Oncology all Mcqs

Oncology all Mcqs

Discipline:   Oncology

Theme 1: General questions of Clinical Oncology

Parenchyma of the tumors includes:

  1. a) the tumor cells
  2. b) the connective tissue
  3. c) the blood and lymph vessels
  4. d) the nerves and cellular elements of the stroma


“M” symbol in the TNM classification is used for the designation of:

  1. a) the metastases in distant organs
  2. b) the metastasis to the distant lymph nodes
  3. с) neither one nor the other


The long and intense sun exposure can lead to the development:

  1. a) a skin cancer
  2. b) a lung cancer
  3. c) a gastric cancer
  4. d) no right answer


Carcinoma in situ in the TNM classification corresponds to:

  1. a) I stage
  2. b) II stage
  3. c) III stage
  4. d) IV stage
  5. e) Stage 0


The chemical carcinogens include the following classes of compounds:

  1. a) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds
  2. b) nitrites
  3. c) nitrates
  4. d) metals, metalloids, inorganic salts


The stroma of the tumors includes:

  1. a) tumor cells
  2. b) connective tissue
  3. c) blood and lymph vessels
  4. d) the nerves and cellular elements of the stroma


Malignant tumors can be caused by exposure to:

  1. a) the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons:
  2. b) ionising radiation
  3. c) retroviruses


In the benign tumors the cell differentiation is:

  1. a) not broken
  2. b) moderately broken
  3. c) markedly broken
  4. d) all options are possible


The most threatening for the development of cancer is:

  1. a) the diffuse hyperplasia
  2. b) the local proliferation
  3. c) the nodal proliferation
  4. d) all answers are correct


The secondary cancer prevention includes:

  1. a) the elimination of the chemical carcinogens
  2. b) the prevention of the oncogenic viruses infection
  3. c) the smoking cessation
  4. d) the detection and treatment of the precancerous lesions


“N0” symbol in the TNM classification means:

  1. a) insufficiently of data for the assess of the regional lymph nodes status
  2. b) the metastasis in regional lymph nodes are absent
  3. c) the metastatic lesions is not more than in three regional lymph nodes


The epidemiology of the malignant tumors is the science about:

  1. a) the causes and patterns of the cancer morbidity
  2. b) the possibilities of cancer prevention and ways to deal with cancer
  3. d) both statements are false


The poorly differentiated tumors of the gastrointestinal tract have mainly:

  1. a) infiltrative growth
  2. b) exophytic growth
  3. c) growth of a mixed
  4. d) all these types have the same frequency


The genetic information is located:

  1. a) in the cell membrane
  2. b) in the cytoplasm
  3. c) in the core
  4. d) all answers are correct


The cause of the malignant tumor may be:

  1. a) chemical agents
  2. b) physical agents
  3. c) biological agents


TNM classification of tumors is used for the characterization of:

  1. a) the precancerous deseases
  2. b) the benign tumors
  3. c) the malignancies
  4. g) no right answer


“M0” symbol in the TNM classification means:

  1. a) insufficiently data for the determination of the distant metastases
  2. b) the distant metastases are absent
  3. c) the distant metastases are present


The tumor stroma is:

  1. a) the necessary supported structure
  2. b) provides the tumor cells by the oxygen and nutrients
  3. c) provides the removal of the metabolic products of tumor cells
  4. d) in the number of cases the stroma is not a mandatory component of neoplasm


The grade of the histological differentiation of the tumor can be:

  1. a) the high
  2. b) the average
  3. c) the low


The symbol “M1” in the TNM classification of malignant tumors is used for the designation of:

  1. a) I stage
  2. b) II stage
  3. c) III stage
  4. d) IV stage


The symbol «N» used for the designation of the status:

  1. a) only the regional lymph nodes
  2. b) the peripheral lymph nodes
  3. с) any groups of lymph nodes



The physical carcinogenic factors are:

  1. a) the ionizing radiation
  2. b) the ultra-violet rays
  3. c) vibration
  4. d) high atmospheric pressure


The main way of the lymphatic drainage in the normal conditions:

  1. a) orthograde
  2. b) retrograde
  3. c) collateral
  4. d) mixed


In the structure of morbidity the greatest share have::

  1. a) hypertension
  2. b) occupational diseases
  3. c) acute respiratory infections and influenza
  4. g) malignancies
  5. e) cardiovascular diseases


The most carcinogenic activity possess:

  1. a) the fats
  2. b) the carbohydrates
  3. c) the vitamins
  4. d) the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
  5. e) the proteins


In the industrialized countries the main reason of the increasing the mortality from cancer is:

  1. a) the aging population
  2. b) the sharp deterioration of the ecological situation
  3. c) the increasing of the occupational hazards influence
  4. d) no right answer


Metastases in any non-regional lymph nodes are classified as:

  1. a) N0
  2. b) Nx
  3. c) NI – 3
  4. d) MI


The carrier of the genetic information into the human cells is mainly:

  1. a) RNA
  2. b) ATP
  3. c) DNA
  4. d) all answers are correct


The emergence of tumors contributes to:

  1. a) decrease in cellular immunity
  2. b) the immunity does not affect to the appearance of tumors
  3. c) the impact of immunity on the occurrence of tumors is controversial


The figures in the TNM classification may be added to the symbol:

  1. a) T
  2. b) N
  3. a) M


In the world the lung cancer in the structure of the cancer morbidity of the masculine population takes:

  1. a) I place
  2. b) II place
  3. c) III place
  4. d) IV place


 The tasks of the Oncology Center are:

  1. a) the organization of the prophylactic health examinations
  2. b) analysis of the statistical data on the cancer morbidity and mortality
  3. c) the education of the oncologists
  4. d) scientific – research work


The symbol «T in situ» means:

  1. a) the evaluate of the size and localization of tumor is impossible
  2. b) primary tumor is not determined
  3. c) the preinvasive carcinoma


The obligate properties of the malignant tumors are::

  1. a) the infiltrative growth
  2. b) metastasis
  3. c) the expansive growth
  4. d) all answers are correct


What patients do refer to the 1b clinical group:

  1. a) the patients with the suspicion to the cancer
  2. b) the patients with the precancerous diseases
  3. c) the patients with an established diagnosis of cancer and who stand in need of the radical treatment
  4. d) the persons who were cured from the cancer
  5. e) no right answer


 The orthograde lymphogenous metastasis means:

  1. a) metastasis against the current of lymph
  2. b) metastasis along the current lymph
  3. c) and the one and the other
  4. d) neither the one nor the other


The most common malignant tumor in men is:

  1. a) the lung cancer
  2. b) the gastric cancer
  3. c) the prostate cancer
  4. d) the colon cancer


The symbol «Tx» means:

  1. a) evaluate the size and localization of the tumor is impossible
  2. b) primary tumor is not determined
  3. c) the preinvasive carcinoma


The presence of the multiple metastases in regional lymph nodes refers to

  1. a) I stage
  2. b) II stage
  3. c) III stage
  4. d) IY stage


The symbol «T0» means:

  1. a) evaluate the size and localization of the tumor is impossible
  2. b) primary tumor is not determined
  3. c) the preinvasive carcinoma


Which patients do refer to the II clinical group:

  1. a) the patients with the suspicion to the cancer
  2. b) the patients with the precancerous diseases
  3. c) the patients with an established diagnosis of cancer and who stand in need of the radical treatment
  4. d) the persons who were cured from the cancer
  5. e) no right answer

An essential element of the viral carcinogenesis is:

  1. a) the replication of the virus in the cell
  2. b) the cell death
  3. c) the introduction of the virus into the cell’s genome
  4. d) the changes of the immunological status
  5. e) all answers are correct


“T” symbol in the TNM classification means:

  1. a) the primary tumor
  2. b) the regional lymph node
  3. c) the metastases in distant organs


The differentiation of the malignant tumor cells are:

  1. a) not violated
  2. b) often broken
  3. c) rarely broken
  4. d) always broken


The industrial processes with the using of carcinogen are follows:

  1. a) work with asbestos, carbon black, rubber production
  2. b) work with arsenic, nickel, chromium and their compounds
  3. c) the woodworking and furniture industry
  4. d) all answers are correct


What patients do refer to the III clinical group:

  1. a) the patients with the suspicion to the cancer
  2. b) the patients with the precancerous diseases
  3. c) the patients with an established diagnosis of cancer and who stand in need of the radical treatment
  4. d) the persons who were cured from the cancer
  5. e) no right answer


