • # SMIC
  • The number of affected 50 – 500 people of sheep , injured 500 – 1000 people of sheep , the distribution area within 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, material damage 500 – 5000 thousand cells of the minimum wage
  • The number of affected 500 people of sheep , injured 1000 people of sheep , the distribution zone within 3 subjects of the Russian Federation and more, material damage of 5000 thousand cells minimum wage


  • # Emergencies emergency response tasks not included
  • Saving lives and maintaining people’s health
  • + Ensuring readiness for action by forces
  • Localization of the emergency zone
  • Reduced material damage


  • # Abnormal civil defense formations are
  • Specially trained strength of the Armed Forces, which can be brought to the elimination of emergency situations in order , determined lennom special provisions
  • Formations, services and institutions for monitoring and laboratory monitoring of the state of the environment, raw materials, food, water
  • + General, special and specialized object, local, territorial and departmental civil organizations of civil society
  • Central and eromobile rescue squad


  • # There is no operating mode of the RSChS
  • Daily activities
  • High alert
  • + Emergency
  • Emergency


  • # In a federal emergency
  • By lichestvo affected up to 10 people ovek affected 100 people ovek , area spread within the premises, ma ter damage to 1 thousand Yachi SMIC
  • Units ETS affected 50 – 500 people ovek affected 300 – 500 people ovek , distribution area within the RF subject mater ialny damage 5 – 500 thousand The ball SMIC
  • The number of affected 50-500 sheep , injured 500 – 1000 sheep , the distribution zone within 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, material damage 500 – 5000 thousand cells minimum wage
  • + The number of affected 500 people of sheep , injured 1000 people of sheep , the zone of spread of injury within 3 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and more , material damage of 5000 thousand cells minimum wage


  • # In a trans-regional (on the territory of the Russian Federation) emergency
  • The number of affected 50 – 500 people of sheep , injured 500 – 1000 people of sheep , the zone of distribution within 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, material damage 500 – 5000 thousand cells minimum wage
  • The number of affected 500 people of sheep , injured 1000 people of sheep , the distribution zone within 3 subjects of the Russian Federation and more , material damage of 5000 thousand cells minimum wage


  • + Any number of casualties, any number of injured, emergency zone beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, any material damage
  • Any number of people affected, any number of victims, emergency zone – affected territory of the Russian Federation, any material damage


  • # In emergency mode, no events are held
  • On the organization of public protection
  • By definition of the boundaries of the emergency zone
  • + Po reinforced on -duty dispatch service
  • On the organization of emergency response


  • # In a trans-regional (abroad) emergency
  • Max t he infected 50 – 500 persons ovek , pos tradavshih 500 – 1,000 people ovek , region disintegrations rostraneniya within 2 RF subjects mother cial damage 500 – 5000 thousand Cell # SMIC
  • The number of affected 500 people of sheep , injured 1000 people of sheep , the distribution zone within 3 subjects of the Russian Federation and more, material damage of 5000 thousand cells minimum wage
  • The number of casualties is any, the number of casualties is any, the zone of emergencies is outside the Russian Federation, any material damage
  • + Any number of people affected, any number of victims, emergency zone – affected territory of the Russian Federation, any material damage


  • # In a local emergency
  • + Co. lichestvo affected to 10 pers ovek affected person 100 ovek , distribution zone within the area of the object, m a ton erialny damage to one thousand Yachi SMIC
  • Number of affected 50 – 500 people ovek affected 300 – 500 people ovek , distribution area within the subjective is the Russian Federation, the mat erialny damage 5 – 500 thousand The ball SMIC
  • The number of affected 50 – 500 people of sheep , injured 500 – 1000 people of sheep , the area of ​​distribution within 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, material damage of 500 – 5000 thousand cells minimum wage
  • The number of affected 500 people of sheep , injured 1000 people of sheep , the distribution zone within 3 subjects of the Russian Federation and more, material damage of 5000 thousand cells minimum wage


  • # In the event of a threat of war or with the outbreak of war, the RSChS transfers its authority
  • Ministe rstvu Russian Defense
  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
  • To the Government of the Russian Federation
  • + Civil defense of the country


  • # High availability mode apply
  • Under normal production , industrial, radiation, chemical, fire, biological, veterinary conditions and the absence of epidemics
  • In the territory , which affected 2 types of disasters affecting factors, any injury to persons, animals and Your Are damaged buildings and facilities
  • + In case of deterioration of production – industrial, radiation, chemical, fire, seismic, hydrometeorological, biological, veterinary conditions and , upon receipt of a forecast about the possibility of emergencies
  • In case of emergency and for the entire period of its liquidation


  • # There is no governing body for Civil Defense and Emergencies
  • + At the United Nations level
  • At the federal level
  • At the territorial level
  • At the local level


  • # At the territorial level, authorities for civil defense affairs
  • Ministry of Civil Defense Affairs
  • + Main Directorate for Affairs of GOCH S
  • Civil Defense Department
  • Civil Defense Officer


  • # International Society for Disaster Medicine organized
  • + In 1975, odu
  • 1985 ode
  • In 1990, Ode
  • 1995 ode


  • # Place of organization of the International Society for Disaster Medicine
  • Moscow
  • London
  • Rome
  • + G. Geneva


  • # Principle of organization of VSMK
  • Command and administrative
  • Democratic
  • Liberal democratic
  • + T territorial production


  • # There is no such level of organization of VSMK
  • International
  • Federal
  • Territorial
  • Object


  • # Head of the Disaster Medicine Service of the Ministry of Health of Russia
  • + Minister of Health of Russia
  • Deputy Minister of Health of Russia
  • Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia
  • Head of QMS Zashchita


  • # Territorial disaster medicine center reports
  • Personally, to the Governor
  • To the government of the region (republic, territory)
  • Minister of Health of Russia
  • + Minister of Health of the region (republic, territory)


  • # At the facility level, the disaster medicine service is managed by
  • Head of the organization
  • Deputy Head of Administrative and Administrative Section
  • Paramedic at a medical center
  • + Special Designated Officials for Civil Defense and Emergencies


  • # Do not belong to emergency contingency medicine service
  • + Mobile multidisciplinary hospital and
  • Medical units
  • Teams (groups) of specialized medical care
  • Medical and nursing teams


  • # Field multidisciplinary hospital VTsMK “Zashchita” per day can accept
  • Up to 150 affected
  • + Up to 250 affected
  • Up to 350 affected
  • Up to 500 affected


  • # Field multidisciplinary hospital of VTsMK “Zashchita” for hospitalization of non-transportable injured can be deployed by the number
  • Up to 100 beds
  • + Up to 150 beds
  • Up to 250 beds
  • Up to 500 beds


  • # Do not belong to the staff units of the field multidisciplinary hospital of the VTsMK Zashchita
  • Control
  • iemno diagnostic department
  • + Specialized care teams
  • Support Units


  • # In the daily routine, BSMPs obey
  • Minister of Health
  • Minister of Emergencies
  • + Guide to the parent of the institution of the former
  • To the head of the relevant disaster medicine center


  • # In high availability mode BSMP obey
  • Minister of Health
  • Minister of Emergencies
  • + Guide to the parent of the institution of the former
  • Head of the relevant disaster medicine center


  • # In the daily routine, BSMP is under operational control
  • Minister of Health
  • Minister of Emergencies
  • Sleeves turer former institution
  • + Head of the relevant disaster medicine center


  • # In high-readiness mode, specialists of full-time BSMP on duty and on holidays carry out duty
  • Normally
  • + At home on schedule
  • Not on duty
  • Double duty


  • # In emergency situations BSMP activities are entrusted
  • On the Minister of Health
  • Minister of Emergencies
  • + Head of the Center for Disaster Medicine
  • Head of BSMP


  • # Dates of BSMP departure with property to the emergency area
  • Not later than 4 hours after receiving the order
  • + Not later than 6 hours after receiving the order
  • Not later than 8 hours after receipt of the order
  • Not later than 10 hours after receiving the order


  • # BSMP operating mode in emergency situations is on average
  • 10 hours a day
  • +12 hours a day
  • 14 hours a day
  • Around the clock


  • # Supply of BSMP with medical, sanitary-economic and special property is carried out
  • Minis terstvom Russian Health
  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
  • VSMK “Protection”
  • + Institution – shaper according to the principle of priority provision according to the equipment sheet


  • # BSMP leader appointed by order
  • Minister of Health of Russia
  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
  • Directors of VSMK Zashchita
  • + Leader of the educational institution


  • # In accordance and with the Model Regulations on the QMS emergency hospital there
  • 15 types of brigades
  • 18 types of brigades
  • +21 type of brigades
  • 2 5 types of brigades


  • # Surgical BSMP in 12 hours of work can perform
  • + Up to 10 surgical interventions
  • Up to 12 surgical interventions
  • Up to 14 surgical interventions
  • Up to 16 surgical interventions


  • # Burn BSMP for 12 hours of work can help
  • 10 affected
  • 20 stricken
  • +30 affected
  • 40 affected


  • # Neurosurgical BSMP in 12 hours of work can perform
  • Up to 4 surgeries
  • + Up to 6 operating the intervention stv
  • Up to 8 surgeries
  • Up to 10 surgical interventions


  • # Transfusiological BSMP in 12 hours of work can help
  • 30 affected
  • 40 affected
  • +50 affected
  • 60 affected


  • # When eliminating the health consequences of emergencies, the main areas of health care activity are directed
  • To organize and conduct treatment and evacuation measures
  • For medical support of the uninjured population in the area of ​​emergency
  • For sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Treatment and evacuation support of the population provides for the implementation of activities
  • Search for the affected
  • Various stricken th medical care
  • Removal (removal) of victims outside the lesion focus
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Currently adopted a system of medical and evacuation support of the population
  • One-stage
  • + Two-stage
  • Three-stage
  • Multi-stage


  • # The system of medical and evacuation support of the population includes
  • + Dogo hospital and hospital stages
  • Stages of the provision of pre-medical and medical care
  • Stages of providing unqualified and qualified assistance
  • Stages are allocated depending on the current emergency


  • # The term “doctrine of medicine disaster of” is commonly understood
  • Preferred evacuation of victims according to their intended purpose, i.e. in those medical institutions where their treatment will be carried out until complete recovery
  • + A set of basic principles underlying the work of the disaster medicine service
  • Accurate and continuous management of health forces and facilities involved in the mitigation of disaster consequences
  • Uninterrupted comprehensive logistics of all ongoing events



  • # There is no type of medical care
  • First aid
  • + Sanitary assistance
  • First aid
  • First aid


  • # Qualified medical assistance is provided
  • Doctors used an ambulance
  • Nursing Brig Ada
  • + Doctors – specialists of surgical and therapeutic profile
  • The doctor and – specialists of a narrow profile


  • # Specialized medical assistance is provided
  • Doctors used an ambulance
  • Medical and nursing teams
  • Doctors – specialists of a surgical and therapeutic profile
  • + Doctor and – narrow specialists


  • # Full medical care includes
  • Combined therapy of acute blood loss, shock, traumatic toxicosis
  • Correction of gross violations of the acid-base state and electrolyte balance
  • + Implementation of all groups of activities inherent in this type of medical care
  • Surgery for injuries from the heart and valvular pneumothorax


  • # Qualified medical assistance is provided
  • In the immediate vicinity of the lesion
  • At medical facilities
  • + In medical facilities outside the lesion
  • In sections of the found hospitals in the lesion focus


  • # Reduced medical care
  • Elimination of asphyxia and restoration of adequate breathing
  • Prevention and treatment of anaerobic infection
  • + You complete urgent events
  • Provision affected tol ko first and first aid


  • # Defeats e Received e with centers of radioactive or chemical contamination at the stage of medical evacuation, sent Xia
  • To the isolation ward
  • To the reception and sorting department
  • + To the special processing department
  • To the evacuation department


  • # In case of emergency, the total losses among the population are divided
  • + For irrevocable and sanitary
  • Not medical and medical
  • Not deadly and deadly
  • N e gun and gun


  • # The purpose of medical sorting, its main purpose is
  • To organize and conduct timely evacuation activities
  • To carry out (take out) injured people outside the lesion focus
  • To send affected people to the next stages of medical evacuation
  • + In order to provide affected people with timely medical care in an optimal volume and rational evacuation


  • # In order to distribute the affected into groups for referral to the functional units of the medical evacuation phase and establish priority in these units,
  • Treatment and diagnostic sorting
  • + Intra-point sorting
  • Sanitary o-epidemiological sorting
  • Cl Inika-functional sorting


  • # In order to distribute the injured into homogeneous groups in accordance with the direction, priority, methods and means of evacuation,
  • Mobilizats ion – transport sorting
  • + Evacuation ion transport sorting
  • Evacuation but – mobilization sorting
  • Sorted UWC affected by the duration of treatment in hospitals


  • # The medical and nursing team includes medical sorting of the affected
  • + 1 physician, 1 – 2 medical sisters (assistant), 1 – 2 registrar
  • 2 doctors, 1 – 2 medical sister (assistant), 1 – 2 registrar
  • Doctor 2, 2 – 3 medical sisters (assistant) , 1 – 2 registrar
  • 1 doctor, 2 – 3 medical sisters (assistant), 2 – 3 registrar


  • # When conducting medical sorting, sorting signs proposed by N.I. Pirogov
  • Danger to others
  • Medical sign
  • Evacuation sign
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Subject to isolation at each stage of medical evacuation and, as dangerous to others
  • Infectious patients
  • H Contamination of AOHV contaminated PB
  • Patients with reactive psychoses
  • + All of the above is true



  • # The route along which carry out and transport the affected (sick) is called
  • Evacuation direction
  • Shoulder medical evacuation
  • + The path of medical evacuation
  • Stage medical evacuation


  • # The distance from the departure point of the affected to the destination is considered to be
  • Evacuation direction
  • + Shoulder medical evacuation
  • The path of medical evacuation
  • Stage medical evacuation


  • # The set of evacuation routes, the stages of medical evacuation located on them and the working sanitary and other vehicles are called
  • + Evacuation direction
  • Shoulder medical evacuation
  • The path of medical evacuation
  • Medical evacuation route


  • # Evacuation is carried out according to the principle of “self”
  • Tr anport of the affected object
  • T transport rescue teams
  • + Ambulance cars of hospitals, reg ionic and territorial CMC
  • All of the above is true.


