Pathophysiology Module 4 Mcqs

Pathophysiology Module 4 Mcqs

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1. The basis of long-term adaptation during compensatory hyperfunction of the myocardium is:


2. Classification of reparatory failure includes :


3. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by all the signs, except:


4. All of the following are causes of eccentric type of myocardial remodeling, except:


5. Anti-parietal cell antibodies are found in patients with?


6. Long-term compensatory mechanism of cardiac failure is:


7. Duodenal ulcer is most commonly caused by:


8. Chronic renal failure with severe decrease of glomerular filtration rate (less than 25 ml/min) leads to development of:


9. The complications of gallstones include all of the following, except:


10. All of the following are symptoms of cholemia, except:


11. Salt-losing nephropathy is:


12. Cause of inspiratory dyspnea is:


13. Endogenous causes of chronic gastritis are all listed, except:


14. Chronic gastritis «A» is characterized by all the listed signs, except:


15. Stenosis of the upper respiratory tracts is characterized by:


16. Most common site of venous thrombosis?


17. The main stimulus of hypertrophic response of cardiomyocytes during remodeling is:



18. The type of respiratory disorder in pneumonia is:


19. The cause of obstructive jaundice is:


20. All of the following are factors of hepatic encephalopathy, except:


21. Presence of urobilinogen is not sign of:


22. All of the following are signs of the right ventricular failure, except:


23. The mechanism underlying in a basis of diastolic dysfunction of the myocardium is:


24. Signs of hemolytic jaundice are:


25. Tubular proteinuria is observed in all these forms of pathology, except:


26. The pathological condition which is characterized by polypnea is:


27. An increased incidence of pancreatitis is associated with all of the following, except?


28. Manifestations of heart failure are all listed, except:


29. Cause of dark color of urine in hemolytic jaundice is:


30. All are true for nephrotic syndrome, except:


31. The development of gastric ulcer is associated with all these factors, except:


32. The main manifestation of acute left ventricular heart failure is:


33. Factors involved in the development of gastric and duodenal ulcer all listed, except:


34. All of the following are risk factors of ischemic heart, except:


35. Reperfusion syndrome in myocardial ischemia is associated with:


36. The most serious electrolyte complication of oliguric stage renal failure is:


37. The main factors, contributing to the transition stage of stable hyperfunction into stage of dis adaptation, include all listed, except:


38. Stages of chronic renal failure include:


39. Which is the first organ to be affected in left ventricular failure?


40. The cause of concentric type of myocardial remodeling is:


41. The main mechanisms of respiratory failure are:


42. Eccentric hypertrophy of heart is caused by:


43. Mechanisms of ascites in liver cirrhosis include all of the following, except:


44. Concentric type of myocardial remodeling is a result of:


45. Hyperchlorhydria and increased secretory function of the gastric glands are characterized by all these signs, except:


46. Indicators which characterize disorders of glomerular filtration are all listed, Except:


47. A patient with nephritic syndrome will not have:


48. Hemorrhagic diathesis in liver pathology is caused by the following mechanisms, except:


49. Condition which can present both as nephrotic syndrome and nephritic syndrome is:


50. The urgent compensatory mechanism of cardiac failure is:


51. Compensatory hyperfunction of myocardium during physical activity is not
characterized by:


52. Pathology which leads to disorder of ventilation of the obstructive type is:


53. All of following are symptoms of portal hypertension, except:


54. All of the following are initial factors of myocardial remodeling, except:


55. Most common sites of arterial embolization?


56. The dynamic indicator of bronchial obstruction is:


57. The main stimulus of growth of the connective tissue during remodeling is:


58. Indicators of renal tubules dysfunction are all listed, except:


59. Pathology which leads to disorder of ventilation of the restrictive type is:


60. Cholemia is characterized by the following symptoms, except:


61. Which of the following is not a function of liver?


62. Acholia is characterized by following disorders, Except:


63. Stages of acute renal failure include all of the following , except:


64. Intestinal toxicosis is characterized by all signs, except:


65. Myocardial remodeling is characterized by:


66. Remodeling elements include all of the following, except:


67. Types of intestinal obstruction include all of the following, except:


68. Red blood cast is seen in?


69. The main manifestation of right ventricular heart failure is:


70. Stages of compensatory hyperfunction of the myocardium are:


71. Types of cardiogenic shock are:


72. Chronic liver failure is characterized by the following changes in the protein composition of the blood, except:


73. White blood cast is seen in?


74. Stages of ischemic heart disease includes all of the following, except:


75. Liver failure includes the following syndromes, except:



76. Emphysema is associated with deficiency of which of the following:


77. Cause of dark color of urine in obstructive jaundice is:


78. The causes promoting a decrease of glomerular filtration include all of the following, except:


79. Concentric hypertrophy of heart is caused by:


80. Most common cause of mitral valve disease is:


81. All of the following are syndromes of liver failure, except:


82. The first symptom of diabetic nephropathy is:


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