The most common malignant tumor in women is:

  1. a) the lung cancer
  2. b) the gastric cancer
  3. c) the breast cancer
  4. d) the colon cancer


The primary prevention of cancer includes:

  1. a) the elimination of chemical carcinogens
  2. b) the prevention of the oncogenic viruses infection
  3. c) the detection and treatment of the precancerous lesions
  4. d) the smoking cessation
  5. e) all answers are correct


The most common carcinogenic in nature is:

  1. a) nitrates
  2. b) heavy metals, non-metals
  3. c) radionuclides
  4. d) benzopyrene


Discipline:   Oncology

Module 1: General Oncology Issues

Theme 2: General questions of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors


 The method of the morphological verification of cancer are:

  1. a) X-ray examination
  2. b) a biopsy of the tumor
  3. c) ultrasonography
  4. d) a computer tomography
  5. e) a thermography


The method of the endoscopic diagnosis is:

  1. a) Irrigoscopy
  2. b) mammography
  3. c) gastroscopy
  4. d) osteoscintigraphy


The method of the endoscopic diagnosis is:

  1. а) bronchoscopy
  2. b) mammography
  3. с) osteoscintigraphy
  4. a) Irrigoscopy


The methods of the endoscopic diagnosis are:

  1. a) puncture of the tumor
  2. b) mammography
  3. c) colonoscopy
  4. d) osteoscintigraphy
  5. е) bronchoscopy


The methods of the endoscopic diagnosis are:

  1. a) laparoscopy
  2. b) colonoscopy
  3. c) osteoscintigraphy
  4. d) mammography
  5. е) positron emission tomography


The method of the radioisotope diagnosis is:

  1. a) laparoscopy
  2. b) colonoscopy
  3. c) osteoscintigraphy
  4. d) mammography
  5. е) bronchoscopy


The method of the radioisotope diagnosis is:

  1. a) positron emission tomography
  2. b) colonoscopy
  3. c) laparoscopy
  4. d) mammography
  5. е) bronchoscopy


The methods of the radioisotope diagnosis are:

  1. a) positron emission tomography
  2. b) colonoscopy
  3. c) laparoscopy
  4. d) mammography
  5. е) osteoscintigraphy


The most objective information about the local extension of the cancer (stage of the disease) can be obtained by:

  1. a) the clinical examination of the patient
  2. b) X-ray examination
  3. c) the endoscopic examination
  4. d) the pathological examination of the resected organ and the regional lymph nodes


The radioactive iodine is used for diagnostics of tumors:

  1. a) pancreas
  2. b) stomach
  3. c) the thyroid
  4. d) all answers are correct
  5. e) no right answer


The thermographic method is most informative for the examination of patients with tumors of:

  1. a) lung
  2. b) organs of the abdomen
  3. c) breast
  4. d) thyroid


The radioactive iodine is used for diagnose of tumors:

  1. a) pancreas
  2. b) stomach
  3. c) the thyroid
  4. d) all answers are correct
  5. e) no right answer


The radioactive technetium and strontium are used for diagnose of tumors:

  1. a) pancreas
  2. b) stomach
  3. c) the thyroid
  4. d) metastases in the bone
  5. e) answers are correct
  6. f) no right answer


The radionuclide study in the clinical oncology is used:

  1. a) for the visualization of the primary tumor
  2. b) for the determining the stage if disease
  3. c) for the assessing the functional state of some internal organs


The advantage of the ultrasound method is not:

  1. a) the non-invasive nature of the studies
  2. b) harmless
  3. c) no contraindications
  4. d) ability to detect the small (1 cm diameter) tumors in the lung


The determination of the hormone receptors in tumor is necessary for:

  1. a) the evaluation of the tumor histology
  2. b) the determining of the hormone level in the body
  3. c) the determining of the hormone therapy advisability
  4. d) all answers are correct


X-ray tomographic study of the thoracic cavity allows:

  1. a) to determine the exact location and prevalence of the process in the lung
  2. b) to examine the state of the trachea and main bronchi
  3. c) to examine the state of segmental bronchi
  4. d) clarify the status of lymph nodes, mediastinum and pulmonary roots


The computed tomography can help the clinician to deliver:

  1. a) the morphological diagnosis
  2. b) a topical diagnosis
  3. c) the clinical diagnosis
  4. d) all answers are correct
  5. e) no right answer


The phenomenon of the intoxication in lung cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the atelectasis of the lung lobe
  2. b) the hemoptysis
  3. c) the cough with phlegm
  4. d) the chest pain
  5. e) the raising of the temperature


The phenomenon of the obstruction in lung cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the hemoptysis
  2. b) the increase in temperature
  3. c) the chest pain
  4. d) the atelectasis of lung lobe
  5. e) all answers are correct


The phenomenon of the destruction in lung cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the hemoptysis
  2. b) the increase in temperature
  3. c) the chest pain
  4. d) the atelectasis of lung lobe


The phenomenon of the compression in lung cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the hemoptysis
  2. b) the increase in temperature
  3. c) upper vena cava syndrome
  4. d) the atelectasis of lung lobe
  5. e) all answers are correct


The phenomenon of the obstruction in colon cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the intestinal bleeding
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) the intestinal obstruction


The phenomenon of the intoxication in patients with colon cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the intestinal bleeding
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) the intestinal obstruction


The phenomenon of the destruction in colon cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the intestinal bleeding
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) the intestinal obstruction


The phenomenon of the obstruction in pancreatic head cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the intestinal bleeding
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) jaundice


The phenomenon of the intoxication in pancreatic head cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the intestinal bleeding
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) jaundice


The phenomenon of the intoxication in gastric cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the melena
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) jaundice
  5. e) nausea and vomiting


The phenomenon of the obstruction in gastric cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the melena
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) nausea and vomiting


The phenomenon of the destruction in gastric cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the melena
  2. b) the constant stomach pains
  3. c) the raising of the temperature
  4. d) jaundice
  5. e) nausea and vomiting


What treatment method may be used in the absence of the morphological verification of malignant neoplasm:

  1. a) the surgery
  2. b) the radiation therapy
  3. c) the radiation therapy
  4. d) the combined method
  5. e) the chemotherapy


The term of “operable patient” means

  1. a) the condition of the patient that allows to perform a surgery
  2. b) the condition of the patient that allows to perform a radical surgery
  3. c) both statements are true
  4. d) neither one nor the other


Radiation therapy in the treatment of the malignant tumors is used:

  1. a) as an independent method
  2. b) in combination with a surgery
  3. c) in combination with drug therapy (chemo – and immunotherapy)


The main objective of the symptomatic operation is:

  1. a) the removing of the tumor-affected organ
  2. b) the removing of the tumor metastases in regional lymph
  3. c) the elimination of complications that can lead to the death of the patient
  4. d) all answers are correct


The palliative radiotherapy solves the following tasks:

  1. a) to give the maximum radiation dose to the tumor
  2. b) to call the death of the most sensitive tumor cell
  3. c) to obtain the tumor growth inhibition
  4. d) to receive a partial tumor regression


In cancer surgery, the compliance of the “anatomical zones” principle aims:

  1. a) to provide the antiblastics
  2. b) to provide the ablastics
  3. c) to reduce the risk of surgery
  4. d) the maximum preservation of the organ function


The factors influencing to the choice of surgery type is:

  1. a) the stage of the disease
  2. b) the patient’s age
  3. c) the concomitant disease


The term “neoadjuvant chemotherapy” means:

  1. a) the postoperative chemotherapy
  2. b) the preventive chemotherapy
  3. c) preoperative chemotherapy


The term “adjuvant chemotherapy” means:

  1. a) the postoperative chemotherapy
  2. b) the preventive chemotherapy
  3. c) preoperative chemotherapy


The best prognosis is observed in patients with lung cancer:

  1. a) in stage I
  2. b) in stage II
  3. c) in stage III
  4. d) in stage IV


What method does not refer to the distant radiation therapy?