  • # Evacuation is carried out according to the “on my own” principle
  • Attributed transport from military units
  • + T transport rescue teams
  • Ambulance cars of hospitals, reg ionic and territorial CMC
  • All of the above is true.


  • # When organizing treatment and evacuation measures, one should be guided
  • Strictly on cx he LEO population in emergency
  • Mobilization Deployment Plan
  • On thrust yazheniya superiors
  • + On the specific situation, making the necessary adjustments to the basic scheme of LEO of the population in emergencies


  • # When planning activities in hospitals, it is essential
  • Manning facilities for doctors and nurses
  • Staffing of health facilities and nurses immersion dressing – unloading teams
  • + Study of the layout of the functional departments , their profile and bed capacity
  • Professional training for doctors and nurses


  • # The solution of tasks on the health care of the population in emergencies depends
  • From providing health facilities and a disaster medicine service with medical care and treatment
  • + On the degree of readiness and sustainability of the functioning of health facilities, the organization of interaction between them
  • From preparation of healthcare facilities to work in emergency situations
  • From forecasting the situation and its assessment in case of emergency


  • # In preparation for work in the event of an emergency, the hospital decides
  • One main task
  • + Two main tasks
  • Three main challenges
  • Four main challenges


  • # To ensure the planned, targeted preparation of healthcare facilities for work in emergencies, their leadership is issued
  • Outfit
  • Schedule
  • + Task
  • Order


  • # The work of the reception and sorting department is considered highly intensive
  • Upon receiving the 15 – 25 affected by a flow f 1 chasa
  • + When receiving 30 – 50 affected by a flow f 1 chasa
  • When taking 50 – 75 affected within 1 hour
  • When taking 75 – 100 affected within 1 hour


  • # Responsibility for the creation and preparation of the structure of governing bodies and formations in healthcare institutions for work in emergencies is
  • Ministers of Health of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Directors of regional disaster medicine centers
  • + Chief doctors of hospitals and clinics
  • Deputies chief physician of her hospitals and polyclinics according to the Civil Emergency Situations


  • # In medical institutions and polyclinics, by order of the head of the GO facility, a management body is created
  • Reception and sorting department
  • Sorting post
  • Branch of the Regional Center for Disaster Medicine
  • + Headquarters of Civil Defense and Defense Facility


  • # The basic principle of creating a governing body in health facilities
  • N The planning work in the emergency object
  • Organization of personnel and material protection from the effects of emergency factors
  • + Inclusion of key executives into its composition and determination of their functional responsibilities in accordance with the nature of their daily work
  • Improving the stability and functioning of the facility in emergency situations


  • # Having received information about the threat or occurrence of an emergency, the person in charge of the medical facility should
  • Proceed to discharge from hospital of inpatients for outpatient treatment
  • Pref STI in readiness st on time agency management – Staff GOChS hospital
  • + Organizes Vat notification and collection rukovodyasche of composition
  • Start evacuation of hospitals to the suburban area


  • # The chief doctor reports on the state of readiness of the departments and the medical institution in a timely manner
  • Minis labor health of the subject of the Russian Federation
  • To the head of the administration of the municipality
  • + In the territorial center for disaster medicine
  • To the commission on emergency situations of the municipality


  • # Preparation of the hospital for the mass reception of those affected in emergencies begins
  • From receipt at the pharmacy warehouse for doctors of ents and dressings
  • From the equipment of the special processing site
  • + From the transfer of the reception from division to the reception and sorting
  • From the equipment of the isolation ward for infectious and mental patients


  • # In case of mass entry of the affected in the health facilities,
  • Partial sanitization of expressions
  • Complete sanitization of the affected
  • + Inside point sorting of affected
  • The maximum evacuation of the affected to the next stage of medical evacuation


  • # With the mass receipt of walking affected
  • After providing medical assistance, they are sent for evacuation
  • + The reception department for them will be equipped in a separate building
  • Medical assistance and m is provided secondarily
  • Without medical assistance, they are sent for evacuation


  • # Under the influence of the damaging factors of emergency situations on the hospital premises, emergency rescue operations are carried out by forces
  • MSS MES of the municipality
  • Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine
  • + Hospital formations made up of its staff
  • Volunteer s of residents of the municipal formation


  • # Under the influence of the damaging factors of emergency on the hospital premises, hospital personnel not included in the units
  • It is in reserve in case of replacement of failed employees
  • + Located in the wards, reassures patients by keeping them from rash postings until evacuation from wards
  • It is transferred to the disposal of the territorial center of disaster medicine
  • Evacuated to the countryside


  • # Responsible for the evacuation of hospitals to areas outside the emergency
  • The head of municipal administration of education
  • Director of the Regional Center for Disaster Medicine
  • + Head Physician
  • Director of the municipal transport company


  • # For the planning, organization, implementation of evacuation measures and site preparation, a medical institution is being set up in a suburban area. A working body is being created.
  • Hospital evacuation headquarters
  • + On ektovaya evacuation commission
  • Working group under the head of the municipality
  • Nothing is created. These activities exist on the territorial CMK


  • # Non-transportable patients at home are subject to
  • Urgent evacuation to a suburban area, regardless of their state of health
  • Continue to remain under the supervision of relatives
  • They continue to remain at home under the supervision of medical workers in hospitals
  • + To be transported to hospitals for this category of patients


  • # Patients undergoing treatment in hospitals are divided according to evacuation grounds
  • For 2 main groups
  • + For 3 main groups
  • For 4 main groups
  • On 5 main groups


  • # To calculate n otrebnosti transport Wed dstv etc. and health facilities need to evacuate
  • They have a reserve of vehicles
  • Know the exact number of patients to be evacuated
  • + Determine the tonnage and volume of property to be evacuated from health facilities
  • Plan only available HCF transport


  • # Does not apply to facility formations
  • Rescue team
  • + Headquarters of the facility
  • Intelligence link
  • Public Order Group


  • # The head of the GO facility (MPI) is
  • + Head physician
  • Deputy Chief Physician for Civil Defense and Emergencies
  • Deputy chief physician for organizational and methodological work
  • Deputy chief doctor for administering business administration


  • # The chief doctor reports on the state of readiness of departments and a medical institution in an emergency
  • Minister of Health of the region (republic, territory)
  • + In the territorial center for disaster medicine
  • To the head of the administration of the municipality
  • To the commission on emergency situations of the municipality


  • # The governing body of the medical facility (headquarters of the Civil Emergency Situations Office) establishes contact when an emergency
  • With the Ministry of Health of the region (republic, territory)
  • With the territorial center for disaster medicine
  • With the administration of the municipality
  • + With the Commission s claim about the emergency of the municipality


  • # In the event of an emergency at the entrance to the hospitals, a distribution post is set up at which it works
  • General doctor
  • + Paramedic
  • Nurse
  • Sanitary instructor – dosimetrist


  • # In the process of eliminating the health consequences of emergencies and ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological support of the population,
  • Sani- tare hygiene measures
  • P rotivoepidemicheskie events
  • Environmental control
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Solving the tasks of eliminating the health consequences of emergencies and ensuring sanitary and epidemiological support for the population has
  • At the territorial disaster medicine center
  • To the head of the administration of the affected area
  • + To the territorial centers of the Sanitary Inspection
  • On the management of housing and communal services of the territory


  • # Sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures directed
  • On the preservation and strengthening of the health of the population, the prevention of diseases
  • To prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases among the population
  • For the quickest elimination of infectious diseases if they occur
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Sanitary and hygiene measures in an emergency are
  • A set of measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and the quickest elimination in case of their occurrence in the emergency zone
  • + A set of measures carried out in the emergency zone to preserve the health of the population and participants in the aftermath of the emergency
  • Timely detection of infectious patients in the zone of C With, their isolation and hospitalization
  • Measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases in the emergency zone


  • # Does not apply to sanitary and hygienic measures
  • Medical Health Monitoring
  • Sanitary supervision of accommodation conditions
  • + Fight against vector transmissible diseases and rodents
  • Sanitary supervision in the bath and laundry service


  • # Anti-epidemic measures in emergencies are
  • + A set of measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and the quickest elimination of their occurrence in the emergency zone
  • A set of measures carried out in the emergency zone to preserve the health of the population and participants in the aftermath of the emergency
  • Participation in the control of the sanitary condition of the territory, its timely cleaning, disinfection and supervision of the burial of dead and deceased people and animals
  • Organization and participation in sanitary supervision of the conditions of the population in the disaster area , its nutrition, water supply , bath and laundry services


  • # Does not apply to anti-epidemic measures in emergency situations
  • Timely detection of infectious patients, their isolation and hospitalization
  • Accounting and rehabilitation of carriers of pathogens and persons suffering from chronic and forms of infectious diseases
  • + Participation in the monitoring of the sanitary state of the territory, its timely cleaning, disinfection and supervision of the burial of dead and deceased people and animals
  • Fighting vector transmissible diseases and rodents
  • # Features of the epidemic foci of infectious diseases among the population
  • The presence of infectious diseases among victims and the possibility of an accelerated spread of infection
  • Activation of transmission mechanisms in causative agents of infections in emergency zones
  • The complexity of the indication and diagnosis of infectious foci
  • + All of the above is true


  • # A significant factor for assessing the degree of epidemic risk of infectious diseases in the emergency zone
  • Epidemiological observation
  • Sanita weight distribution, epidemiological intelligence
  • + The number of cases and the number of estimated sanitary losses
  • Prevention of infectious diseases through the use of vaccines, serums, antibiotics and various chemicals


  • # Sanitary and epidemiological intelligence includes
  • + Collection and transmission of information about the sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological situation in the emergency zone
  • A set of measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and the quickest eradication in case of their occurrence
  • A set of measures carried out in the emergency zone in order to preserve the health of the population and the participant in the aftermath of the emergency
  • Control from the unsanitary condition of the territory


  • # There is no assessment of the sanitary-epidemiological condition of the area
  • Well-being
  • + Satisfactory condition
  • Poor condition
  • Emergency condition


  • # For Modal -ogranichitelnym activities include
  • Identification of patients with infectious diseases
  • + Observation
  • Hospitalization of patients with infectious diseases
  • Vaccination


  • # Particularly dangerous infections include
  • Viral hepatitis C
  • Typhus
  • + Anthrax
  • Tuberculosis


  • # Emergency prevention – it
  • + A set of medical measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases of people in case of their infection with pathogens of infectious dangerous diseases
  • The system of temporary organizational, regime- limiting, administrative, legal, epidemic measures aimed at preventing the removal of the causative agent of a dangerous infectious disease from the epidemic outbreak, ensuring the localization of the outbreak focus and their subsequent elimination
  • Timely early removal of the patient from the team
  • Assessment of the possibility of using the forces and means of local health authorities preserved in emergency situations to work in epidemic foci


  • # General emergency prevention is carried out
  • + Before establishing the type of microorganism that caused the infectious disease
  • After establishing the type of microbial pathogen that caused the infectious disease
  • If restrictive measures of measures are introduced, quarantine
  • In the case of the introduction of a regime of restrictive measures – observation


  • # Special emergency prophylaxis is carried out
  • Before establishing the type of microorganism that caused the infectious disease
  • + After establishing the type of microbial pathogen that caused the infectious disease
  • In the case of the introduction of a regime of restrictive measures – quarantine
  • In the case of the introduction of a regime of restrictive measures – observation


  • # The duration of the course of general emergency prevention is on average
  • A single dose of a broad-spectrum antibiotic
  • 1 day
  • +2 – 5 days
  • 6 – 7 days


  • # An order for emergency medical prophylaxis is issued
  • Head of the Administration of the Municipal Formation
  • Director of the Regional Center for Disaster Medicine
  • Minister of Health of the region (republic, territory)
  • + Sanitary o-Epidemic Commission


