PPE Kit what is it…

PPE Kit what is it…

PPE Kit:  Personal protective equipment (PPE) – one of the elements to ensure safe working conditions for the system of preventive measures in cases where under certain circumstances it is not possible in the implementation process and maintenance of production equipment to ensure the possible impact on the operating hazards to acceptable levels .

Depending on the purpose of the PPE are divided into the following classes:

  1. Special protective clothes (coats, coats, capes, gowns
  2. Hand protection (gloves, gloves, shoulders, sleeves
  3. Foot protection equipment (boots, shoes, slippers, robes, slippers.)
  4. Means of eye and face protection (safety glasses, face shields
  5. The head protection equipment (helmets, hats, caps, berets, and so on. D.)
  6. Respiratory protective devices (respirators, self-rescuers
  7. Costumes insulating (pressure suits, suits
  8. Hearing protection (earplugs, ear protection, earplugs
  9. Means of protection from falls from a height (harnesses, straps with shock and without, anchor lines, blocking device
  10. Protective equipment for the skin
  11. Remedies complex

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