  1. a) the X-ray therapy
  2. b) the gamma therapy
  3. c) the contact radiological therapy
  4. d) the neutron therapy


What factors has the least impact to the long-term results of surgical treatment of malignant diseases:

  1. a) the type of tumor growth
  2. b) the histological structure of the tumor
  3. c) the presence of metastatic in the regional lymph node
  4. d) the presence of the distant metastases
  5. e) the patient’s age


The stage of cancer determines:

  1. a) the choice of treatment
  2. b) the intended operation volume
  3. c) the prognosis of disease


The main goal of the radical radiotherapy is::

  1. a) ) to give the maximum radiation dose to the tumor
  2. b) reduction of the biological activity of the tumor cells
  3. c) ) to call the death of the most sensitive tumor cell
  4. d) to receive a partial tumor regression
  5. e) to receive a complete tumor regression


The term “symptomatic treatment” means:

  1. a) the therapy aimed to the alleviation of the most painful manifestations of the disease associated with tumors or the management of the specific complications of disease
  2. b) the treatment aimed at decrease of the primary tumor
  3. c) the therapy aimed at the reducing of the distant metastases
  4. d) there is no correct answer


What treatment may be initiated in patients with diagnosis of melanoma without morphological verification:

  1. a) the surgery
  2. b) the chemotherapy
  3. c) the radiation therapy
  4. d) the immunological treatment


What is unrelated to antiblastics:

  1. a) the removal of the tumor in the single block with the regional lymph nodes within the healthy tissue
  2. b) the preoperative radiotherapy
  3. c) the use of electrosurgical technique
  4. d) the use of drugs (chemotherapy)


Combined radiation therapy means:

  1. a) the applying of the two methods of the radiation or two types of radiation
  2. b) splitting of the radiation therapy course
  3. c) the exposure of the radiomodifiers
  4. d) the radiation in combination with chemotherapy
  5. e) no right answer


The urgent histological examination during surgery regarding to the malignant tumor is not necessarily to perform if the diagnosis is confirmed:

  1. a) by the clinical data
  2. b) by the X-ray
  3. c) by the data the computer tomography
  4. d) by the morphological investigation
  5. e) by endoscopy


What kind of surgery do not refer to the combined operations in lung cancer:

  1. a) with removing of the paratracheal and mediastinal lymph nodes
  2. b) with resection of the pericardium
  3. c) with resection of the trachea
  4. d) with resection of the chest wall


The term “resectability” is means:

  1. a) the condition of the patient that allows to perform a surgery
  2. b) the condition of the patient that allows to perform a radical surgery
  3. c) the patient’s condition that allows to perform of the palliative surgery
  4. d) both statements are true
  5. e) there is no correct answer


Postoperative radiation therapy can be carried out in the case of

  1. a) non-radical surgery
  2. b) non-ablastics operation
  3. c) in patients with the metastases in regional lymph node
  4. d) all answers are correct


The “expanded  surgery” are:

  1. a) the removal of tumor within healthy tissue
  2. b) the removal of the tumor within healthy tissue with the regional lymph nodes
  3. c) the removal of the tumor within healthy tissue with the regional lymph nodes and all accessible lymph nodes in the operation zone
  4. d) removal of the tumor within the healthy tissue with the regional lymph nodes and with the resection or complete removal of the other bodies involved in the neoplastic process
  5. e) no right answer


The chemotherapy therapy may not be:

  1. a) the radical therapy
  2. b) the symptomatic therapy
  3. c) the palliative therapy
  4. d) all answers are correct


The “combined surgery” are:

  1. a) the removal of tumor within healthy tissue
  2. b) the removal of the tumor within healthy tissue with the regional lymph nodes
  3. c) the removal of the tumor within healthy tissue with the regional lymph nodes and all accessible lymph nodes in the operation zone
  4. d) removal of the tumor within the healthy tissue with the regional lymph nodes and with the resection or complete removal of the other bodies involved in the neoplastic process
  5. e) no right answer


 Complications of the radiation therapy include all except:

  1. a) the weakness
  2. b) the nausea and vomiting
  3. c) the sleep disturbances
  4. d) the leukopenia
  5. e) the formation of metastases


What factors may influence to the incidence of anastomotic leak

1) hypoproteinemia

2) anemia

3) surgical technique errors

4) the presence of tumor cells at the resection line

5) The tension of the cross-linkable bodies


The basic principles of the surgical treatment of patients with malignant tumors are:

  1. a) radicality
  2. b) ablastics
  3. c) antiblastic


What kind of the treatment is more frequently used in patients with gastric cancer

  1. a) a surgery
  2. b) a radiation therapy
  3. c) a chemotherapy
  4. d) a hormone therapy


The radiation therapy may not be:

  1. a) the radical therapy
  2. b) the symptomatic therapy
  3. c) the palliative therapy
  4. d) all answers are correct


Local treatment of the skin cancer does not include:

  1. a) a radiation therapy
  2. b) the surgery
  3. c) the cryotherapy
  4. d) the systemic chemotherapy


The radiation treatment is not used in patients:

  1. a) with the breast cancer and the metastases in bone
  2. b) with the central lung cancer
  3. c) with the dissimination of gastric cancer to the liver
  4. g) with the bladder cancer


Antiblastics is a complex of measures aimed at:

  1. a) the destruction of the tumor cells that might be in the surgical wound
  2. b) the preventing of the ingress of tumor cells in the surgical wound
  3. c) compliance with antiseptics


The distant methods of the radiotherapy include:

  1. a) intracavitary radiation therapy
  2. b) interstitial radiation therapy
  3. c) applique radiation therapy
  4. d) the gamma therapy


To the radiaotherapy are the most sensitive:

  1. a) gastric cancer
  2. b) squamous skin cancer
  3. c) liposarcoma
  4. d) uterine cancer


In gastric cancer with the liver metastases it is carry out

  1. a) the radical treatment
  2. b) the palliative treatment
  3. c) the symptomatic treatment


Discipline:   Oncology

Module 2: Clinical Oncology

Theme 1: Breast Cancer


Breast cancer. Tumor size is 1 cm. Metastasis in 1 subclavian lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T1N1M0
  2. T2N1M1
  3. T1N3M0
  4. T2N0M0


What place is the breast cancer ranked in the structure of cancer incidence in women

  1. 1-st place
  2. 2-nd place
  3. 3-rd place
  4. 5-th place


The cyclic breast pain are most characteristic

  1. fibroadenoma
  2. breast cancer
  3. mastopathy
  4. mastitis


What kind of surgery is performed in patients with fibroadenoma of breast:

  1. simple mastectomy
  2. breast amputation
  3. sectoral resection
  4. radical mastectomy
  5. radiation therapy


Breast cancer. Tumor size is 2 cm. Metastasis in 2 axillary lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T1N1M0
  2. T2N1M0
  3. T2N0M0
  4. T1N0M1


The most common histologic type of breast cancer is

  1. ductal carcinoma
  2. Papillary carcinoma
  3. lobular carcinoma
  4. squamous cell carcinoma


An early symptom of breast cancer is

  1. symptom “lemon peel”
  2. palpable tumor of 1 cm size
  3. enlarged axillary lymph nodes
  4. pain


The woman with breast cancer of T3N2M0 stage. What treatment is usually performed in this stage? 

  1. a radiation therapy
  2. a surgery
  3. the complex treatment
  4. chemotherapy
  5. the combined treatment


Breast cancer. Tumor size is 4 cm. Metastasis in 4 axillary lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T1N1M0
  2. T2N1M0
  3. T2N2M0
  4. T3N0M0


Intraductal breast cancer is

  1. clinical form of breast cancer
  2. histology type of breast cancer
  3. often associated with a mutation BRCA gene
  4. atypical form of breast cancer
  5. carcinoma in situ
  6. right answers are a), c) and d)
  7. right answers are b), c) and e)


The early symptoms of breast cancer may be all, except

  1. fixation of tumor
  2. retraction or asymmetry of the nipple
  3. ulceration tumor
  4. skin retraction
  5. breast deformity
  6. correct answers are b), c) and d)
  7. correct answers are a), c) and e)


What treatment is not used in diffuse mastopathy?