  • # Simultaneously with the start of emergency prevention in foci of infection
  • Carry out disinfection
  • Conducting public health outreach
  • + It is recommended to carry out active immunization (vaccination or revaccination) of the population
  • Analysis of the dynamics and structure of the incidence of epidemic signs


  • # Disinfection of foci is carried out by forces
  • Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine
  • + State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service
  • Utility Service
  • Volunteers


  • # Disinfection – it
  • Killing insects ( carriers of infectious diseases)
  • + Destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases in the environment
  • Rodent (both source and exc uditeley infectious diseases)
  • AECB disposal


  • # Pest control – it
  • + Destruction of insects ( carriers of infectious diseases)
  • Destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases in the environment
  • Rodent (both source and exc uditeley infectious diseases)
  • AECB disposal


  • # Rodent – it
  • Killing insects ( carriers of infectious diseases)
  • Destruction of the causative agent of infectious diseases in the environment
  • + Rodent (both source and exc uditeley infectious diseases)
  • AECB disposal


  • # Food disinfection carries out
  • State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Service
  • Disaster Medicine Service
  • + Trade and Food Service
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations


  • # Quality control of food and water disinfection is carried out
  • + State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Service
  • Disaster Medicine Service
  • Trade and Food Service
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations


  • # When organizing medical support in fires, it must be remembered that the majority of those affected will
  • With extensive burns
  • With traumatic injuries
  • + With carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Nuzhdats I help psychologists


  • # According to VSMK in the Russian Federation, among registered anthropogenic and natural emergencies in which 3 people or more were injured, transport
  • 1%
  • 1%
  • + 68.1%
  • 1%


  • # Of all traffic accidents, road traffic is
  • 2%
  • 2%
  • 2%
  • + 94.2%


  • # When eliminating railway accidents, easily affected are
  • 15 – 20%
  • 25 – 30%
  • 30 – 35%
  • + 35 – 40%


  • # When liquidating railway accidents, persons with moderate and severe injuries will amount to
  • 15 – 20%
  • + 20 – 25%
  • 25 – 35%
  • 35 – 40%


  • # In an earthquake, most affected people get
  • Mental trauma and need the help of a psychologist
  • + Various Meth traumatic injuries
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Combined lesions


  • # The number of seriously injured who can die under the rubble during the first 6 hours may be
  • Up to 25%
  • + Up to 40%
  • Up to 60%
  • Up to 75%


  • # In those injured with mild to moderate injuries who find themselves under the rubble, death in most cases occurs as a result of
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident
  • + Dehydration and hypothermia
  • Against diarrhea


  • # If rescuers enter the earthquake zone during the first 3 hours, they can save from death
  • 50% of survivors
  • 65 % of survivors
  • 75% of survivors
  • + 90% of survivors


  • # If rescuers enter the earthquake zone after 6 hours, the number of rescued may be
  • 2 0%
  • 35%
  • + 50%
  • 65%


  • # To carry out rescue operations in the earthquake zone does not make sense through
  • 3 days
  • 5 days
  • 7 days
  • + 10 days


  • # In places of waiting for the evacuation of affected groups (airfields, landing sites, wharfs …) evacuation receivers are deployed , where
  • First aid is provided
  • + Provides 1 medical assistance
  • Qualified medical assistance is provided.
  • Providing copper Qing assistance is not provided


  • # Responsibility for the evacuation of those affected from the outbreak lies
  • Rescue Team Leaders
  • Object managers
  • Representatives of the local administration, handing over rescue work
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The dead in road accidents have fractures of various localization
  • In 57% of cases s
  • In 77% of cases
  • + In 87% of cases
  • In 97% of cases


  • # Most injuries sustained in an accident
  • Fractures of various localization
  • Damage to internal organs
  • + Works etannye traumatic brain injury
  • Bleeding


  • # The proportion of injured from the number of injured pr and railway accidents
  • Almost 40%
  • + Almost 50%
  • Almost 60%
  • Almost 70%


  • # The advantage in the structure of sanitary losses in railway accidents is
  • Thermal damage
  • + Mechanical injuries
  • Mental disorders
  • Visual and hearing impairment


  • # An accident is a viat ion incident
  • For which is not followed by the death of the crew members and passengers, leading to damage to the air with udna, which can repair and economically feasible
  • + Not causing the death of the crew and passengers, but leading to the complete destruction or severe damage to the aircraft, as a result of which restoration of its technical equipment is impossible and inexpedient
  • Caused the death of crew members or passengers during the destruction or damage to the aircraft
  • All of the above is true.


  • # The cause of emergency in water may be
  • Sea element
  • Equipment breakdown
  • Human erroneous actions
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Emergency in water is characterized by features
  • The isolation of people, including those affected
  • The relative lack of strength and resources of medical and psychological assistance
  • The possibility of panic attacks among people in distress
  • + All of the above is true


  • # In the hearth rail th crash or near the affected have
  • + First aid or first aid
  • First aid
  • Qualified Health Care
  • They do not provide medical assistance at all, but take measures to quickly evacuate the affected from the emergency zone


  • # Among people affected by floods, the vast majority
  • Make up for expressions surgical
  • Make up the affected psycho- neurological profile
  • + Constitute Striking a ennye therapeutic profile
  • Make up stricken , n gagging in the help of psychologists


  • # Human survival in water at air temperature + 2-3 C is
  • 5 – 10 min ut
  • + 10 – 15 minutes
  • 15 – 20 min ut
  • 20 – 25 min ut


  • # Among people under an avalanche no more than 1 hour can survive
  • Up to 25%
  • Up to 35%
  • + Up to 50%
  • Up to 65%


  • # After 3 hours under an avalanche, the probability of surviving does not exceed
  • 25%
  • fifteen%
  • + 10%
  • 5 %


  • # At nuclear power plants as a result of accidental release, factors of radiation exposure on the population are possible
  • External exposure from a radioactive cloud and radioactive contaminated surfaces: land, buildings, structures
  • Internal exposure by inhalation of radioactive substances in the air and consumption of food and water contaminated with radionuclides
  • Contact exposure due to contamination of the skin with radioactive substances
  • + All of the above is true


  • # There is no next time phase of the accident
  • Early phase
  • Intermediate phase
  • Late phase
  • + Remote phase


  • # There is no radiation accident at the borders of the spread of radioactive substances and possible consequences
  • Local
  • Local
  • + Common
  • Common


  • # The main direction of prevention and reduction of losses and damage during radiation accidents is
  • Location of radiation hazardous facilities taking into account the possible consequences of accidents
  • Special measures to limit the spread of radioactive substances outside the sanitary protection zone
  • Measures to protect personnel and the public
  • + All of the above is true


  • # A single dose that does not lead to acute radiation damage, reduced ability to work, and does not aggravate concomitant diseases
  • 20 rad (0.2 Gy)
  • 35 rad ( 0.35 Gy)
  • +50 rad (0.5 Gy)
  • 75 rad (0.75 Gy)


  • # Multiple (monthly) dose , not leading to acute radiation injuries, reduced ability to work, not aggravating concomitant diseases
  • 75 rad (0.75 Gy)
  • +100 rad (1 Gy)
  • 125 rad (1.25 Gy)
  • 150 rad (1.5 Gy)


  • # Multiple (annual) dose , not leading to acute radiation damage, reduced ability to work, not aggravating concomitant diseases
  • 150 rad (1.5 Gy)
  • 200 rad (2 Gy)
  • 250 rad (2.5 Gy)
  • +300 rad (3 Gy)


  • # There is no next form of acute radiation sickness
  • Marrow
  • Intestinal
  • + Pulmonary
  • Cerebral


  • # When organizing health care in a radiation accident, measures are taken
  • First aid and first aid
  • Qualified and specialized treatment of those affected in health facilities
  • Outpatient monitoring and examination of the population located in areas of radio active contamination of the area
  • + All of the above is true


  • # C once after the accident, pre-medical and first medical aid to the affected is provided in the lesion focus
  • Arrivals and fire brigades arriving at the scene of the accident
  • Brigade specialists lysed medical care
  • + Emergency medical staff and incoming teams
  • Specialized radiological teams of hygienic and therapeutic profiles


  • # The main objectives of the organization of health-care provision in a radiation accident is smiling
  • Conclusion (in export) of the affected from the accident zone
  • Carrying no necessity of special treatment
  • Placement in the medical center or other premises x and the provision of 1 medical assistance
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The first stage of medical care in a radiation accident includes
  • Medical Sort
  • Sanitary treatment
  • First aid and preparation for evacuation
  • + All of the above is true


  • # For 100 people in the accident zone, we need
  • One or two teams to provide 1 doctor of care within 3 hours
  • + Two – three teams to provide 1 medical aid for 2 hours
  • Three – four brigades for rendering 1 medical aid within 2 hours
  • Three – four teams to provide 1 medical care for 4 hour s


  • # According to the toxicological classification, AOXB is predominantly of a generally toxic effect.
  • Ammonia
  • Dioxin
  • + Carbon monoxide
  • Chlorine


  • # According to the toxicological classification, AOHB mainly has a suffocating effect.
  • Dichloroethane
  • Carbon disulphide
  • + Sulfur Chloride
  • Aniline


  • # According to the toxicological classification, AOHB of nerve agent include
  • Chloropicrin
  • Cyanides
  • Hydrogen sulfide
  • + Organophosphorus compounds


  • # Pollution zone
  • + Territory to which toxic substance has spread during the accident
  • Territory in which damage to people and animals is possible
  • Unplanned and uncontrollable release of AOHV, adverse effects on human and envi do
  • The territory in the limit of which the release of AOX


  • # Defeat zone
  • Territory to which toxic substance has spread during the accident
  • + Territory in which destruction of people and animals is possible
  • Unplanned and uncontrolled release of AOCH, adversely affecting humans and the environment
  • The territory in the limit of which the release of AOX


  • # Chemical accident is
  • Territory to which toxic substance has spread during the accident
  • Territory in which damage to people and animals is possible
  • + Unplanned and uncontrolled release of AOCH, adversely affecting humans and the environment
  • The territory in the limit of which the release of AOX


  • # The center of a chemical accident
  • Territory to which toxic substance has spread during the accident
  • Territory in which damage to people and animals is possible
  • Unplanned and uncontrolled release of AOCH, adversely affecting humans and the environment
  • + The area within which spewed AOHV , and , as a result of exposure to damaging factors , there was a mass death and injury of people, agricultural animals and plants , as well as the nature of the damage


  • # An unstable lesion is formed by high-speed substances
  • Dioxins
  • Nitric acid
  • Tetraethyl lead
  • + Chlorine


  • # An unstable lesion site is formed by slow-acting substances
  • + Methanol
  • Ammonia
  • Benzene
  • Carbon disulphide


  • # A persistent lesion site is formed by slow-acting substances
  • Hydrazine
  • Phosgene
  • + Dioxins
  • Metals


  • # The main source for the formation of a medical group with silt and GO and VSMK funds is
  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
  • Ministry of Defense of Russia
  • + Mini ministries of Health of Russia
  • All of the above is true.


  • # For medical and evacuation support of the affected population adopted
  • One phased LEO system of affected
  • + Two Hetap system LEO affected
  • Three – stage LEO system of affected
  • Multi-stage LEO system of affected


  • # In the structure of modern combat injury, a significant proportion is
  • Burn lesions
  • Neurosurgical lesions
  • Traumatological lesions
  • + Severe combined and multiple injuries


  • # The medical personnel of VSMK have a status
  • Russian Armed Forces
  • Servicemen of the Russian Guard
  • + Rescuers
  • Resuscitators


  • # PMG VTsMK “Zashchita” in the area of ​​armed conflict can accept, conduct medical triage and provide qualified medical assistance
  • 150 affected
  • +250 affected
  • 350 stricken
  • 450 affected


  • # PMG VTsMK “Zashchita” in the area of ​​armed conflict may carry out temporary hospitalization
  • 50 – 100 netranspo rtabelnyh affected day
  • + 100 – 150 netrans portabelnyh affected day
  • 150 – 200 netrans portabelnyh affected day
  • 200 – 250 netrans of portable diseased per day


  • # In the war zone, the hospital can operate offline without replenishing medications and replacing medical personnel
  • Up to 5 days
  • Up to 10 days
  • + Up to 15 days
  • Up to 20 days


  • # Medical and sanitary-epidemiological support of the affected population in the emergency zone includes measures
  • Medical assistance
  • Evacuation of injured for inpatient treatment in health facilities
  • Implementation of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The First Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in the Field Armies was signed
  • +August 22, 1864
  • 1 August 2, 1949
  • June 8, 1977
  • Pending


  • # World Health Organization and the International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy in 1957 ode approved the “Rules provided eniya the wounded and sick in armed conflict”, which confirmed the principle
  • Perform professional duty in good faith and with dignity
  • To consider the health of the patient as his main task
  • + Unity of medical ethics in peace and war
  • Do not divulge secrets entrusted to him


  • # Enjoy immunity from capture
  • Orderlies
  • Physicians , provide medical assistance on the battlefield
  • + Medical staff of hospital ships and ambulance aircraft
  • No one


  • # Protection of the population in emergencies in the Russian Federation is defined
  • By nstitutsiey Russian Federation
  • F ederalnym Law “On Defense”
  • + Federal Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Emergencies of a Natural and Technogenic Character”
  • Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”


  • # Citizens Rus sian Federation have tons of rights of
  • N and protection zhiz any, health, personal property
  • On the use of available collective and personal protective equipment
  • For information on possible risks and measures x necessary safety in emergency situations
  • + All of the above is true


  • # To ensure timely and reliable notification of the population in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime and war conditions, a signal is set
  • “Air!”
  • “Anxiety!”
  • + “Attention to everyone!”
  • “All for cover!”