  1. the estrogenic drugs
  2. the physiotherapy
  3. the sectoral resection of the breast
  4. the radiation therapy
  5. all of the above


Breast cancer. Tumor size is 6 cm. Metastasis in 3 axillary lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T3N2M0
  2. T2N1M0
  3. T3N1M0
  4. T1N1M0



Breast cancer. Tumor size is 3 cm. No metastasis in lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T1N1M0
  2. T2N1M0
  3. T2N0M0
  4. T1N0M1


The main way of the breast cancer metastasis is

  1. lymphogenous
  2. hematogenous
  3. implantation
  4. all answers are correct
  5. right answers are b) and d)


The optimal age for the breast cancer screening with use of mammography is

  1. 30 – 39 years
  2. 40 – 49 years
  3. 50 – 59 years
  4. 60 – 70 year
  5. correct answer are c) and d)
  6. correct answer are b) and c)


The purpose of hormone receptors detection in tumor is

  1. establishment of stage
  2. establishment of the histological type of tumor
  3. establishment of indications for hormone therapy
  4. establishing the indications for chemotherapy
  5. prognosis of breast cancer
  6. all answers are correct
  7. correct answers are c) and e)
  8. correct answers are a) and b)


The incidence of breast cancer is

  1. increases
  2. decreases
  3. does not change
  4. all answers are correct


The presence of breast lumps should be differentiated between

  1. fibroadenoma
  2. chronic mastitis
  3. focal mastopathy
  4. solitary cysts of mammary glands
  5. all answers are correct


Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer is performed

  1. after radical surgery
  2. before radical surgery
  3. operation is not performed
  4. after radiotherapy
  5. after palliative surgery
  6. after radical resection of the breast

Breast cancer. Tumor size is 2 cm. No metastasis in lymph nodes. Distant metastases in bone. What is the stage?

  1. T1N1M0
  2. T2N1M0
  3. T2N0M1
  4. T1N0M1


The most rare histological form of breast cancer is

  1. lobular carcinoma
  2. squamous cell carcinoma
  3. ductal carcinoma
  4. intralobular carcinoma


What method does allow us accurate diagnosis of breast cancer?

  1. mammography
  2. breast ultrasound
  3. histological examination of the tumor sample
  4. fine-needle aspiration biopsy
  5. punch biopsy
  6. all answers are correct


Adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer is performed

  1. after radical surgery
  2. before radical surgery
  3. operation is not performed
  4. after radiotherapy
  5. after palliative surgery
  6. after radical resection of the breast


Breast cancer. Tumor size is 4 cm. No metastasis in lymph nodes. There are distant metastases in lung. What is the stage?

  1. T1N1M0
  2. T2N1M0
  3. T2N0M1
  4. T1N0M1


Immunohistochemistry investigates in breast tumor the contents of 

  1. receptors for estrogens
  2. receptor progestogens
  3. the proliferative capacity of tumor cells (Ki 67)
  4. expression of HER 2
  5. all answers are correct
  6. correct answers are a) and b)
  7. correct answers are c) and d)


The presence of rounded, smooth, dense, mobile and painless tumor in the breast without skin symptoms are typical for

  1. breast cancer
  2. breast cyst
  3. fibroadenoma
  4. intraductal papilloma
  5. mammary lipoma

Breast cancer. Tumor size is 1,5 cm. There are metastasis in 2 axillary lymph nodes and distant metastases in brain. What is the stage?

  1. T1N1M1
  2. T2N1M1
  3. T2N2M0
  4. T1N2M0


Histological degree of the breast cancer means

  1. the degree of tumor differentiation
  2. histological type of tumor
  3. stage of cancer
  4. all answers are correct


The breast-conserving surgery is not indicated

  1. at the central location of the tumor
  2. in diffuse form of breast cancer
  3. in inflammatory forms of breast cancer
  4. in stage T4N1M0
  5. in stage T4N3M0
  6. all answers are correct
  7. no right answer


After a radical mastectomy concerning the breast cancer the postoperative radiation therapy is not indicated for

  1. T2N0M0
  2. T4N1M0
  3. T3N1M0
  4. T1N0M0
  5. T2N3M0
  6. all answers are correct
  7. correct answers are a) and d)
  8. correct answers are b) and e)


What tactics is correct when microcalcifications are detected in breast tissue?

  1. dynamic observation
  2. mastectomy
  3. breast ultrasound
  4. punch biopsy with histological investigation
  5. all answers are correct


Breast cancer. Tumor size is 5,5 cm. Metastasis in 3 axillary lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T1N3M0
  2. T2N1M0
  3. T2N2M0
  4. T3N1M0



Breast cancer. Tumor size is 4 cm. Metastasis in 3 subclavian lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T2N1M0
  2. T2N2M0
  3. T2N3M0
  4. T3N1M1


The benign tumors of breast are

  1. fibroadenoma
  2. mastopathy
  3. Paget’s disease
  4. chronic mastitis
  5. intraductal papilloma
  6. right answers are a), b) and e)
  7. right answers are a) and e)


At what age should be start the examination of patients with a mutation BRCA gene to exclude the breast cancer?

  1. 15 years
  2. 25 years
  3. 35 years
  4. 45 years
  5. after 59 years


The indication for use of Herceptin in breast cancer is

  1. positive status of hormone receptors
  2. diffuse form of breast cancer
  3. overexpressed HER 2
  4. triple negative breast cancer
  5. metastases of breast cancer in the bones
  6. all answers are correct


The bloody discharge from the nipple may be typical for

  1. lipoma
  2. intraductal papilloma
  3. fibroadenoma
  4. chronic mastitis
  5. breast cancer
  6. right answers are c) and d)
  7. right answers are b) and e)


What methods may be used to exclude breast cancer metastases in the bone

  1. breast ultrasound
  2. bone scan
  3. thermography
  4. X-ray of the lungs
  5. CT
  6. PET diagnostics
  7. MRI
  8. all answers are correct
  9. correct answers are b), e) and f)
  10. correct answers are b), e) and g)

The indication for use of of bisphosphonates in breast cancer is

  1. positive status of hormone receptors
  2. diffuse form of breast cancer
  3. when overexpressed
  4. triple negative breast cancer
  5. metastases of breast cancer in the bones
  6. all answers are correct


Breast cancer. The tumor in the breast is not determined. Metastasis in 3 subclavian lymph nodes. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T2N1M0
  2. TxN2M0
  3. TxN3M0
  4. T3N1M1


What gene mutation is linked to the breast and ovarian cancer?

  1. BRCA1
  2. BRCA2
  3. both genes
  4. no right answer


In patients with breast cancer the imaging method is not

  1. mammography
  2. punch biopsy
  3. fine-needle aspiration biopsy
  4. thermography
  5. ultrasound
  6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  7. right answer are d) and e)
  8. right answer are b) and c)


The complications of chemotherapy in breast cancer is all of the above, except

  1. nausea
  2. vomiting
  3. hair loss
  4. metastasis formation
  5. loose stools
  6. dermatitis
  7. all answers are correct


Breast cancer. The mammary gland is increased in volume. Positive symptom of “lemon peel”.  Metastasis in 1 subclavian lymph node. No distant metastases. What is the stage?

  1. T3N1M0
  2. T4N2M0
  3. T4N3M0
  4. TxN3M1


The most significant prognosis factors in breast cancer are

  1. hormone receptor status
  2. age
  3. obesity
  4. proliferative capacity of tumor cells (Ki 67)
  5. expression of HER 2
  6. the number of abortions
  7. all answers are correct
  8. right answers are a), b), d) and e)
  9. right answers are a), c), e) and f)


In what cases is the urgent histological analysis performed in patients with breast cancer during the operation?

  1. in suspected cancer
  2. at the exact diagnosis cancer
  3. in cases of suspected fibroadenoma
  4. at tumors less than 1 cm


Radiation therapy after breast-conserving surgery

  1. is necessary all patients
  2. sometimes is not performed
  3. performed only when T3N2M0
  4. performed only when T1N0M0
  5. all answers are correct


Breast cancer. The mammary gland is increased in volume. Positive symptom of “lemon peel”.  No metastasis in lymph node. Distant metastases in lung. What is the stage?

  1. T3N1M0
  2. T4N1M0
  3. T4N0M0
  4. T4N0M1


High risk of breast cancer is not associated with

  1. early onset of menarche
  2. first full-term pregnancy before age 18
  3. late onset of menopause
  4. ovarian ablation young age
  5. strenuous physical activity
  6. right answers are a), b) and c)
  7. right answers are b), d) and e)


The punch biopsy of the breast tumor allows us to establish

  1. histological structure of the tumors
  2. hormone receptor status
  3. HER 2 status
  4. the proliferative activity of tumor cells
  5. all answers are correct


What treatment is preferred in T3N1M0 stage of breast cancer?

  1. operation
  2. combination therapy
  3. complex therapy
  4. radiotherapy
  5. chemoradiotherapy
  6. chemotherapy


Discipline:   Oncology

Module 2: Clinical Oncology

Theme 4: Lung cancer


The methods that allow us to confirm the diagnosis in patients with suspected on the cancer of middle-lobe bronchus is:

  1. bronchography
  2. bronchoscopy with biopsy
  3. computed tomography
  4. Positron Emission Tomography


The operation that is performed in patients with cancer of main bronchus is:

  1. pneumonectomy
  2. lobectomy
  3. segmentectomy
  4. thoracotomy
  5. all answers are correct


Lung cancer should be differentiated with:

  1. pneumonia
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis
  3. benign tumor
  4. metastatic tumors in lungs
  5. all answers are correct


What treatment is needed for patients with lung adenocarcinoma of T1N0M0 stage?

  1. radiation therapy
  2. a chemotherapy
  3. combined treatment
  4. surgery
  5. a complex treatment


The presence of metastatic pleurisy in patients with lung cancer corresponds to the symbol

  1. T1
  2. M1
  3. N3
  4. T4


The rounded shadow was revealed in the lung on the radiographs. What investigation is needed to perform the patient?

  1. X-rays of the lungs
  2. computed tomography
  3. tuberculin test
  4. fibrobronchoscopy
  5. all answers are correct


The most common histological type of lung cancer is

  1. adenocarcinoma
  2. small cell lung cancer
  3. squamous cell carcinoma
  4. carcinoid


The main methods of diagnosis of the central lung cancer are:

  1. computed tomography and bronchoscopy with biopsy
  2. bronchoscopy with biopsy and bronchography
  3. X-ray and radioisotope investigation
  4. bronchography and bronchoscopy
  5. pneumomediastinography and radionuclide method


The main radiological sign of the peripheral lung cancer with the destruction is:

  1. atelectasis
  2. node with the “track” to the root of lung
  3. pleural effusion
  4. cavernous formation in the lung


The symbol T3 corresponds to the lung cancer that is spread to

  1. the diaphragm
  2. the chest wall
  3. the mediastinal pleura
  4. the esophagus
  5. all answers are correct
  6. correct answer are a); b) and c)
  7. correct answer are a); b) and d)


The main treatment methods for the small cell lung cancer of T3N1M0 stage is:

  1. surgery
  2. radiotherapy
  3. radiation therapy and chemotherapy
  4. chemotherapy
  5. immunotherapy


The most characteristic feature of cancer Penkosta is:

  1. hemoptysis
  2. chest pain
  3. Horner’s syndrome
  4. hoarseness
  5. edema of the neck and face


45 years old patient with the T3N0M0 stage of lung cancer. What treatment is preferred for him?

  1. treatment with cytostatics
  2. combined cytostatic treatment and radiation therapy
  3. radiation therapy
  4. surgery
  5. symptomatic therapy


What symptoms are characteristic for the mediastinal form of lung cancer?

  1. acrocyanosis
  2. hoarseness
  3. dyspnea
  4. edema of the face
  5. extension of the superficial veins of the anterior chest wall
  6. all right


Atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis of the entire lung corresponds to the symbol

  1. T1
  2. T2
  3. T3
  4. T4


The formation of squamous cell metaplasia of the bronchial epithelium usually precedes the development of:

  1. small cell cancer
  2. adenocarcinoma
  3. squamous cell carcinoma
  4. carcinoid


The radiographic signs of bronchial obstruction and lung atelectasis occur most often in

  1. the peripheral lung cancer
  2. the central lung cancer
  3. cancer Penkosta
  4. all answers are correct


The most effective method of the lung cancer treatment is:

  1. surgery
  2. radiation therapy
  3. chemotherapy
  4. Immunotherapy


Bronchography allows us to specify:

  1. tumor localization and mobility
  2. the histology of the tumor
  3. both answers are correct


Metastasis in the supraclavicular lymph nodes in lung cancer are indicated as

  1. N3
  2. M +
  3. N2
  4. N1


Lung cancer may metastasize

  1. to the liver
  2. in the bone
  3. in the brain
  4. all answers are correct
  5. no right answer


In the lung cancer computed tomography allows:

  1. to determine the size of the tumor
  2. accurately localize the tumor
  3. to determine the ratio to the chest wall, spine and mediastinum
  4. to obtain the information about the size of mediastinal lymph nodes and lymph nodes of the root lung
  5. all answers are correct


The most often the acute cardiovascular failure develops in patients after surgery:

  1. segmentectomy
  2. lobectomy
  3. typical pneumonectomy
  4. combined or extended pneumonectomy


The determining role in the increasing of the lung cancer incidence in population belongs

  1. a) the genetic factors
  2. b) the occupational hazards
  3. c) a smoking
  4. g) the atmospheric pollution


If patient with lung cancer has pleurisy that are not associated with pleural metastasis, the primary tumor of lung cancer can be indicated as

  1. T1
  2. T2
  3. T3
  4. all answers are correct


The differential diagnosis of the peripheral lung cancer should be carried out:

  1. with benign tumors of the lung
  2. with metastases
  3. with echinococcus cyst
  4. with tuberculosis
  5. all answers are correct


The main biological factors that determine the prognosis after radical surgery for lung cancer are:

  1. the size of the primary tumor
  2. the state of intrathoracic lymph nodes
  3. the histological structure of the tumor
  4. the degree of tumor cells differentiation
  5. all answers are correct


The local symptoms of cancer are all listed, except:

  1. cough
  2. hemoptysis
  3. chest pain
  4. increase of temperature


The peripheral lung cancer is

  1. asymptomatic a long time
  2. accompanied by the clinical symptoms at the early stage
  3. cough and hemoptysis symptoms occur early
  4. cough and hemoptysis occur later
  5. correct answer are 1 and 3
  6. correct answer are 2 and 3
  7. correct answer are 1 and 4
  8. correct answer are 2 and 4


The peripheral lung cancer of 4 cm diameter without invasion in visceral pleura and with solitary metastases in bronchopulmonary lymph nodes is corresponded to

  1. T1N0M0 stage
  2. T2N1M0 stage
  3. T3N0M0 stage
  4. T2N2M0 stage


The peripheral lung cancer of 6 cm diameter, with invasion in parietal pleura and with metastases in paratracheal lymph nodes is corresponded to

  1. T1N0M0 stage
  2. T2N1M0 stage
  3. T3N0M0 stage
  4. T2N2M0 stage


The involvement of the mediastinum lymph nodes may be in cases of :

  1. the mediastinal form of lung cancer
  2. sarcoidosis
  3. tuberculous lymphadenitis
  4. Hodgkin lymphoma
  5. all answers are correct


The lung cancer is more common:

  1. in men
  2. in women
  3. equally often in both men and women


The complete obstruction of the main bronchus causes the mediastinal shift

  1. in the healthy side
  2. in the affected side
  3. the shift of the mediastinum is not detected


The following groups of lymph nodes are most commonly affected by metastasis in lung cancer

  1. intrathoracic lymph nodes
  2. axillary lymph nodes
  3. retroperitoneal lymph nodes
  4. inguinal lymph nodes


Differential diagnosis of the central lung cancer should be carried out:

  1. with chronic pneumonia and focal pneumosclerosis
  2. with the tuberculosis
  3. with bronchiectasis
  4. with benign tumors of the lung
  5. all answers are correct


Increased risk of lung cancer is observed:

  1. in individuals that smoke a lot of and long
  2. in patients with chronic bronchitis
  3. in individuals having contact with asbestos, chromium, nickel (and their connections)
  4. all answers are correct
  5. the correct answers to a) and b)


Trans-thoracic needle biopsy is performed in patients with

  1. tuberculosis
  2. echinococcosis
  3. the peripheral lung cancer
  4. the central lung cancer


The choice of the treatment method in patients with lung cancer is determined by the following factors,

  1. the size and location of the primary tumor
  2. metastatic involvement of intrathoracic lymph nodes
  3. the invasion in vessels, organs and structures
  4. the absence or presence of distant metastases
  5. all answers are correct


The early symptom of lung cancer is not:

  1. hoarseness
  2. haemoptysis
  3. cough
  4. recurrent pneumonia
  5. correct answers are a) and b)
  6. correct answers are c) and d)


The causal relationship between the smoking, exposure to occupational hazards and the occurrence of lung cancer can be traced:

  1. for squamous cell carcinoma
  2. for glandular cancer
  3. for small cell cancer
  4. all answers are correct
  5. correct answers a) and c)


The primary symptoms of lung cancer are associated with the manifestation of:

  1. the primary tumor of the bronchus
  2. regional metastases
  3. distant metastases
  4. the total tumor effects on the body


The contraindication to surgery of lung cancer is:

  1. metastases in intrathoracic lymph nodes
  2. atelectasis of lung lobe
  3. atelectasis of whole lung
  4. metastasis in axillary lymph nodes