  • # Depending on the time and timing of the evacuation may be
  • Urgent
  • Non-urgent
  • + Proactive
  • Gradual


  • # Depending on the nature of the emergency and the population to be moved from the danger zone, there can be no evacuation
  • Local
  • Local
  • Regional
  • + Universal


  • # For the period of carrying out evacuation measures on evacuation routes deploy
  • Sanitary posts
  • Paramedic and midwifery posts
  • + Medical points
  • Sani packaged epidemiological units


  • # In the places of accommodation of the evacuated population, health care for the population is based on the following calculations: in wartime, on a site with a population of 2500 people
  • 2 secondary medical workers (paramedics)
  • 1 doctor and 1 paramedical
  • + 1 doctor and 2 secondary healthcare worker
  • 2 doctors and 2 secondary healthcare worker


  • # In the wartime clinic for 100 patients
  • 2 medium IU ditsinskih worker (assistant)
  • 1 doctor and 1 paramedical
  • + 1 doctor and 2 secondary healthcare worker
  • 2 doctors and 2 secondary healthcare worker


  • # Antioxidants of organophosphorus poisonous substances are
  • Antitsian , amilnit rit , sodium thiosulfate, glucose
  • + Atropine, budaxim , dipiraxim , pelixime
  • Aminos tigmin , physostigmine, galantamine
  • Unitiol


  • # Antidotes for cyanides are
  • + Antitsian , amilnit rit , sodium thiosulfate, glucose
  • Atropine, Budaxim , Dipiraxim , Pelixim
  • Aminostigmine , physostigmine, galantamine
  • Unitiol


  • # For poisoning with lewisite and other arsenic containing poisons, an antidote is used
  • Glucose
  • Atropine
  • Aminostigmine
  • + Unithiol


  • # In case of poisoning BZ applies
  • Anticyan , amyl nitrite , sodium thiosulfate, glucose
  • Atropine, Budaxim , Dipiraxim , Pelixim
  • + Aminos tigmin , physostigmine, galantamine
  • Unitiol


  • # In the individual first-aid kit in a tetrahedral pencil case without staining, an antibiotic is provided for emergency non-specific prevention of infectious diseases
  • Erythromycin
  • + Doxycycline
  • Ampicillin
  • No drug is prescribed


  • # In the medicine cabinet in the individual round pencil case blue is an antiemetic
  • Promedol
  • Budaxim
  • + Etaperazin
  • Not available , as not provided


  • # Expendable medical property may be
  • 1 categories
  • 2 categories
  • 3 categories
  • + Has no category


  • # Belong to medical property
  • Medicines
  • Chemical reagents
  • Dressings
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Composition of the standard-issue medical equipment determined on the basis of
  • Nature of the disaster
  • + Calculation of the needs of the formation according to its purpose
  • Total number of victims
  • Perhaps STI care


  • # The property of the intact stock and the property of the current security is allocated in the classification
  • According to physicochemical properties
  • + According to destination
  • According to storage conditions
  • Toxicity


  • # Inventory and expendable property allocated in the classification
  • According to physicochemical properties
  • According to destination
  • According to storage conditions
  • + Based on accounting and write-offs


  • # In terms of quality, inventory belong to category 1
  • + New property that has not been in operation
  • Former or in-use property, in good condition and suitable for use for its intended purpose, out of repair or requiring current repair (by paint, sharpening, replacement of parts)
  • Requiring mid-level repair
  • Requiring major repairs specialists lnyh workshops or factories


  • # In terms of quality, inventory belongs to category 2
  • New property o, not used
  • + Former or in-use property, in good condition and suitable for use for its intended purpose, out of repair or requiring current repair (by paint, sharpening, replacement of parts)
  • Requiring mid-level repair
  • Requiring major repairs specialists lnyh workshops or factories


  • # In terms of quality, inventory property belongs to category 3
  • New property o, not used
  • Former or in-use property, in good condition and suitable for use for its intended purpose, out of repair or requiring current repair (by paint, sharpening, replacement of parts)
  • + Requires medium repair
  • Requiring major repairs specialists lnyh workshops or factories


  • # In terms of quality, inventory belongs to category 4
  • New property o, not used
  • Former or in-use property, in good condition and suitable for use for its intended purpose, out of repair or requiring current repair (by paint, sharpening, replacement of parts)
  • Requiring mid-level repair
  • + Requires major repairs in special workshops or factories


  • # In terms of quality, inventory property belongs to category 5
  • Former or in-use property, in good condition and suitable for use for its intended purpose, out of repair or requiring current repair (painting, sharpening, replacement of parts)
  • Requiring mid-level repair
  • Requiring major repairs specialists lnyh workshops or factories
  • + Property unsuitable for further use, repair is not possible or economically feasible, for this reason are subject to write-off


  • # K p askhodnomu medical equipment include
  • + One-time items, as well as items that become unusable during short-term use
  • Property for which the terms of operation are established
  • Assets with short depreciation periods
  • Haves GUSTs having no viscous costs


  • # The basis for the issuance of expendable property to the offices is
  • Request
  • Outfit
  • + Recipe (requirement)
  • Oral order of the Head of CMK


  • # Personal protective equipment includes
  • AI
  • IPP
  • PPI
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The basis for extradition and inventory to the offices is
  • Request
  • + Invoice
  • Memo
  • Oral order of the Head of CMK


  • # For the current supply of medical equipment used by the service of medicine of catastrophes , include
  • + Items used in everyday medical, preventive and research activities , as well as for educational purposes
  • Items intended for use in emergency situations and wartime conditions
  • Durable items that wear out gradually and have a life and repair period
  • There is no correct answer.


  • # Stocks of medical property are distinguished by type
  • + Medical assets about reserve and minimum reserve
  • Imu medical societies inventory and consumables
  • Medical property with special and general purpose
  • Sanitary and household property


  • # Medical assets include irreducible stock
  • Designed to equip institutions and formations of the QMS BSMP, hospitals
  • + Intended for equipping dorazvertyvaemyh and pereprofiliruemyh beds and LPU created and E medical units for use in emergencies peace and war
  • Both options are correct.
  • There is no correct answer.


  • # Expendable medical property issued from a pharmacy to units for use
  • + It is considered consumed and deducted for accounting
  • Department of Medical Supply SSC conducts its detail-quantitative account of how low value Xia property to his lnogo used up or worn
  • Reports on the consumption of this property are submitted monthly
  • Its cancellation is carried out by a commission with the drawing up of an act


  • # The totality of items of medical property that have a single functional purpose (for performing a certain type of work) and placed in the appropriate order in a single package
  • + Set
  • Kit
  • First aid kit
  • Medical bag


  • # Surgical instruments as part of equipping disaster medicine units are included as
  • + Recruitment
  • Kit
  • First-aid kits
  • Medical bags


  • # The functional sets of medical property include
  • Sets of medical equipment for ambulatory and dressing rooms
  • Operating room kits
  • Dental health kits
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The sets of expendable medical property include
  • + Dressing and tire sets
  • On burs and laying for operating rooms
  • Sets of medical equipment for pharmacies
  • Sets of medical equipment for anesthesia and intensive care


  • # The sets of medical equipment for laboratories, sanitary-epidemiological organizations include
  • Clinical Laboratory
  • Laboratory sanitary-bacteriological I
  • Hygienic laboratory
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The sets medical equipment for disinfection and sanitization are
  • Disinfection
  • Sanitary treatment
  • Protective clothing
  • + All of the above is true


  • # To provide first aid at the stages of medical evacuation
  • First aid bag
  • + Military paramedic bag
  • Military doctor’s bag
  • By omplekt “Outpatient troop”


  • # Sets of medical property for pharmacies include
  • Military pharmacy
  • Pharmacy – Assistant
  • Pharmacy – Injection
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The sets of medical property for the provision of qualified medical care include
  • Operating small
  • Operating big
  • Op eratsionnye objects and materials
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Stage of emergency initiation
  • Emergence of conditions or conditions for emergency
  • + Emergency start
  • Stage of release of energy or substance
  • Localization of emergencies and elimination of its direct and indirect consequences


  • # Stage of attenuation
  • Emergence of conditions or conditions for emergency
  • Emergency start
  • Stage of release of energy or substance
  • + Localization of emergency situations and elimination of its direct and indirect consequences


  • # Stage of climax
  • Emergence of conditions or conditions for emergency
  • Emergency start
  • + Stage of release of energy or substance
  • Localization of emergencies and elimination of its direct and indirect consequences


  • # Stage of emergence of emergency
  • + Emergence of conditions or prerequisites for an emergency
  • Emergency start
  • Stage of release of energy or substance
  • Localization of emergencies and elimination of its direct and indirect consequences


  • # The greatest negative impact on humans and the environment of harmful and dangerous factors of emergency occurs at the stage
  • Initiation
  • Attenuation
  • + Climax
  • Birth


  • # The human factor is important at the stage
  • + Initiation
  • Attenuation
  • Climaxes
  • Birth


  • # In the 1st period (acute emotional shock) in people exposed to the disaster , there
  • Feeling confused, panic reactions, increase in the number of erroneous actions in the management of transport and special equipment
  • + Mobilization of psychophysiological reserves, aggravation of perception, increase in the speed of thought processes, increase in efficiency by 1.5-2 times
  • Reduced emotional background, ghee In addition , slowness of movement
  • Activation of interpersonal communication, normalization of the emotional coloring of speech and facial reactions


  • # In the 2nd period (psychophysiological demobilization) in people exposed to the disaster, there
  • + Feeling confused, panic reactions, increase in the number of erroneous actions in the management of transport and special equipment
  • Mobilization of psychophysiological reserves, aggravation of perception, increase in the speed of thought processes, increase in efficiency by 1.5-2 times
  • Reduced emotional background, ghee in addition, slowness of movement
  • Activation of interpersonal communication, normalization of the emotional coloring of speech and facial reactions


  • # In the period of 3 (vacuum) in people exposed to the disaster, there
  • Feeling of confusion, panic reactions, increase in the number of erroneous actions in the management of transport and special equipment
  • Mobilization of psychophysiological reserves, aggravation of perception, increase in the speed of thought processes, increase in efficiency by 1.5-2 times
  • + Reduced emotional background, ghee In addition, slowness of movement
  • Activation of interpersonal communication, normalization of the emotional coloring of speech and facial reactions


  • # In the period of 4 (recovery) in people exposed to the disaster, there
  • Feeling confused, panic reactions, increase in the number of erroneous actions in the management of transport and special equipment
  • Mobilization of psychophysiological reserves, aggravation of perception, increase in the speed of thought processes, increase in efficiency by 1.5-2 times
  • + Activation of interpersonal communication, normalization of the emotional coloring of speech and facial reactions
  • Reduced emotional background, ghee In addition, slowness of movement


  • # Increased blood pressure, tachycardia, progressive increase in overwork prize
  • In the 1st period – acute emotional shock
  • In the 2nd period – a psycho about physiological demobilization
  • + In the 3rd period – discharge stages
  • In the 4th period – the recovery stage


  • # Intensification of interpersonal communication, normalization of the emotional coloring of speech and mimic reactions, but in the state of the physiological sphere, positive dynamics were not revealed – all this is noted
  • In 1 period e – acute emotional shock
  • In the 2nd period – a psycho about physiological demobilization
  • In the 3rd period – the stage of discharge
  • + V 4 shown – step RECOVER claimed


  • # Mental stress, mobilization of psychophysiological reserves, aggravation of perception, increase in the speed of thought processes is noted
  • + In 1 period e – acute emotional shock
  • In the 2nd period – a psycho about physiological demobilization
  • In the 3rd period – the stage of discharge
  • In the 4th period – the recovery stage


  • # Feeling of confusion, panic reactions, nausea, feeling of heaviness in the head, discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite is noted
  • In 1 period e – acute emotional shock
  • + In the 2nd period – crazy about -physiological demobilization
  • In the 3rd period – the stage of discharge
  • In the 4th period – the recovery stage


  • # In emergency situations, the following dynamics of the development of neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Phase mental changes> phase of autonomic disorders> hyper kinetic phase> Phase fear
  • The phase of autonomic changes> hyperkinetic phase> phase fear and> phase of mental disorders
  • Fear phase> phase of mental disorders> phase of autonomic changes> hyperkinetic phase
  • + Fear phase> hyperkinetic phase> phase of autonomic changes> phase of mental disorders


  • # A victim with a neuropsychiatric disorder has a reaction with motor excitement and very often aimless throwing, desire to run away for some reason. This condition is noted in phase
  • Fear
  • + Hyperkinetic
  • Vegetative changes
  • Mental disorders