The most common complication of transthoracic puncture is

  1. pneumothorax
  2. hemothorax
  3. hemoptysis
  4. implantation metastasis


A tumor of any size with invasion of esophagus corresponds to

  1. T1
  2. T2
  3. T3
  4. T4
  5. N2


The late symptoms of lung cancer are:

  1. hoarseness
  2. haemoptysis
  3. cough
  4. recurrent pneumonia
  5. A & B


What symptoms are more often observed in cancer than in benign tumor:

  1. syndrome of the superior vena cava compression
  2. tachycardia
  3. the common symptoms of malaise, weight loss, lack of appetite, sweating
  4. all of the above symptoms
  5. Only a) and c)


The contraindications to surgery for lung cancer are metastases:

  1. in the cervical lymph nodes
  2. in the supraclavicular lymph nodes
  3. to distant organs
  4. in the pleura
  5. all answers are correct


Radical surgery in lung cancer is

  1. lobectomy
  2. bilobectomy
  3. atypical resection of the lung lobe
  4. pneumonectomy
  5. all of the above
  6. the correct answer a), b) and d)
  7. the correct answer a), c) and d)


In lung cancer the contours of the primary tumor shadow on the radiographs may be:

  1. smooth
  2. “radiate” or “spicules”
  3. wavy
  4. all answers are correct


The emergencies in lung cancer are:

  1. the pleural effusion with a shift of the mediastinum
  2. pneumothorax
  3. profuse pulmonary hemorrhage
  4. all right


Metastasis to contralateral mediastinal lymph nodes corresponds to

  1. T2
  2. N1
  3. N2
  4. N3


The clinical signs of the pleural effusion are:

  1. pain
  2. a dry non-productive cough
  3. dyspnoea
  4. all of the above
  5. only a) and b)


Radiation therapy in lung cancer is used

  1. in adenocarcinoma
  2. in squamous cell carciona
  3. in small cell carcinoma
  4. all answers are correct
  5. right answers b) and c)
  6. right answers a) and b)


The metastasis in ipsilateral mediastinal lymph nodes corresponds to

  1. T2
  2. N1
  3. N2
  4. N3


The factors contributing the lung cancer occurrence are all, except:

  1. smoking
  2. ionizing radiation
  3. malnutrition
  4. contact with asbestos


The high risk of lung cancer is observed in persons who smoke

  1. cigars
  2. non-filter cigarettes
  3. the filter cigarettes
  4. tube


A typical feature of the peripheral lung cancer is:

  1. fever
  2. streaks of blood in the sputum
  3. the long asymptomatic course
  4. dyspnea


The surgical treatment of small cell lung cancer is

  1. not used
  2. used at the absolute majority of patients
  3. usually used in combination with chemotherapy
  4. used in the initial stages in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  5. all answers are correct
  6. correct answers are c) and d)

The most prognostically unfavorable histological form of lung cancer are:

  1. squamous keratinizing cancer
  2. high-grade adenocarcinoma
  3. undifferentiated carcinoma
  4. carcinoid


The most informative method for specifying the diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer are:

  1. radiography in two projections
  2. trans-thoracic needle biopsy
  3. flexible bronchoscopy with biopsy
  4. mediastinoscopy


What form of lung cancer is especially effective for the detection of atypical cells in the sputum?

  1. peripheral lung cancer
  2. cancer of the apex lung
  3. in the central lung cancer with endobronchial growth of tumor
  4. at the central with peribronchial growth of tumor


The following methods may be use for the prevent of a relapse and metastasis of lung cancer

  1. preoperative radiotherapy
  2. postoperative radiotherapy
  3. preoperative chemotherapy
  4. all of the above


X-ray tomographic study of the thoracic cavity allows:

  1. a) to determine the exact location and prevalence of the process in the lung
  2. b) to examine the state of the trachea and main bronchi
  3. c) to examine the state of segmental bronchi
  4. d) clarify the status of lymph nodes, mediastinum and pulmonary roots
  5. e) all answers are correct


The phenomenon of the intoxication in lung cancer is manifested:

  1. a) the atelectasis of the lung lobe
  2. b) the hemoptysis
  3. c) the cough with phlegm
  4. d) the chest pain
  5. e) the raising of the temperature


The phenomenon of the obstruction in lung cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the hemoptysis
  2. b) the increase in temperature
  3. c) the chest pain
  4. d) the atelectasis of lung lobe
  5. e) all answers are correct


The phenomenon of the destruction in lung cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the hemoptysis
  2. b) the increase in temperature
  3. c) the chest pain
  4. d) the atelectasis of lung lobe
  5. e) all answers are correct
  6. f) correct answers are a) and b)
  7. g) correct answers are c) and d)


The phenomenon of the compression in lung cancer is manifested by:

  1. a) the hemoptysis
  2. b) the increase in temperature
  3. c) upper vena cava syndrome
  4. d) the atelectasis of lung lobe
  5. e) all answers are correct


Discipline:   Oncology

Module 2: Clinical Oncology

Theme 3: Gastric cancer


Gastric resection for benign peptic ulcer disease is associated with

  1. increased risk of stomach cancer
  2. reduced risk of gastric cancer
  3. It does not affect the incidence of gastric cancer
  4. all answers are correct


Symbol T1 in gastric cancer indicates

  1. Tumour invades the lamina propria or the submucosa
  2. Tumour invades the muscularis propria
  3. Tumour penetrates the subserosal connective tissue
  4. Tumour invades the adjacent structures


A characteristic feature of the cancer of gastric antrum is

  1. clinic of stenosis
  2. clinic of dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. a long asymptomatic course
  5. weight loss
  6. all answers are correct


Endoscopic mucosectomy can be performed at the stage of gastric cancer

  1. T1N0M0
  2. T1N1M0
  3. T2N1M0
  4. T2N0M0
  5. carcinoma in situ
  6. all answers are correct
  7. correct answer are a) and e)
  8. correct answer are a) and d


The incidence of the gastric cancer

  1. increases
  2. decreases
  3. remains unchanged
  4. all answers are correct


Symbol T2 in gastric cancer indicates

  1. Tumour invades the lamina propria or the submucosa
  2. Tumour invades the muscularis propria
  3. Tumour penetrates the subserosal connective tissue
  4. Tumour invades the adjacent structures


Reducing of gastric cancer incidence is associated with

  1. tobacco control
  2. alcohol abuse control
  3. administration of H. pylori therapy in patients with gastritis and gastric ulcer
  4. increasing the standard of living


The local symptoms of gastric cancer are not

  1. nausea and vomiting
  2. increase of temperature
  3. pain
  4. metastases in supraclavicular lymph nodes on the left
  5. loss of appetite
  6. weight loss
  7. all answers are correct
  8. right answers a), b) and f)
  9. right answers b), e) and f)


Endoscopic mucosectomy can not be performed at the stage of gastric cancer

  1. T1N0M0
  2. T1N1M0
  3. T2N1M0
  4. T2N0M0
  5. carcinoma in situ
  6. all answers are correct
  7. correct answer are b), c) and d)
  8. correct answer are a), b) and e)


Symbol T3 in gastric cancer indicates

  1. Tumour invades the lamina propria or the submucosa
  2. Tumour invades the muscularis propria
  3. Tumour penetrates the subserosal connective tissue
  4. Tumour invades the adjacent structures


The overall symptoms of stomach cancer are not

  1. nausea and vomiting
  2. increase of temperature
  3. pain
  4. increase in supraclavicular lymph nodes on the left
  5. loss of appetite
  6. weight loss
  7. all answers are correct
  8. right answers a), c) and d)
  9. right answers b), e) and f)


Gastrostomy may be performed in the stage of

  1. T2N0M0
  2. T1N1M0
  3. T4N1M0
  4. carcinoma in situ
  5. all answers are correct


Risk factors for gastric cancer are not

  1. partial gastrectomy
  2. female gender
  3. Helicobacter pylori infection
  4. atrophic gastritis


Symbol T4 in gastric cancer indicates

  1. Tumour invades the lamina propria or the submucosa
  2. Tumour invades the muscularis propria
  3. Tumour penetrates the subserosal connective tissue
  4. Tumour invades the adjacent structures.


The local symptoms of gastric cancer are

  1. nausea and vomiting
  2. increase of temperature
  3. pain
  4. increase in supraclavicular lymph nodes on the left
  5. loss of appetite
  6. weight loss
  7. all answers are correct
  8. right answers a), c) and d)
  9. right answers b), d) and f


Gastrostomy is not indicated for stage

  1. T3N2M1
  2. T4N1M0
  3. T4N1M0
  4. carcinoma in situ
  5. all answers are correct


Risk factors for gastric cancer are

  1. partial gastrectomy
  2. male gender
  3. Helicobacter pylori infection
  4. atrophic gastritis
  5. all of the above


The obstruction phenomenon in cancer cardia is manifested by

  1. clinic of stenosis
  2. clinic of dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. pain
  5. weight loss
  6. all answers are correct


The overall symptoms of stomach cancer are

  1. nausea and vomiting
  2. increase of temperature
  3. pain
  4. increase in supraclavicular lymph nodes on the left
  5. loss of appetite
  6. weight loss
  7. all answers are correct
  8. right answers a), c) and f)
  9. right answers b), e) and f)


Radical surgery for cancer of the gastric cardia is

  1. gastrostomy
  2. gastrojejunostomy
  3. subtotal proximal gastrectomy
  4. distal subtotal gastrectomy


Gastric cancer is more common

  1. in men
  2. in women
  3. no sex differences


The obstruction phenomenon in cancer antrum is manifested by

  1. clinic of stenosis
  2. clinic of dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. pain
  5. weight loss
  6. all answers are correct


The fibrogastroscopy allows

  1. to visualize tumor
  2. to establish the metastases in regional lymph nodes
  3. to estimate the size of the tumor
  4. to identify the peritoneal metastases
  5. to perform a biopsy of the tumor
  6. to identify the liver metastases
  7. to exclude the ovarian failure
  8. all answers are correct
  9. right answers a), c) and e)
  10. right answers b), e) and f)


Radical surgery for cancer of gastric antrum is

  1. gastrostomy
  2. gastrojejunostomy
  3. subtotal proximal gastrectomy
  4. distal subtotal gastrectomy


Cancer of esophagus and cardia are associated with

  1. pylori infection,
  2. alcohol use
  3. Barrett’s oesophagus
  4. high-salt diet
  5. low fruit


The destruction phenomenon in gastric cancer is manifested by

  1. clinic stenosis
  2. dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. pain
  5. weight loss
  6. correct answer are c) and d)
  7. correct answer are d) and e)

The X-Ray gastroscopy allows us:

  1. to visualize tumor
  2. to establish the metastases in regional lymph nodes
  3. to estimate the size of the tumor
  4. to identify the peritoneal metastases
  5. to perform a biopsy of the tumor
  6. to identify the liver metastases
  7. to exclude the ovarian failure
  8. all answers are correct
  9. right answers a) and c)
  10. right answers b) and c)


Palliative surgery for cancer of the gastric cardia is

  1. gastrostomy
  2. gastrojejunostomy
  3. subtotal proximal gastrectomy
  4. distal subtotal gastrectomy


The most common malignant tumor of the stomach is

  1. squamous like
  2. carcinoid
  3. adenocarcinoma
  4. small cell lung cancer
  5. All variants have the same frequency


Krukenberg’s metastasis localizes in 

  1. supraclavicular lymph nodes
  2. ovary
  3. umbilicus
  4. rectal shelf in men


Krukenberg’s metastasis may be identified by

  1. palpation of the umbilical region
  2. gastric radioscopy
  3. supraclavicular lymph node palpation
  4. gynecological examination
  5. rectal examination


Palliative surgery for cancer of gastric antrum is

  1. gastrostomy
  2. gastrojejunostomy
  3. subtotal proximal gastrectomy
  4. distal subtotal gastrectomy


The most aggressive gastric cancer is

  1. well-differentiated adenokartsinomk
  2. moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma
  3. signet ring cell carcinoma
  4. undifferentiated gastric cancer


Virchow’s metastasis localizes in

  1. supraclavicular lymph nodes
  2. ovary
  3. umbilicus
  4. rectal examination


Virchow’s metastasis may be identified by

  1. palpation of the umbilical region
  2. gastric radioscopy
  3. supraclavicular lymph node palpation
  4. gynecological examination
  5. rectal examination


The most dangerous complication after gastrectomy is

  1. anemia
  2. bleeding
  3. pneumonia
  4. pulmonary embolism


The tumor Grade indicates to

  1. tumor histology
  2. the degree of tumor differentiation
  3. tumor proliferation
  4. tumor localization


Sister Joseph metastasis localizes in 

  1. supraclavicular lymph nodes
  2. ovary
  3. umbilicus
  4. rectal palpation


The laparoscopy allows

  1. to visualize tumor
  2. to establish the metastases in regional lymph nodes
  3. to estimate the size of the tumor
  4. to identify the peritoneal metastases
  5. to perform a biopsy of the tumor
  6. to identify the liver metastases
  7. to exclude the ovarian failure
  8. all answers are correct
  9. right answers a), b), d), f) and g)
  10. right answers a), c), e), f) and g)


Patients should be appointed for the prevention of pulmonary embolism

  1. promedolum
  2. insulin
  3. heparin
  4. vikasol


Symbol N1 in gastric cancer indicates

  1. no regional lymph node metastasis
  2. metastasis in 1–2 regional lymph nodes
  3. metastasis in 3–6 regional lymph nodes
  4. Metastasis in 7 or more regional lymph nodes


A characteristic feature of the cancer gastric body is

  1. clinic stenosis
  2. dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. a long asymptomatic course
  5. weight loss
  6. all answers are correct


Metastasis of Sister Joseph may be identified by

  1. palpation of the umbilical region
  2. gastric radioscopy
  3. supraclavicular lymph node palpation
  4. gynecological examination
  5. rectal examination


Radical surgery for gastric cancer is not

  1. gastrectomy
  2. gastrojejunostomy
  3. subtotal proximal gastrectomy
  4. distal subtotal gastrectomy


Symbol N2 in gastric cancer indicates

  1. no regional lymph node metastasis
  2. metastasis in 1–2 regional lymph nodes
  3. metastasis in 3–6 regional lymph nodes
  4. metastasis in 7 or more regional lymph nodes


What symptom is not characteristic for the cancer of antrum?

  1. epigastric pain
  2. dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. nausea and vomiting
  5. weight loss
  6. all answers are correct


What symptom is not characteristic for the cancer of cardia?

  1. epigastric pain
  2. dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. nausea and vomiting
  5. weight loss
  6. all answers are correct


Metastatic liver disease can be found using

  1. gastroscopy
  2. liver ultrasound
  3. gastric radioscopy
  4. laparoscopy
  5. computer-tomography
  6. all answers are correct
  7. right answers b), d) and e)
  8. right answers a), c) and e)


Radiation therapy in gastric cancer is used

  1. in the early stages
  2. in advanced stage
  3. almost not used


Symbol N3 in gastric cancer indicates

  1. no regional lymph node metastasis
  2. metastasis in 1–2 regional lymph nodes
  3. metastasis in 3–6 regional lymph nodes
  4. metastasis in 7 or more regional lymph nodes


A characteristic feature of the cancer of body is not

  1. epigastric pain
  2. dysphagia
  3. melena
  4. a long asymptomatic course
  5. weight loss
  6. all answers are correct


Peritoneal metastatic lesions can be found using

  1. gastroscopy
  2. abdomen ultrasound
  3. gastric radioscopy
  4. laparoscopy
  5. computer-tomography
  6. all answers are correct
  7. right answers a), c) and e)
  8. right answers b), d) and e)


Gastrectomy is not indicated for stage

  1. T3N2M0
  2. T4N1M0
  3. T4N1M1
  4. carcinoma in situ
  5. all answers are correct


Discipline:   Oncology

Module 2: Clinical Oncology

Theme 2: Colon cancer


Nonneoplastic polyps are

  1. mucous retention polyps
  2. hamartomas
  3. lymphoid aggregates
  4. inflammatory polyps
  5. all answers are correct


In colon cancer the invasion of tumor in submucosa correspondes to

  1. T1
  2. T2
  3. N0
  4. T3
  5. T4


The phenomenon of obstruction in the colon cancer are manifested

  1. intestinal bleeding
  2. weight loss
  3. gas pain
  4. abdominal cramping
  5. constipation
  6. temperature increase
  7. weakness
  8. anemia
  9. right answers are a), c) and f)
  10. right answers are c), d) and e)


The main method of treatment of polyps

  1. endoscopic removal during colonoscopy
  2. colon resection
  3. hemicolectomy
  4. used all methods