  • # The victim of a neuropsychiatric disorder experiences a sharp motor inhibition, reaching complete immobility and stupor, when instead of running away he freezes. This condition is noted in phase
  • Fear
  • + Hypokinetic
  • Vegetative changes
  • Mental disorders


  • # The victim of a neuropsychiatric disorder manifests pain in the region of the heart, dizziness and muscle pain, tachycardia, impaired vision and hearing, and an upset stomach. This condition is noted in phase
  • Fear
  • Hypokinetic
  • + Vegetative changes
  • Mental disorders


  • # There is no phase of development of mental reactions in natural disasters
  • Pre-exposure
  • Impacts
  • After exposure
  • + Remote effects


  • # Fear becomes the dominant emotion in phase
  • Pre-exposure
  • + Impact
  • After exposure
  • Remote effects


  • # The dynamics of reducing the working capacity and the development of fatigue among rescuers in the process of professional activity can be seen in the analysis
  • 5 phases of changes in the levels of functional reserves of the body
  • 6 phases of changes in the levels of functional reserves of the body
  • + 7 phases of changes in the levels of functional reserves of the body
  • 8 phases of changes in the levels of functional reserves of the body


  • # Rescue compensation phase is characterized by
  • Short-term decrease in almost all indicators of functional state
  • Optimization of the body’s responses in accordance with the nature of the work
  • + The most economical use of the functional reserves of the body
  • Significant disorders of vital functions


  • # Rescue hyper compensation phase is characterized by
  • Short-term decrease in almost all indicators of functional state
  • + Optimization of the response of the body in accordance with the nature of the work
  • The most economical use of the functional reserves of the body
  • Significant disorders of vital functions


  • # Rescue phase is characterized by rescuers
  • Short-term decrease in almost all indicators of functional state
  • Optimization of the body’s responses in accordance with the nature of the work
  • The most economical use of the functional reserves of the body
  • + Significant disorders of vital functions


  • # The phase of the initial reaction of rescuers is characterized by
  • + Short-term decrease in almost all indicators of functional state
  • Optimization of the body’s responses in accordance with the nature of the work
  • The most economical use of the function of the ionic reserves of the body
  • Significant disorders of vital functions




  • # To an injured person who has left the source where irritating agents have been used during partial sanitary treatment
  • Eye wash with the contents of an individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8, IPP-11)
  • + Eye wash with clean water
  • Shaking out and cleaning outfits
  • Wash and change uniforms


  • # Solubility in water of irritating substances
  • Good
  • + Bad
  • Not soluble
  • It is soluble in water at a temperature of +40 C


  • # Prophylactic antidote for the defeat of OM irritant
  • Atropine
  • Dipiroxim
  • Unitiol
  • + There is none


  • # The therapeutic antidote for the defeat of irritant agents is
  • Aminostigmine
  • Athens
  • Acizole
  • + There is none


  • # Aggregate state of OM irritant
  • Liquid
  • + Solid
  • Gas
  • Oily liquid


  • # Prevention of irritant damage to OM includes
  • N Receiving preventive antidote
  • + Putting on a gas mask
  • Putting on skin protection
  • Using the contents of IPP-11


  • # Specific odor of chloroacetophenone ( CN )
  • Geraniums
  • + Cher flies
  • Pepper
  • It has no smell


  • # When an irritant agent is used, a chemical lesion is formed
  • Resistant, high-speed
  • + Unstable, high-speed
  • Persistent, Slow Motion
  • Unstable, slow motion action


  • # The substance is an irritant.
  • Dichlorvos
  • Phosgene
  • Dinitro – ortho- cresol
  • + Dibenzoxazepine


  • # Method of administration of ficilin
  • Intravenously
  • Intramuscularly
  • + Inhalation
  • Subcutaneously


  • # First aid in the area where irritant agents are used begins with
  • + Putting on a gas mask
  • Inside the Trimuscular Administration of Budaxime
  • With evacuation from the lesion
  • Oxygen inhalation


  • # It is not performed when first aid is given to affected irritant agents
  • Partial sanitization with the replacement of uniforms (if possible)
  • + Introduction of atropine solution until the first signs of transatropinization appear
  • Profuse eye and face wash with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution
  • The use of a 2% solution of promedol 1.0 ml . n odko zhno at sharp pain syndrome


  • # OM irritant mainly refers to sternites
  • Chloracetophenone ( CN )
  • Chlorobenzylidene malonodinitrile (C S )
  • + Adamsite ( DM )
  • Dibenzoxazepine (C R )


  • # OV Irritating to skin
  • Chloracetophenone ( CN )
  • Chlorobenzylidene malonodinitrile (C S )
  • + Adamsite ( DM )
  • Dibenzoxazepine (C R )


  • # Chlorobenzylidene malonodinitrile (C S ) has a specific odor
  • Geraniums
  • Bird cherries
  • + Pepper
  • It has no smell


  • # Adamsite ( DM ) has a specific smell
  • Geraniums
  • Bird cherries
  • Pepper
  • + Has no smell


  • # Dibenzoxazepine (C R ) has a specific odor
  • Geraniums
  • Bird cherries
  • Pepper
  • + Has no smell


  • # The special sanitary and hygienic skim measures do not apply
  • Use of personal protective equipment ( respiratory and eye protection ) in the area of ​​infection
  • The participation of the medical service in chemical reconnaissance in the area of ​​the deployment of troops
  • Training personnel on contingency rules
  • + Sanitization of the diseased at the advanced stages of medical evacuation


  • # The following substances are part of the anti-smoke mixture
  • Novocaine, menthol, ethyl alcohol, ammonia
  • + Chloroform, ethyl alcohol, ether, ammonia
  • Novocaine, chloroform, ethyl alcohol, ether
  • Menthol, ethyl alcohol, ether, ammonia


  • # Solubility of irritant agents in organic solvents and fats
  • + Good
  • Bad
  • Do not dissolve at all
  • Deposited


  • # The cause of death with prolonged exposure to high concentrations of lacrimators is
  • Myocardial infarction yes
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident
  • + Toxic pulmonary edema
  • Acute renal failure


  • # As a local anesthetic with a burning sensation and pain in the eyes, photophobia, a pharmacological drug is used
  • 1% solution of diphenhydramine
  • 1% solution of dibazole
  • + 1% dicaine solution
  • 40% glucose solution


  • # With pronounced autonomic reactions, which are overexcitation of the vagus and oculomotor nerves (lacrimation, salivation, bronchorrhea , persistent bradycardia, etc.), a pharmacological drug is used
  • Papaverine
  • + Atropine
  • Eufillin
  • Diacarb


  • # With persistent bronchospasm , a pharmacological drug is used
  • Diphenhydramine
  • + Alupent
  • Acizole
  • Analgin


  • # Special therapeutic measures for the defeat of OM irritant include
  • Sanitization of the affected at the advanced stages of medical evacuation
  • The use of etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy for victims
  • + The use of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy for victims
  • Use of personal protective equipment ( respiratory and eye protection ) in the area of ​​infection


  • # Toxicology is a science
  • About comfortable and safe interaction between humans and the technosphere
  • About protecting the life and health of people in emergency situations
  • + About poison and intoxications (poisonings)
  • On the patterns of functioning and regulation of biological systems of different levels of organization


  • # Xenobiotic is
  • Highly toxic substance of bacterial, animal , plant origin
  • Chemical agent intended for use as a weapon during combat operations
  • + Alien substance trapped in the internal environment of the body
  • A broader concept than poison, used to refer to substances that have caused not only intoxication, but also provoking other forms of the toxic process


  • # Toxic dose
  • + The amount of substance that has entered the internal environment of the body and causes a toxic effect
  • The amount of substance in a unit volume (mass) of a certain environmental object, upon contact with which a toxic effect develops
  • Chemical property that can be measured
  • The dose-effect relationship , which can be traced at the level of not every individual organism


  • # Section of Toxicology toxicodynamics –
  • + Studies and considers the mechanism of toxic effects, patterns of development and manifestation of various forms of the toxic process
  • A section that evaluates the toxicity of chemicals
  • A section in which the laws of xenobiotic resorption in the body, their distribution , biotransformation and elimination are studied
  • Establishes factors influencing toxicity of a substance


  • # Preventive toxicology –
  • It studies the laws of the interaction of substances and biological systems, and also develops new means of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various forms of the toxic process
  • The field of medicine associated with the provision of assistance in acute toxic lesions, the identification and treatment of pathology due to occupational hazards
  • + Studied the toxicity of new chemicals, establishes criteria for harmfulness, MPC, regulatory and legal acts to ensure the preservation of life, health, public health professional in a chemical attack, and implement a wish to set up the control over their observance
  • This is a system of measures, tools and methods that ensure the preservation of the life, health and professional performance of an individual, groups and the general population in everyday contact with chemicals and in emergency situations


  • # Ecotoxicity at the population level is manifested
  • An increase in morbidity, mortality , and a decrease in the birth rate
  • Violation of demographic characteristics of the population
  • The fall in the average life expectancy of members of the population
  • + All of the above is true


  • # As poisons ( toxicants ) can act
  • Chemical compounds of various structures, if, acting on biological systems in a non-mechanical way, they cause damage or death
  • Proteins produced by microorganisms that can multiply under anaerobic conditions
  • Diverse manifestations of the action of ionizing radiation at all levels of the organization of a living organism
  • + Compounds of various structures, if, acting on biological systems in a non-mechanical way, they cause damage or death


  • # Intoxication – it
  • Quickly passing, is not threatening s state of health I
  • + Diseases of chemical etiology
  • Changes in the body’s sensitivity to infectious, chemical, radiation, other physical effects and psychogenic stress
  • Processes with a long latent period that develop in a part of the population under the influence of chemicals


  • # In medical toxicology does not exist
  • Industrial Toxicology
  • Environmental toxicology
  • + Space Toxicology
  • Municipal Toxicology


  • # The removal of toxic substances from clothing and skin is called
  • Disinfection
  • Pest control
  • + Degassing
  • Pesticide


  • # Hemostatic s harness with open arterial bleeding imposed
  • + Above the wound site
  • Below the wound site
  • To the wound
  • Irrelevant


  • # Indicate the antidote from the first-aid kit of individual AI – 2
  • Promedol
  • Doxycycline
  • + Athens ( Budaxim )
  • Etapirazine


  • # Indicate the main pathogenetic mechanism of dying
  • Acidosis
  • + Hypoxia
  • Bleeding
  • Suffocation


  • # Type of prevention through the use of antibacterial agents
  • Specific
  • + Nonspecific
  • Hygienic
  • Special


  • # A time agent for removing dangerous chemicals from the skin. substances
  • Water-soap emulsion
  • + Individual anti-chemical package
  • Ammonia
  • First-aid kit individual AI – 2


  • # The main sign of pulmonary edema is
  • + Bubbling breath, porridge spruce with pink frothy sputum
  • Swollen veins
  • Systolic murmur
  • Emphysema


  • # A characteristic sign of a burn with strong acids
  • Blistering
  • + Coagulation necrosis
  • Hyperemia of the skin
  • Collication necrosis


  • # The area where the poisonous substance was released into the environment and continues to evaporate into the atmosphere is called
  • + The outbreak of chemical infection
  • Chemical contamination zone
  • T erritoriya chemical contamination
  • Chemical contamination area


  • # Territory exposed to fumes of the poison – it
  • Hotbed of chemical contamination
  • + Z he a chemical infection
  • T erritoriya chemical contamination
  • Chemical contamination area


  • # Patients with acute poisoning are hospitalized
  • In severe condition of the patient
  • In cases when it was not possible to rinse the stomach
  • In the unconscious state of the patient
  • + In all cases of acute poisoning


  • # If strong toxic substances get on the skin, it is necessary
  • Wipe the skin with a damp cloth
  • + Wash with running water
  • Immerse the damaged surface in a container of water
  • Sprinkle with earth


  • # Gastric lavage in case of poisoning with acids and alkalis is performed
  • After both reflexions
  • Contraindicated
  • + After anesthesia with a probe method
  • Zones dovym method without anesthesia


  • # Gastric lavage in case of poisoning with acids and alkalis is performed
  • Neutralizing solutions
  • + Water at room temperature
  • Cold water
  • Warm water


  • # For a good gastric lavage, it is necessary
  • 5 liters of water
  • + 10 liters of rows
  • 15 liters of water
  • 20 liters of water


  • # The targets (receptors) for toxic effects may be
  • Structural elements of the intercellular space
  • Strukt urnye elements organism cells
  • Structural elements of cell activity regulation systems
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Effective chlorine protection is
  • Dry gauze dressing
  • Gauze dressing moistened with a fresh solution of citric acid
  • + Gauze dressing moistened with soda solution
  • Rinse exposed skin and eyes with a light citric acid solution.


  • # Effective protection against ammonia is
  • Dry gauze dressing
  • + Gauze dressing moistened with citric acid solution
  • Gauze dressing moistened with a solution of soda
  • Rinse exposed skin and eyes with a light citric acid solution.


  • # The main sign of pulmonary edema
  • Swollen veins
  • + Bubbling breath, porridge spruce with pink frothy sputum
  • Intense systolic murmur on the top of the heart and on the aorta
  • Emphysema


  • # The specific smell of phosgene a is the smell
  • Bitter almonds
  • Geraniums
  • + Rotten apples
  • Bird cherries


  • # If there is chlorine vapor in the atmosphere, it is necessary to move
  • + At the top of the building I
  • To the lower floors of a building or a ramp
  • To the street
  • Stay in the same place


  • # Solubility of phosgene in organic solvents
  • Bad
  • + Good
  • Not soluble
  • Accumulates in tissues


  • # Degassing phosgene at a local STI held
  • Solution No. 1
  • Solution №2 – arg
  • Solution No. 2 – bsch
  • + No degassing required


  • # Phosgene is soluble in water
  • Good
  • + Bad
  • Not soluble
  • Precipitates


  • # When using phosgene, a focus of chemical infection is formed
  • Resistant, high-speed
  • Unstable, high-speed
  • Persistent, Slow Motion
  • + H persistent, delayed action


  • # Aggregate state of phosgene at a temperature of 0 C
  • Solid
  • + Fluid
  • Gas
  • Viscous oily liquid


  • # If there is phosgene vapor in the atmosphere, it is necessary to move
  • + To the upper floors of the building
  • To the lower floors of a building or a ramp
  • To the street
  • Stay in the same place


  • # Aggregate state of chlorine
  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • + Gas
  • Viscous oily liquid


  • # Paraquat is used
  • To fight rodents
  • For disinfection of premises
  • + In agriculture as a pesticide
  • As a chemical weapon


  • # Paraquat color
  • Blue
  • Green
  • + White
  • Yellow


  • # The lethal dose of paraquat for humans is
  • 1 – 2 g rmma
  • 2 – 3 g ram
  • + 3 – 5 g ram
  • Not dangerous for humans


  • # First aid for phosgene damage includes the following activities
  • Partial sanitary treatment of the contents of IPP – 8 (11)
  • + Putting on a gas mask and removal from the outbreak ( regardless of the condition of the affected person)
  • In nutrimyshechnoe administering Acyzol
  • Conducting e cardiopulmonary resuscitation


  • # Prevention of defeat RH pulmonotoksicheskogo action includes the following activities
  • N Receiving preventive antidote
  • + Putting on a gas mask
  • Putting on skin protection
  • All of the above is true.


  • # Event, not related to specially medical measures in the defeat RH pulmonotoksicheskogo action
  • + Use of personal respiratory protective equipment in the area of ​​chemical contamination
  • Timely detection of the affected
  • The use of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy
  • According dgotovka and conduct evacuation


  • # Indication for intubation in affected sufferers with suffocating action is the presence of a symptom
  • Oppression of consciousness
  • Hip oksii
  • + Laryngospasm
  • Preservation of signs of damage (cough , shortness of breath, etc.) for more than 4 hours


  • # For the doctor, the presence of complaints is an indication for making a decision on the hospitalization of a patient delivered from the infection zone of suffocating agents
  • For chest pain
  • For impaired consciousness
  • On a skin burn
  • + All listed right


  • # With developing toxic pulmonary edema, measures aimed at
  • To reduce oxygen consumption
  • To combat hypoxia th
  • To reduce blood volume, circulating it in the pulmonary circulation
  • + All listed right


  • # Pain relieves the drug
  • Diphenhydramine 1% – 1.0 v / m
  • Dibazol 1% – 1.0 v / m
  • Cordiamine – 2.0 s / c
  • + Promedol 2% – 1.0 v / m


  • # Bronchospasm relieves the drug
  • Coffee invariant benzoate sodium 20% – 1.0 n / a
  • Morphine 1% – 1.0 v / m
  • + Eufillin 2.4% – 10.0 w / w
  • Ac Corbin Acid 5% – 5.0 v / m


  • # Psychomotor agitation relieves the drug
  • Atropine 0.1% – 1.0 s / c
  • + Dro peridol 0.25% – 1.0 – 10.0 v / m
  • Glucose 40% – 20.0 in / in
  • Nos-pa 2,0 v / m


  • # Glucocorticoids in the treatment of strangulated OM suffocating
  • Decreased airway obstruction
  • Decreased permeability of the alveolar-capillary membrane
  • Mustache Suggested Measures hemodynamic
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The cause of hypoxia in carbon monoxide poisoning ( CO ) is
  • Obra formation in blood oxyhemoglobin
  • Methemoglobin blood formation
  • Education in the blood of myoglobin
  • + Blood carboxyhemoglobin formation


  • # Not included in the group of OMs forming carboxyhemoglobin
  • Carbon monoxide
  • + Dinitrophenol
  • Nickel tetracarbonyl
  • Pentacarbonyl iron


  • # Not in the group of red blood cell- destroying red blood cells
  • Arsine
  • Phenol
  • Chloroform
  • + Fluoroacetic acid


  • # Carbon monoxide has a specific odor
  • Bitter almonds
  • Geraniums
  • + Has no smell
  • Bird cherries


  • # Special curative interventions in poisoning CO is not
  • + The use of anti- pillbox before entering the fire zone
  • Its timely identification of the affected
  • The use of antidotes and means of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy
  • According dgotovka and conduct evacuation


  • # The antidote for carbon monoxide damage is
  • Atropine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • + Acizole
  • Unitiol


  • # Aggregate state of aniline
  • Solid
  • Gas
  • Liquid
  • + Viscous oily liquid


  • # Aniline poisoning is possible
  • With contaminated water and food
  • Inhalation
  • Che Res damaged skin
  • + The CE listed nd true


  • # The main route of sodium nitrate in the body
  • + By mouth with contaminated water and food
  • Inhalation
  • Che Res damaged skin
  • All of the above is true.


  • # Special sanitary-hygienic measures for the defeat of methemoglobin formers
  • The use of individual technical means of protecting the respiratory system and skin in the area of chemical infection
  • The participation of the medical service in chemical reconnaissance in the area of ​​the deployment of troops
  • Training personnel on contingency rules
  • + All listed right


  • # The antidote of methemog of lobino-formers is
  • Acizole
  • Diphenhydramine
  • + Methylene blue
  • Unitiol


  • # Respiratory protection that reliably protects against carbon monoxide and explosive (powder) gases
  • Cotton-gauze bandage , moisten constant prices 40% alcohol solution
  • Respirator
  • Gas mask
  • + Isolating gas mask


  • # Aggregate state of arsine
  • Solid
  • + Colorless gas
  • Green liquid
  • Viscous oily liquid


  • # Fluoroacetic acid is used
  • In the manufacture of lubricants
  • In the manufacture of dyes
  • + In military toxicologists and as a possible diversion poison
  • To increase the operation of car tires


  • # Aggregate state of hydrocyanic acid
  • Solid
  • + Colorless clear liquid
  • Gas with the smell of bitter almonds
  • Viscous oily liquid


  • # Hearth chemical contamination , formed prussic acid
  • Resistant, high-speed
  • + Unstable cue, high-speed
  • Persistent , Slow Motion
  • H estoyky , delayed action


  • # Antidote for damage with hydrocyanic acid is not
  • Glucose
  • Preparations containing cobalt
  • + Cholinesterase Reactors
  • Metgem oglobin formers


  • # In case of defeat with initial acid, a medical antidote is used
  • Unitiol
  • + Sodium thiosulfate
  • Atropine
  • Acizole


  • # In the affected person immediately after contact with hydrocyanic acid occurs
  • Acute psychosis
  • Involuntary urination
  • Twilight vision impairment
  • + Unpleasant burning che-bitter taste and burning in the mouth


  • # In case of delayed intoxication with hydrocyanic acid is absent
  • + Hidden period
  • Initial period
  • Dispute ethical period
  • Convulsive period


  • # Dinitro – ortho- cresol belongs to the group of toxic substances
  • Destructive red blood cells
  • Ingibi tori respiratory chain enzymes
  • + Dissociators of tissue respiration and phosphorylation
  • Krebs cycle enzyme inhibitors


  • # Dinitro – ortho- cresol is used
  • As a component of rocket fuel
  • In the manufacture of paints and varnishes
  • + To control agricultural pests
  • As additives in cement production


  • # Clinical signs with mild intoxication with dinitro – ortho- cresol
  • + Severe sweating and fever up to 38 C
  • Thirsty
  • Heart rhythm disturbance
  • Insomnia


  • # Antidotes in the defeat of dinitro – ortho- cresol
  • Glucose
  • Drugs , containing cobalt
  • Cholinesterase Reactors
  • + No antidotes


  • # Preventive antidote to poisoning by prussic acid
  • P – 10 M
  • Glucose
  • Vitamin C
  • + There is none


  • # In case of poisoning with sulfur mustard, the smell is felt
  • + Garlic (mustard)
  • Geraniums
  • Bitter almonds
  • Fresh hay


  • # In case of poisoning of OM with a cytostatic effect, a damaging effect of substances on the body occurs
  • Accompanied by damage to biological mechanisms of energy support of vital processes
  • + By the formation of deep structural and functional changes in cells leading to their death
  • Causes structural and functional disorders of the respiratory system
  • Causing disorders in the structures and / or functions of the nervous system


  • # Common in the action on the body of the OM cytotoxic action is
  • Slow, gradual development of acute intoxication
  • Changes on the part of all organs and tissues with which the toxicant or its metabolic products are able to directly interact
  • The main forms of disorders from organs and systems involved in the toxic process: inflammatory necrotic changes, inhibition of cell division processes, deep functional disorders of internal organs
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Mustard as a chemical warfare agent
  • It was applied once
  • + Used repeatedly
  • Not yet applied
  • Only laboratory tests were performed on animals and volunteers.


  • # Stability of sulfur mustard during storage
  • + Stable in steel and aluminum containers
  • Stable in a thick dark glass container
  • Stable in white plastic container
  • Stable in any container


  • # The rate of hydrolysis of sulfur mustard gas (half- life at 25 ° C in distilled water) is
  • 5 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • +8.5 minutes


  • # The solubility of sulfur mustard in water is
  • + 0.05%
  • 1%
  • 5%
  • 1,0%


  • # The rate of detoxification of sulfur mustard
  • High
  • + Low
  • The state of the substance is stable.
  • There is no correct answer.


  • # Chlorination of mustard gas in an aqueous and anhydrous environment
  • + Accompanied by loss of toxic properties
  • It is accompanied by an increase in toxic properties.
  • Accompanied by stabilization of toxic properties
  • Does not change toxicity


  • # Of mustard gas can cause time to voltage , penetrating into the body
  • Inhalation
  • Through intact skin, wounded and burned surface
  • By mouth with contaminated water and food
  • + For any route of entry


  • # In mild forms of mustard poisoning (inhalation route of entry of OM), the latent period continues
  • Up to 4 hours
  • Up to 6 hours
  • Up to 8 hours
  • + 12 hours or more


  • # In case of severe lesions and moderate lesions in mustard gas poisoning (inhalation route of OM intake), the latent period continues
  • No hidden period
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • + 2 to 6 hours


  • # After the cure for the mustard gas damage,
  • + Persistent sensitization to mustard gas
  • The body’s resistance to various pathological agents is reduced
  • The body’s resistance to various pathological agents is increased
  • No clinical studies have been conducted.