Neoplastic polyps are

  1. tubular
  2. tubulovillous
  3. adenomas
  4. all answers are correct


In colon cancer the invasion of tumor in muscularis propria correspondes to

  1. T1
  2. T2
  3. N0
  4. T3
  5. T4


The phenomenon of destruction in the colon cancer are manifested

  1. intestinal bleeding
  2. weight loss
  3. abdominal cramping
  4. gas pain
  5. constipation
  6. temperature increase
  7. weakness
  8. anemia
  9. right answers are a) and h)
  10. right answers are c) and g)


In cancer of the sigmoid colon T2N0M0 Stage the radical surgery is

  1. bowel resection
  2. right hemicolectomy
  3. left hemicolectomy
  4. sigmoidostomy
  5. colonectomy


Neoplastic polyps are not

  1. tubular
  2. hyperplastic polyps
  3. tubulovillous
  4. adenomas


In colon cancer the invasion of tumor into subserosa or into nonperitonealized pericolic or perirectal tissues correspondes to

  1. T1
  2. T2
  3. N0
  4. T3
  5. T4


The phenomenon of intoxication in the colon cancer are manifested

  1. intestinal bleeding
  2. weight loss
  3. abdominal cramping
  4. gas pain
  5. constipation,
  6. temperature increase
  7. weakness
  8. anemia
  9. right answers are b), f), g) and h)
  10. right answers are c), e), f) and g)


In cancer of the cecum T2N0M0 Stage the radical surgery is

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


The highest risk of malignancy observed for

  1. hyperplastic polyps
  2. lymphoid aggregates
  3. adenomas polyps
  4. inflammatory polyps
  5. all answers are correct


In colon cancer the spread of tumor in visceral peritoneum or direct invasion into adjacent organs correspondes to

  1. T1
  2. T2
  3. N0
  4. T3
  5. T4


  1. The main symptoms of cancer of the right half of the colon
  2. intestinal bleeding
  3. weight loss
  4. abdominal cramping
  5. gas pain
  6. constipation,
  7. temperature increase
  8. weakness
  9. anemia
  10. right answers are c), d) and f)
  11. right answers are f), g) and h)


In cancer of the splenic angle of the colon T2N0M0 Stage the radical surgery is

obstructive bowel resection

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


Familial polyposis syndromes

  1. refers to obligate precancer
  2. is hereditary
  3. often is associated with mutation in the K-ras gene
  4. clinically manifested by diarrhea
  5. all answers are correct


In colon cancer the metastases in one to three pericolic or perirectal lymph nodes correspondes to

  1. N0
  2. T2
  3. N1
  4. N2
  5. T3
  6. N3


The main symptoms of cancer of the left half of the colon

  1. intestinal bleeding
  2. weight loss
  3. abdominal cramping
  4. gas pain
  5. constipation,
  6. temperature increase
  7. weakness
  8. anemia
  9. right answers c), d) and e)
  10. right answers f), g) and h)


The radical surgery in cancer of the ascending part of the colon is

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


The greatest risk of colon cancer is associated with high consumption

  1. carbohydrates
  2. fats
  3. vegetable fiber
  4. proteins
  5. vitamins
  6. alcohol
  7. right answers a), c) and d)
  8. right answers b), d) and f)


In colon cancer the metastases in 4 or more lymph nodes correspondes to

  1. N0
  2. T2
  3. N1
  4. N2
  5. T3
  6. N3


The most characteristic symptoms of dyspeptic form of colon cancer

  1. intestinal bleeding
  2. nausea and vomiting
  3. abdominal cramping
  4. constipation,
  5. temperature increase


The radical surgery in cancer of the descending part of the colon is

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


In colorectal cancer the precancerous diseases are not

  1. chronic colitis
  2. ulcerative colitis
  3. hemorrhoids
  4. crack rectum
  5. polyps
  6. Crohn’s disease


In colon cancer metastases in retroperitoneal lymph nodes correspondes to

  1. N0
  2. T2
  3. N1
  4. N2
  5. T3
  6. N3


Gastric cancer rarely metastasizes

  1. a) in the liver
  2. b) in the lungs
  3. c) into the spleen
  4. e) in the ovaries


What surgery is performed in cases of nonrespectable cancer of descending part of the colon with symptoms of intestinal obstruction

  1. a) obstructive bowel resection
  2. b) bowel resection
  3. c) right hemicolectomy
  4. d) left hemicolectomy
  5. e) sigmoidostomy
  6. f) colonectomy


For colorectal cancer the obligate precancer is

  1. chronic colitis
  2. ulcerative colitis
  3. hemorrhoids
  4. Familial polyposis syndrome
  5. scrack rectum
  6. polyps
  7. Crohn’s disease


A bowel obstruction most frequently observed at the localization of the tumor

  1. in the right half of colon
  2. in the left half of colon
  3. in the sigmoid colon
  4. in the rectum
  5. correct answer are b) and c)


The method of verification of colon cancer is

  1. irrigoscopy
  2. CT scan
  3. colonoscopy with biopsy
  4. ultrasonography
  5. tumor markers


Squamous cell carcinoma is found in

  1. the right half of the colon
  2. the left half of the colon
  3. anal canal
  4. ampoule of the rectum
  5. all answers are correct


Anemia, temperature increase, weakness, fatigue, and weight loss most frequently observed at the localization of the tumor

  1. in the right half of colon
  2. in the left half of colon
  3. in the sigmoid colon
  4. in the rectum


The most common histologic variant of colorectal cancer is

  1. carcinoid
  2. squamous cell carcinoma
  3. adenocarcinoma
  4. mucinous carcinoma
  5. small cell lung cancer


Methods that allow us to visualize the colon tumor

  1. irrigoscopy
  2. CT scan
  3. colonoscopy with biopsy
  4. ultrasonography
  5. tumor markers
  6. right answers a) and b)
  7. right answers c) and d)


In cancer of the cecum T2N0M0 Stage the radical surgery is

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


Tenesmus (false urge to defecate) most frequently observed at the localization of the tumor

  1. in the right half of colon
  2. in the left half of colon
  3. in the sigmoid colon
  4. in the rectum


Methods allowing us to estimate the liver damage in colon cancer

  1. laparoscopy
  2. irrigoscopy
  3. CT scan
  4. colonoscopy with biopsy
  5. ultrasonography
  6. tumor markers
  7. right answers are a), c) and e)
  8. right answers are b), d) and f)


In cancer of the splenic angle of the colon T2N0M0 Stage the radical surgery is obstructive bowel resection

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


Colorectal cancer most often develops

  1. in the right half of the colon
  2. in the left half of the colon
  3. in the rectum
  4. localization of tumors not related to its frequency


Fresh blood in stool most frequently observed at the localization of the tumor

  1. in the right half of colon
  2. in the left half of colon
  3. in the sigmoid colon
  4. in the rectum
  5. correct answer


The most sensitive tumor marker in colorectal cancer is

  1. alphafetoprotein
  2. CA125
  3. Carcinoembryonic antigen
  4. CA 25
  5. Lactoferrin


What radical surgery is performed in cancer of the transverse colon?

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


The most common colon cancer spread in

  1. brain
  2. liver
  3. bones
  4. navel
  5. axillary lymph nodes
  6. ovary


Abdominal cramping, constipation, bloating most frequently observed at the localization of the tumor

  1. in the right half of colon
  2. in the left half of colon
  3. in the sigmoid colon
  4. in the rectum
  5. correct answer are b) and c)


Objectives colonoscopy are everything, except

  1. visualize tumor
  2. estimate the size of the tumor
  3. tumor biopsy
  4. assessment of the entire colon
  5. detection of regional metastases


Colon cancer rarely spreads to

  1. liver
  2. lungs
  3. brain
  4. abdominal lymph nodes


What surgery is performed in cancer of the descending part of the colon with the clinic of peritonitis?

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. colonectomy


Permanent, localized abdominal pain with increasing temperature and anemia is most frequently observed at the localization of the tumor

  1. in the right half of colon
  2. in the left half of colon
  3. in the sigmoid colon
  4. in the rectum


The main symptoms of the sigmoid colon cancer are

  1. intestinal bleeding
  2. weight loss
  3. abdominal cramping
  4. gas pain
  5. constipation,
  6. temperature increase
  7. weakness
  8. anemia
  9. right answers c), d) and e)
  10. right answers f), g) and h)


What surgery is performed in cases of nonrespectable cancer of ascending part of the colon?

  1. obstructive bowel resection
  2. bowel resection
  3. right hemicolectomy
  4. left hemicolectomy
  5. sigmoidostomy
  6. ileotransversostomy



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