  • # In case of skin lesions with vaporous mustard gas develops
  • + Erythematous stage of the lesion
  • Bullous stage of expressions
  • Ulcerative necrotic stage of lesion
  • Gangrenous stage of the lesion


  • # At the site of the lesion , I skin Evaporative nym mustard gas after recovery remain
  • Hair growth disorder
  • + Pronounced pigmentation
  • Rough scars
  • Vitil yoke


  • # Purified ricin is
  • Colorless liquid
  • + White powder
  • Green gas
  • Dark oily liquid


  • # Ricin has a smell
  • Blooming bird cherry
  • Blooming lily of the valley
  • + No smell
  • Rotten i eggs


  • # Sodium arsenite is an inorganic compound
  • Lead
  • Chrome
  • + Arsenic
  • Nickel


  • # Lewisite has a smell
  • Blooming bird cherry
  • Blooming lily of the valley
  • + Pounded geranium leaves
  • Rotten eggs


  • # If louis zita enters the gastrointestinal tract, the lethal dose for humans is
    • – 1.0 mg / kg
  • – 1.5 mg / kg
  • +2.0 – 10 mg / kg
  • When entering the digestive tract is not toxic , as it is destroyed by gastric juice


  • # Lewisite dissolves in water
  • Good
  • + Bad
  • Not soluble
  • Precipitates


  • # The mechanism of the toxic effect of lewisite is due to
  • Cytochrome oxidase blockade
  • Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
  • + Blockade of thiol enzymes
  • Algogenic effects on sensory nerve okonchan Ia


  • # When using lewisite, a chemical lesion is formed
  • Not resistant high-speed
  • Persistent Slow Motion
  • Not resistant slow acting
  • + Resistant high-speed


  • # As a medical antidote for lewisitis, it is used
  • Aminostigmine
  • Atropine
  • + Unithiol
  • No antidote


  • # In the period of dioxin disease poisoned
  • Rash
  • Prib in weight up to 1/3 of body weight
  • + Lose weight up to 1/3 of body weight
  • Have an aversion to tobacco


  • # K RH nerve does not include
  • Organophosphorus Compounds
  • Hydrazine derivatives
  • + Polychlorinated biphenyls
  • Protein toxins


  • # Signs of cerebral edema
  • Swollen vessels
  • Bubbling breath
  • + Cramps, gagging
  • Headache


  • # Removal of OM from clothes and skin is called
  • Deactivation
  • + Degassing
  • Pest control
  • Pesticide


  • # In the individual first-aid kit (AI – 2) there is an anti- pillbox 1 aid for poisoning FOV
  • Etapirazine
  • Promedol
  • + Athens
  • Doxycycline


  • # When using ФОВ, a center of chemical infection is formed
  • + Resistant, high-speed
  • Unstable, high-speed
  • Resistant , slow and dis tviya
  • H estoyky , delayed action


  • # In lesions FOV in mild to achestve primary dose administered 0.1% atropine solution / m
  • mg
  • + 2 mg
  • mg
  • mg


  • # In case of moderate FOV damage, 0.1% atropine v / m is introduced as the primary dose
  • 2 mg
  • + 4 mg
  • 6 mg
  • 8 mg


  • # The main syndrome with poisoning of FOV of moderate severity
  • Convulsive
  • + Bronchospastic
  • Paralytic
  • Astheno- Neurotic


  • # In the organ of vision with acute defeat of FOV occurs
  • + Miosis
  • Diplopia
  • Mydriasis
  • Anisocoria


  • # First Aid Antidote for FOV
  • Anticholinergic
  • Cholinesterase Reactor
  • + Complex of anticholinergic and reactivator choline esterase
  • Anticonvulsant


  • # Affected arrivals from the source of infection of FOV are sent
  • In intensive care
  • To the reception and sorting department
  • + To the special treatment site
  • To the isolation ward


  • # Aggregate state of hydrazine
  • Lily of the valley solid gray
  • Colorless and odorless gas
  • Blue liquid with a smell of alcohol
  • + Colorless oily liquid with ammonia odor


  • # A characteristic manifestation in the KLA with hydrazine intoxication
  • + Reduced red blood cell count
  • N transpose erythrocyte count
  • Platelet count reduction
  • ESR Acceleration


  • # As an antidote for lesions with hydrazine are used
  • Atropine
  • + Diazepam
  • Kagocel
  • Homeovox


  • # A single lethal dose of tetanotoxin for humans is
    • mg
  • +0.2 – 0.3 mg
  • 5 – 0.6 mg
  • 8 – 1.0 mg


  • # Intoxication tetanospasmin accompanied
  • The development of toxic pulmonary edema
  • Development of acute broken Ia mo of pulling circulation
  • + Pris stupid clonic- tonic seizures
  • Hallucinations


  • # At the prehospital stage, when providing emergency care with affected tetanotoxin, it is necessary
  • Since intoxication develops gradually, medications are not administered, and urgent delivery of the victim to the hospital is necessary
  • + In order to prevent convulsive syndrome, it is necessary to introduce a neuroplegic mixture
  • Before evacuation to health facilities, it is necessary to carry out partial sanitization of the victim and change clothes
  • Ne ed evacuation in health facilities need to conduct a full san itarnuyu treatment of the victim


  • # In order to prevent destruction tetanospasmin held
  • + Routine immunization of the population
  • Multivitamin intake
  • Ample drink of Narzan mineral water
  • Introduction of restrictions on displacement


  • # Not a cardinal sign of botulism
  • Lack of fever
  • Fully Preserved Consciousness
  • + Severe bronchospasm
  • Symmetry of neurological disorders


  • # There is no clinical form of tetradotoxin poisoning
  • Paralytic
  • Gastro-intestinal
  • + Bronchospastic
  • Allergic


  • # There is no group of OS of psychodysleptic action (according to the peculiarities of their formation of the toxic process)
  • Euphoriogens
  • Hallucinogens
  • D eliriogenes
  • + Comogenes


  • # Are not the main symptoms of delirium
  • Hyperthermia
  • + Hyporeflexia
  • Amnesia
  • Lack of coordination of movement


  • # Thallium belong to the group of chemical elements
  • Copper
  • Mercury
  • + Aluminum
  • Lead


  • # Ways of entry of thallium into the human body
  • Through the skin
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Inhalation
  • + All possible routes of organi gp


  • # Ways of getting tetraethyl lead into the human body
  • Through the skin
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Inhalation
  • + All possible routes of entry into the body


  • # C the rare lethal dose of methyl alcohol when taken orally is
  • 50 ml
  • + 100 ml
  • 150 ml
  • 200 ml


  • # C the lowest lethal dose of ethylene glycol when taken orally is
  • 50-100 ml
  • + 100-200 ml
  • 200-300 ml
  • 300-400 ml


  • # Methanol metabolism products lead to body poisoning
  • U, oxalic acid, glycolic aldehyde, glycolic acid
  • F ormaldegid, glycolic acid
  • F ormaldegid, oxalic acid
  • + F formaldehyde, formic acid


  • # H arusheniya about oxidative processes etc. and lead poisoning methanol
  • By the acidosis and hypercapnia
  • To alkalosis and acidosis
  • To hypoxia and hypocapnia
  • + To hypoxia and acidosis


  • # Dichloroethane molecules block functional groupings of enzymes
  • SH groups
  • NH2 groups
  • OH groups
  • + SH and NH2 groups


  • # Methyl alcohol is
  • With osudisty poison th
  • rotoplasmic poison om
  • H ervno-vascular poison th
  • + H ervno circulatory m and protoplasmic poison the


  • # And they C a when poisoning with ethylene glycol binds
  • M formic acid
  • G glycolic acid
  • + Thyroid acid
  • Щabelic and glycolic acid


  • # P ri dichloroethane poisoning affects
  • P arenatal organs
  • With a heart, brain tissue
  • K ozh, parenchymal organs
  • + All of the above is true


  • # The wasps palenie papilla of the optic nerve causes a metabolite of methanol
  • M formic acid
  • + F formaldehyde
  • X lorethanol
  • U oxalic acid


  • # M etilalkogolnuyu whom and for expressions of parenchymal organs causes
  • + M formic acid metabolite of methanol
  • F ormaldegid
  • X lorethanol
  • U oxalic acid


  • # Biotransformation of ethylene glycol occurs during
  • 2-4 days
  • 6-8 days
  • 8-10 days
  • + 10-12 days


  • # When poisoning with toxic fluids , kidney damage is not observed
  • + M ethyl alcohol
  • D ichloroethane
  • E Tylenglycol
  • Trichlorethylene


  • # In case of poisoning with toxic fluids , liver damage is not observed
  • + M ethyl alcohol
  • D ichloroethane
  • E Tylenglycol
  • Trichlorethylene


  • # N Primer pen at step eral poisoning dichloroethane proceeds in a clinical manifestation
  • A egochnoy failure
  • P echenochnoy failure
  • P Spot metering failure
  • + N Arcotic Coma


  • # H arctic effect of ethylene glycol in the initial period is associated with
  • + The action of an ethylene glycol molecule
  • D Procedure ethylene glycol metabolites
  • H arusheniem metabolic processes
  • D Procedure alkogoldegidrogenazy


  • # In Torah item Heat-poisoning ethylene glycol is due to lesions
  • P ochek
  • P echeni
  • From the heart
  • + N och f to and Pechen and


  • # G laser lesions in the generalized form of methyl alcohol poisoning are characterized by
  • With a decrease in vision
  • With the fishing fields of view
  • + Rapid development of blindness
  • With a decrease in vision, then complete blindness


  • # A la poisoning etileng glycol of moderate severity characteristic
  • About intoxication, general symptoms of intoxication symptoms
  • + With toxic nephropathy symptoms
  • kidney disease, liver failure
  • M ozgovaya intoxication (brain coma)


  • # X imichesky (erythematous-bull zny) dermatitis prolonged contact causes technical poisonous liquid
  • M ethanol
  • E tylene glycol
  • + D ichloroethane
  • T richlorethylene


  • # Methanol causes skin damage
  • B ullezn th forms have dermatitis
  • E ritematozno-bullous th form at
  • I am in link form
  • + H e causes


  • # B Aulnay is, for ethylene glycol poisoning may die
  • About t respiratory failure
  • From the mid dechno circulatory failure
  • + About t renal failure
  • About liver failure


  • # M eropriyatiya first honey itsinskoy using wires for n eroralnom methanol poisoning
  • Ingestion of the adsorbent
  • In the management of the antidote (specific agent)
  • + P rinsing the stomach
  • P romyvanie stomach reception adsorbent


  • # D -inflammatory (repeated) washing stomach and p It is recommended to poisoning when
  • + M ethanol ohm
  • E tilenglikol eat
  • D ichloroethane om
  • T richlorethylene om


  • # P ri peroral treatment nogo ethylene glycol poisoning antidote is applied
  • With no specific agent
  • + Ethyl alcohol
  • E thylene oxide
  • Have nitiol


  • # Ethylene glycol is used as
  • P astvoritelya
  • + About coolant
  • P aketnogo fuel
  • T brake fluid


  • # Chemical antagonism in the mechanism of action of etiotropic drugs is
  • In the normalization of water-electrolyte metabolism and acid-base state
  • + To neutralize the toxicant
  • In interrupting the pathochemical cascade of cells leading to cell death
  • Until now its not installed


  • # Biochemical antagonism in the mechanism of action of etiotropic drugs is
  • In neutralizing the toxicant
  • + The displacement tox ikanta of communication with biosubstrates
  • In normalizing the functional state of subcellular biosystems
  • In modulating the activity of processes of nervous and humoral regulation


  • # Physiological antagonism in the mechanism of action of etiotropic drugs is
  • In neutralizing the toxicant
  • In crowding out toxicant from biosubstrate
  • + In the normalization of the functional state of subcellular biosystems
  • In modulating the activity of processes of nervous and humoral regulation


  • # By chelating agents – complexing agents are
  • + A group of substances that mobilize and accelerate the elimination of metals from the body through the formation of water-soluble low-toxic complexes with them, which are easily excreted through the kidneys
  • A group of substances that normalize the conduction of nerve impulses in synapses exposed to toxicants
  • Group of substances that displace toxicant from its connection with biomolecules and – target and restore the normal flow of biochemical nomic processes in the body
  • Group of substances which interfere with the conversion of xenobiotics to toxic metabolites or accelerate biodetoksikats Theological agents


  • # Specificity below
  • + In physiological antidotes
  • Anti DotA with chemical antagonism
  • Antidotes with biochemical antagonism
  • No specific difference


  • # Atropine and other anticholinergics
  • + Physiological antidotes
  • Anti DotA with chemical antagonism
  • Antidote s with biochemical antagonism
  • Metabolism modifiers


  • # The mechanism of antagonistic relationships between antidote and toxicant underlying the prevention or elimination of toxic effects
  • Chemical
  • Biochemical
  • Physiological
  • + All of the above is true


  • # In the mechanism of action of etiotropic drugs lies
  • + Normalization of the functional state of subcellular biosystems
  • Prevention of the harmful effects of bioenergy disruptions
  • Normalization of hemodynamics
  • Interruption of pathochemical cascades of cells leading to cell death


  • # In the mechanism of action of pathogenetic agents lies
  • Normalization of the functional state of subcellular biosystems
  • + Modulation of the activity of processes of nervous and humoral regulation
  • Elimination of pain, seizure , psychomotor agitation
  • neutralization of the toxicant


  • # In the mechanism of action of symptomatic agents lies
  • Repression tox ikanta of communication with biosubstrates
  • Hypoxia Elimination
  • + Normalization of breath
  • Normalization of water-electrolyte metabolism and acid-base state


  • # Metabolism modifiers
  • Normalize the conduction of nerve impulses in synapses subjected to toxicant attack
  • + Prevent the conversion of xenobiotics into highly toxic metabolites or accelerate the biodetoxification of the substance
  • They displace the toxicant from its connection with target biomolecules and restore the normal course of biochemical processes in the body.
  • Directly bind to toxicants


  • # The time to put on a gas mask in an infected OM, PB or BS atmosphere should not exceed
  • seconds
  • + 10 seconds
  • 15 seconds
  • 20 sec und


  • # Respirators do not protect the respiratory system
  • From aerosols of radioactive substances
  • From biological agents
  • + From OVTV vapors and gases
  • All of the above is true.


  • # The following filter gas mask factors adversely affect the body
  • Breathing resistance
  • Harmful space
  • The harmful effects of the face of the gas mask on the senses
  • + All of the above is true


  • # Absolute contraindications to the use of a gas mask include
  • Acute toothache
  • Lacunar angina
  • + Profuse nasal discharge
  • Arterial hypertension


  • # Combined Arms Protection Kit (OZK) consists
  • + From a protective rubberized raincoat, behind shield stockings, protective gloves
  • From a shirt with a hood, trousers with stockings, gloves, comforter
  • From caps with a visor, jackets, trousers. A cap comforter is put on the cap, and under the jacket and trousers and – a protective shirt and underpants
  • From a two-layer jacket and trousers. Due to special impregnation, the upper layer allows you to protect yourself from light radiation from a nuclear explosion and fire of fires, and the lower layer protects against the action of combat agents


  • # Set L – 1 consists
  • From a protective rubberized raincoat, behind shield stockings, protective gloves
  • + From a shirt with a hood, trousers with stockings, gloves, comforter
  • From caps with a visor, jackets, trousers. A cap comforter is put on the cap, and under the jacket and trousers and – a protective shirt and underpants
  • From a two-layer jacket and trousers. Due to special impregnation, the upper layer allows you to protect yourself from light radiation from a nuclear explosion and fire of fires, and the lower layer protects against the action of combat agents


  • # Benzodiazepines and barbiturates
  • + Physiological antidotes
  • Anti DotA with chemical antagonism
  • Antidote s with biochemical antagonism
  • Metabolism modifiers


  • # Metabolism modifiers can be assigned to the group
  • Complexing agents
  • + Accelerating detox
  • Low toxicity compounds
  • Releasing structures – receptors due to toxicant


  • # Metabolism modifiers include drugs
  • Galan tamine , pyridoxine, aminostigmine
  • Naloxone , flumazenil
  • + Sodium thios ulfate, benzonal , acetylcysteine
  • Galantam in , pyridostigmine , aminostigmine


  • # Antidote of narcotic analgesics
  • Atropine and other anticholinergics
  • + Naloxone
  • Ethanol
  • Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates


  • # Antidote for poisoning with atropine, scopolamine , BZ
  • Galantamine , n iridoxin, aminostigmine
  • + Naloxone
  • Ethanol
  • Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates


  • # Antidote for carbamate poisoning
  • + Atropine and other anticholinergics
  • Naloxone
  • Ethanol
  • Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates


  • # Helmet – mask filter masks protecting e t a person from the drip-liquid OB
  • Within 3 – 5 hours
  • + Within 6 – 10 hours
  • Within 11 – 15 hours
  • Within 16 to 20 hours


  • # OM in a vapor state, radioactive substances and biological agents, through the rubber of the front of the filter gas mask
  • N ronikayut for 6 – 10 hours
  • Ex onikayut for 11 – 15 hours
  • Ex onikayut for 16 – 20 hours
  • + Do not penetrate


  • # Medical service ba conducts chemical reconnaissance
  • Directly in the outbreak
  • On the border of the outbreak
  • + In the places of its location
  • In suspicious places


  • # The task of chemical intelligence is
  • Collection of information on the chemical and radiation environment
  • + Determination of the boundaries of the infected area and their marking with fencing marks
  • Definition edelenie amount or OB AOHV
  • All of the above is true.


  • # The goal of chemical intelligence is
  • Outbreak alert to the chemical service
  • Alert Medical th service of the occurrence of hearth
  • Alert service logistics of especheniya focus on appearance
  • + There is no right answer


  • # To determine the FOV in air, indicator tubes are used that are marked
  • With three green rings
  • + With one red ring and dot
  • With one yellow to a ring
  • With two yellow rings


  • # To determine lewisite in air, indicator tubes are used that are marked
  • With three green rings
  • With one red ring and dot
  • With one yellow ring
  • + With three yellow rings and


  • # To identify phosgene, diphosgene , chlorocyan and hydrocyanic acid in the air, indicator tubes are used that are marked
  • + With three green rings
  • With one red ring and dot
  • With one yellow ring
  • With three yellow rings


  • # To identify mustard gas in air, indicator tubes are used that are marked
  • With three green rings
  • With one red ring and dot
  • + With one yellow ring
  • With three yellow rings


  • # Medical service needs chemical assessment
  • To calculate the forces and means for eliminating the source
  • + For the calculation of the forces and the CPE dstv to I care
  • To calculate the forces and re dstv to I of evacuation
  • For the calculation of forces and means for providing road transport


  • # To measurers doses of ionizing radiation are
  • Radioactivity indicators
  • Roentgenometers
  • + Dosimeters
  • Radiometers


  • # The basis of the work of automatic gas detectors and gas detectors laid
  • Organoleptic method of indication
  • + Fizi to – chemical indication method
  • Chemical Indication Method
  • Physical indication method


  • # The main methods for indicating OVTV are currently
  • Or ganoleptic and biological
  • + Chemical and biochemical
  • Photometric and chromatographic photom
  • Physical and physiological


  • # Biochemical method of indicating OVTV based
  • On the ability of OVTV when interacting with a specific reagent to produce sedimentary or color reactions
  • + On the ability of some OVTV to disrupt the activity of a number of enzymes
  • On the determination of the optical density of various chemicals, the change in which determines the concentration of OVTV
  • On the division of substances into zones of their maximum concentration and determination of their quantity in various fractions


  • # The chemical method of indicating OVTV is based
  • On the ability of some OVTV to disrupt the activity of a number of enzymes
  • On determining the optical density of various chemicals, the change in which determines the concentration of OM TV
  • On the division of substances into zones of their maximum concentration and determining their amount in various fractions
  • + There is no right answer


  • # Biological method of indicating OVTV based
  • On the ability of some OVTV to disrupt the activity of a number of enzymes
  • On the determination of the optical density of various chemicals, the change in which determines the concentration of OVTV
  • On the division of substances into zones of their maximum concentration and determining their amount in various fractions
  • + No correct answer


  • # In the area of ​​the permanent deployment of medical units, radiation-chemical observation posts are made up of
  • – 3 military personnel help a doctor at a medical center
  • Paramedic and help him 2 – 3 voennosluzhaschi x
  • + 2 – 3 military personnel help a sanitary instructor – a dosimetr and eat u
  • No posts are posted in the area of ​​permanent deployment


  • # Determination of contamination of water and food produced
  • Head of the medical center
  • Doctor copper qing point
  • + Specially trained paramedic
  • Sanitary instructor – dosimetrist


  • # The conclusion on the possibility of using water and food is issued
  • + Head of Medical Service
  • Head of Medical Service Point a
  • Doctor of a medical center
  • Paramedic


  • # Control of contamination of medical equipment of radioactive substances and OVTV at the special treatment site
  • Head of the medical center
  • Doctor of a medical center
  • Paramedic
  • + Sanitary Instructor


  • # In the case of the use of OM and with good anti-chemical protection
  • Total sanitary losses can be 5 – 15%
  • + General sanitary losses may amount to 20 – 30%
  • Total sanitary losses may amount to 40-50%
  • Total sanitary losses may amount to 60 – 70%


  • # Radiation control is carried out using the device, which are equipped with all units and parts, including medical
  • BMI – 12
  • + DP – 5V
  • DP – 70 MP
  • ID – 11


  • # Sanitary-radiological examination is carried out using the device
  • + BMI – 12
  • DP – 5V
  • DP – 70 MP
  • ID – 11


  • # Dose received by personnel is recorded in the dose log
  • Every 12 hours
  • + Daily
  • time in 2 days
  • Once a week


  • # Means of continuous monitoring for the implementation of measures for the indication of HVAC located on the equipment of units, parts and institutions of the medical service
  • Troops chemical reconnaissance device
  • Medical and veterinary chemical intelligence device with meadow
  • + Indicator Elements
  • Medical Field Chemical Laboratory


  • # Means of periodic monitoring for the implementation of measures for the indication of HVAC , located on the equipment of units, parts and institutions of the medical service
  • + Medical chemical intelligence device
  • And automatic gas detectors
  • Gas detectors
  • Indicator elements


  • # The automatic gas detector GSP – 11 is designed to determine the presence of vapors in the air
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • Mustard gas
  • + F OV
  • Phosgene


  • # Measures for the removal and disposal of HMW are called
  • Deactivation
  • + Degassing
  • Disinfection
  • Pesticide


  • # Measures for the removal and disposal of radioactive substances are called
  • + Deactivation
  • Degassing
  • Disinfection
  • D eratization


  • # Measures to remove and render harmless biological agents called
  • Deactivation
  • Degassing
  • + Disinfection
  • Pesticide


  • # Special treatment at the stages of medical evacuation is carried out
  • + Temporarily appointed by medical staff
  • – 5 sanitary instructors from the reception and sorting department
  • Platoon of radiation and chemical intelligence
  • In the order of self-help and mutual assistance


  • # PMG VTsMK “Zashchita” in the emergency zone for hospitalization of non-transportable patients can deploy
  • Up to 100 beds
  • + Up to 150 beds
  • Up to 200 beds
  • Up to 250 beds


  • # Individual anti-chemical package IPP – 8 is
  • Flat sealed packaging of laminated foil 9×13 cm in size. There are 4 swabs impregnated with a polydegassing formulation
  • + Glass bottle with 135 ml of a polydegassing formulation, packed with 4 cotton-gauze swabs in a hermetically sealed plastic bag
  • Hermetically sealed aluminum cylinder with RD-A polydegassing formulation, polyethylene nozzle – brush and stopper – punch
  • Silica gel degassing bag , the contents of which can significantly reduce the risk of secondary inhalation lesions due to the active sorption of OVTV from the surface of various materials


  • # Individual anti-chemical package IPP – 11 is
  • + Flat sealed packaging of laminated foil 9×13 cm in size. There are 4 swabs impregnated with a polydegassing formulation
  • Glass bottle with 135 ml of a polydegassing formulation, packed with 4 cotton-gauze swabs in a hermetically sealed plastic bag
  • Hermetically sealed aluminum cylinder with RD-A polydegassing formulation, polyethylene nozzle – brush and stopper – punch
  • Silica gel degassing bag , the contents of which can significantly reduce the risk of secondary inhalation lesions due to the active sorption of OVTV from the surface of various materials


  • # Individual degassing package IDP – 1 is a
  • Flat sealed packaging of laminated foil 9×13 cm in size. There are 4 swabs impregnated with a polydegassing formulation
  • + Glass bottle with 135 ml of a polydegassing formulation, packed with 4 cotton-gauze swabs in a hermetically sealed plastic bag
  • Hermetically sealed aluminum cylinder with RD-A polydegassing formulation, polyethylene nozzle – brush and stopper – punch
  • Silica gel degassing package , the contents of which can significantly reduce the risk of secondary inhalation lesions due to the active sorption of OVTV from the surface of various materials


  • # Effective protection against hydrogen sulfide is
  • Dry gauze dressing
  • Gauze dressing moistened with a fresh solution of citric acid
  • + Gauze dressing moistened with soda solution
  • Rinse exposed skin and eyes with a light citric acid solution.


  • # Sama m effective m method th anti-foaming is
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Ozone therapy
  • + Inhalation of oxygen through alcohol vapors
  • Mechanical ventilation


  • # If ammonia vapor is present in the atmosphere
  • To the upper floors of the building
  • + To the lower floors of a building or a ramp
  • To the street
  • Stay in the same place


  • # Chlorine and ammonia vapors cause
  • Arousal and euphoria
  • Hallucinations
  • + Lacrimation
  • Pleasant feeling


  • # The purpose of the combat use of phosgene is
  • Defeat of personnel through intact skin
  • Long-term infection of the area
  • + Inhalation route of destruction of personnel
  • Temporary disabling of personnel


  • # Specific smell of chlorine
  • + Characteristic asphyxiating odor
  • Geraniums
  • Gasoline
  • Bird cherries


  • # The specific smell of paraquat
  • + Has no smell
  • Geraniums
  • Gasoline
  • Bird cherries


  • # SGP VTsMK Zashchita, when fully deployed, can accept
  • Up to 150 affected
  • + Up to 250 affected
  • Up to 350 affected
  • Up to 450 affected


  • # The poisonous substance does not enter into the group of OM forming methemoglobin
  • Aniline
  • Nitrobenzene
  • + Hydrocyanic acid
  • Phenylhydrazine


  • # Carbon monoxide is ingested
  • With contaminated water and food
  • + Inhalation
  • Through damaged skin
  • The CE listed nd true


  • # Peculiar smell of nitrobenzene
  • + Bitter Almonds
  • Geraniums
  • It has no smell
  • Bird cherries


  • # The mechanism of the toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid is due to
  • Directly acting on cholinergic receptors
  • Blockade of thiol enzymes
  • + Cytochrome oxidase blockade
  • X olinsensitizing effect


  • # Partial sanitization for prussic acid infection includes
  • Eye wash with clean water
  • Treatment of exposed skin with the contents of IPP – 8 or IPP – 11
  • Shaking out and cleaning outfits
  • + Partial sanitation is not required


  • # OB arsine is a chemical compound
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • + Arsenic
  • Lead


  • # Intoxication in lesions developing arsine
  • Immediately after contact
  • 30 to 40 minutes after contact
  • + From 2 hours to 11 days
  • After contact comes instant death


  • # Aggregate state of carbon monoxide
  • Solid
  • + Gas
  • Liquid
  • Viscous oily liquid


  • # The most important features of the toxic process that develops when poisoning with OM of a generally toxic effect are
  • The rapid development of acute intoxication
  • Functional nature of disorders by organs and systems involved in the toxic process
  • Involvement in the pathological process of mainly organs and systems with an intense ene exchange and, above all, the central nervous system
  • + All of the above is true


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